What to Know About Whiskey Casks Investments

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Contributor, Benzinga
May 28, 2024

Adding alternative investments to your portfolio is a great way to mitigate risk and increase your potential for overall gains. Alternatives like fine art, alcohol and collectibles allow investors to merge their passion with their investments.

The whiskey market is buzzing with investors, given its strong performance through the recession and track record of outperforming the traditional markets. There are a few ways to add whiskey to your portfolio. You could purchase bottles from distilleries and retailers and hold on to them until they grow in value. Or you can select a whiskey cask investment and profit from its entire contents.

How Do Whiskey Cask Investments Work?

Whiskey bottle investments increase in value as they become rarer and garner a higher demand. Whiskey itself doesn’t improve. However, whiskey in a barrel continues to improve with age. By investing in a whiskey barrel, you’re investing in a liquid that is improving with time.

To invest in a whiskey barrel, you’ll work with a professional or use an app to identify barrels that fit your budget and investment terms. Once you’ve purchased your whiskey cask, it’ll sit in a secure warehouse as the whiskey continues to age. The longer it sits, the better it will be.

When you’re ready to exit the investment, you’ll work with the platform or professional from which you bought the cask to identify bottlers or other buyers. Your whiskey will be either sold to another investor or bottled, and you’ll potentially profit from its sales.

Benefits of Investing in Whiskey Casks

A whiskey cask investment can provide many benefits to your investment portfolio, from diversification to potential returns.

  • Diversification: A cask whiskey investment can help balance your portfolio and mitigate risk by diversifying away from traditional markets. The whiskey market is largely independent of other investment markets. Whiskey is a unique asset, and its strong performance can help balance out overall losses.
  • High return potential: Whiskey has a history of earning strong returns that often outperform traditional markets. Plus, casks are often bought at wholesale prices and sold for a profit as the whiskey matures and improves.
  • Inflation hedge: Times of inflation can wreak havoc on a portfolio. However, whiskey has a history of performing during inflation. It’s a high-quality physical asset, and its value often rises as prices increase.
  • Tangible asset: Whiskey isn’t just an investment, it’s a physical asset and commodity. This feature can help investors envision its worth, and when you exit the investment you’ll have a physical asset to sell.

Factors to Consider Before Investing in Whiskey Casks

Not all whiskey cask investments work for your portfolio and strategy. Ensure that you do your research and consider the following factors before making a purchase. 

Research and Expertise

You’ll want to research the whiskey before investing in it. Look into the distillery that produced it and the quality of its products. If possible, find information about the average performance of other whiskey casks they sold as investments. Aging helps a whiskey increase in value, but you’ll still need to ensure the underlying product is high-quality.

Professional guidance is the best way to ensure you’re getting a high-quality asset. A whiskey professional will be able to evaluate the quality of the cask and its growth potential. An expert might also be able to connect you with a barrel that suits your investment strategy.

Distillery Reputation

The distillery that creates the whiskey plays a huge role in its value. Distilleries that are well-known in the community and have a strong reputation will be more valuable. Reputable distilleries are trusted to create a good product and have a history of their bottles increasing in value. A lesser-known distillery may still make a good bottle, but they’ll be less in demand since they aren’t as well known. 

Age and Rarity

Age and rarity are two of the most influential factors determining a whiskey’s value. If you’re purchasing a whiskey cask that is brand new, it will take longer for the whiskey to age enough to become valuable. If you’re purchasing a cask where the whiskey has already been aging, it’ll have more inherent value. Additionally, if the whiskey in the cask is a rarer blend, then it’ll likely have more demand once bottled. 

Storage and Insurance

Before investing, consider where you will store your whiskey. Some platforms and organizations will store your whiskey cask for you. However, some investments may require you to store the barrel. Whiskey casks need very specific storage conditions to ensure they continue to age and stay preserved. You’ll need a room with mild temperatures and humidity control.

How to Invest in Whiskey Casks

Investing in a whiskey barrel requires professional guidance and careful consideration. Here’s how you can add a whiskey cask to your portfolio.

Choose a Reliable Broker or Dealer

You’ll need to identify a broker or dealer that has a history in whiskey cask investments. You may find one at a whiskey event, online or through an investment platform. Review their experience with whiskey cask investments and their connections with distilleries, auctions, buyers and bottlers. You’ll need to leverage their network to identify an investment opportunity and have a successful exit.

Set a Budget

Before reviewing potential opportunities, you’ll want to set a budget. This step will ensure you remain on track to meet your financial goals and keep an acceptable amount of risk in your portfolio. A carefully determined budget will ensure you find an investment that works with your portfolio.

Conduct Due Diligence

You’ll want to research everything there is to know about the whiskey market. Understand market trends and reputable distilleries. Consider the factors that make whiskey valuable to help you identify strong potential investments. 

Consider Long-Term Strategy

Whiskey casks are long-term investments. Exiting prematurely could prevent you from realizing full gains and can be a difficult process. When considering adding whiskey to your portfolio, adopting a long-term perspective will help you properly manage your investments and achieve better gains. 

Where to Invest in Whiskey Casks Online

There are many online platforms, such as Vint, where you can easily research, purchase, manage and sell whiskey cask investments. 

Potential Risks and Mitigation Strategies

Despite a history of strong returns, there is always a risk when investing. Consider the risk associated with whiskey cask investments and proper mitigation strategies. 

  • Market volatility: The whiskey market can be volatile as trends change quickly and without warning. To prevent losses from volatility, you’ll want to diversify your whiskey collection across styles and distilleries. 
  • Counterfeit products: Scams can cause huge losses in portfolios, and there are many fake whiskey cask investment schemes out there. Ensure you partner with a reputable expert to ensure you’re only investing in authentic products. 
  • Economic and regulatory factors: Changes in the economic environment may affect consumer spending. If consumer spending decreases, there may be less demand for whiskey, which will cause its value to decrease. Additionally, import regulations, taxes and other regulations may affect value and return on investment. Some countries, such as the U.K., have rules about the minimum amount of years Scotch whiskey can age. Research market trends and regulation changes to stay informed. 

A Golden Investment

Alternatives help create a well-balanced portfolio, and a cask whiskey investment provides many benefits to investors. Their golden contents are likely to become more valuable over time, increasing the potential for a strong rate of return. And though whiskey has a strong track record, consult a financial and whiskey expert to ensure it’s the right fit for your investment strategy.

Frequently Asked Questions 


Is cask whiskey a good investment?


Whiskey barrel investments have a strong track record of producing good returns; however, investors should conduct thorough research to ensure it’s a good investment for their portfolio.


How much does it cost to invest in a barrel of whiskey?


Some whiskey barrels can be purchased for as low as a few thousand dollars, though high-end whiskey casks can cost hundreds of thousands.


What is the return of whiskey cask investment?


The average annual rate of return on a whiskey cask is about 12%.

Savannah Munholland

About Savannah Munholland

Savannah Munholland is an investment writer passionate about helping people learn more about accessible alternative investments. She has more than three years of writing experience, focusing on alternative and traditional investing, technology, and education. Her expertise in writing about art and wine investments is grounded in an MFA with knowledge of and immersion in a wide range of art-related topics. She uses her skills in creative writing to bring an appealing level of interest to her journalistic work, shifting even the most basic financial and investment topics from humdrum to compelling. Her work has been published on Benzinga, FreightWaves, and Study.com.