Trade alongside me every single day from 8am - 5pm… get unlimited day trade ideas… and master options trading for life

Even if you work full-time, you can pop in and out as needed…ask LIVE about any trade you have open (or about to open)... plus watch me breakdown the market all day

If you truly want to master options trading… and have unlimited access to me, my ideas throughout the day…

You could be a candidate to join Inner Circle. 

Inner Circle is my last and greatest service offered. Because you can sit and trade alongside me for up to 9.5 hours per day!

You don’t have to do that, of course. 

But you can pop in and out as you like. Ask as many questions as you want about your own trades, opportunities floating out there, my projections on the economy, the Fed, a stock… 

And I will answer my Inner Circle members. 

Heck, you can even DM me privately and I’ll answer. 

Here’s me giving some private guidance to a trader who needed some insight on a potential trade:

You have access to me at all hours of the trading day. 

And that’s just the beginning of the Inner Circle. 

I’m shipping multiple trades per week live through push alerts and in my trading room. 

Not only do you have access to DM me privately… 

But I post publicly in an Inner Circle chatroom. There I share multiple pieces: 

  1. New trades
  2. Morning updates
  3. Answer questions (you can post in it too!)
  4. Trade updates
  5. Any breaking news 

Here’s me sharing an update on multiple trades on SPX. 

That was followed up by an Inner Circle subscriber telling me about his win in SOFI I had posted about earlier in the day.


This is all just in the chatroom of the Benzinga portal (where your Options MoneyLine service is). 

The main piece of Inner Circle is my trading room. 

Inside my trading room, we’re active 8-9 hours PER DAY in there! 

I’ve shown you screenshots of the trading room before. 

Inside it, (on this particular day), I mapped out where I believe the market would head…

And I was right for most of the day until 1:00pm when the bond market pushed the market higher. 

I drew a circle sharing this is where the market would pull back to…

And it did…

Then the market went clear through my circle, falling to my initial bottoming levels… before bouncing into close. 

These types of predictions and charting ONLY takes place in Inner Circle. 

I’m doing this work in real-time for you to follow. 

Inside the trading room is a chat box where active traders, like you, are asking questions about tickers, their own trades, etc. 

I answer ALL OF THEM inside the trading room!

They also share their wins: 

Here William gained 25% in his entire account in 1 day!

He likely took heavier risks than I’d suggest, and I told him that. But he was happy. 

For 8-10 hours, I’m on the mic trading alongside you. I share winners and losers. Everything. 

There are traders who are brand-new all the way up to full-time professional traders. It’s a real community feel. Everyone is welcome. There are no dumb questions. 

Regularly, I go through basic charting and trading tips for newbies so no one is left behind. The experienced traders can just tune it out and go on trading. 

Everyone can win. 

All of us can jump into the same trades and we ride the wins and losses. 

The consistency of my track record is how you really grow as a trader. We’re not gambling. 

Inside the Inner Circle, I’ve built a consistent source of high-probability trades… sometimes you’ll make 100%+… sometimes it’s just 3%. 

Actively get yourself in the room with real traders and also people still learning like yourself.

I’m available all day doing the work for you.

You don’t want to do the homework on stocks… I’ll do the homework for you. 

You don’t like reading charts every night… I’ll read the charts for you. 

You don’t know how to trade options… I’ll show you everything about trading options. 

I’m sending you an extra 20 trades per month by text and email. 

These are trades that build accounts over time. 

I’ve shown you my track record before. Buying calls/puts, I’m over an 83% win rate (unheard of)… and spreads I’m over 94%. 

“Account builder consistency.” You’re hitting day trades of 5-7% in one day, sometimes. Other times, it’s 1-2%. If we take a small loss, that’s fine. 

You’re not plowing all your cash into 1 or 2 trades. 

It’s consistent every single day. That’s how you win as a trader. Not with 1 or 2 big winners. Big winners come with big losses.

“How can I reap the benefits of Inner Circle when I have a job or am busy throughout the day?”

You don’t have to quit your job to enjoy the benefits of the chatroom. 

You also don’t have to trade full-time.

One Inner Circle member, John W., wrote in a recent webinar that he made a “few hundred” while at work that day. That was just a ‘few days’ after signing up for the service. 

These testimonials are everywhere for my service. 

You can pop in as you want throughout the day to ask questions about your trade or see what I’m trading. 

Here’s how it could look for you…

You have a 9-5… 

By 8:15 est, you will have a write-up explaining the day in your inbox. You’ll read about what I’m doing, short-term, mid-term, long-term. Login and read it. 

Tell me you don’t have time to do this. The President of the United States has time to read a briefing, you can too. 

Here’s what they look like: 

I post 1-3 write-ups with trade ideas. I detail the trade idea. 

Login during lunch or break, read the write-ups, it’s 10 sentences! Take the trade or not. There will always be another trade. 

Short of me trading your account, I’m spoon-feeding everything to you to act on your own behalf. 

I don’t care if you come back with 100 questions later on, I will answer them. 

I don’t care if you ask the same question someone else did 30 minutes ago (as you weren’t online). I’ll touch on it again for you.

Trust me, you aren’t bothering me.

You have to actively run away from me because I’m in your face all day. All I do is answer questions all day when I’m not trading/charting. 

I love teaching options. I love teaching charting. You’ll find me inside the Inner Circle room 7, 8, 9, 10 hours per day answering every single question, looking up tickers you’re curious about, responding to Fed meetings, earnings… all of it. 

This is what I love doing. 

Every day I’m sharing up to 9.5 hours of what I’m looking at. 

I’m a fundamental trader. I want to trade good companies, not junk like meme stocks. I want to see a strong company who fell out of bed (or on the way up) and I’m able to get in. 

If you think it’s different for you and I get special treatment from brokerages or you think “Well, Nic has traded for 20 years and has a large account, I can’t trade like him.”


I opened a brokerage account with $10,000. Nothing fancy. Here’s what happened.

Many push back saying a small account can’t do my trades. 

Or, you need to trade a ton of contracts to make it worth it. 

I wanted to show all the naysayers that it’s complete bull. 

So I opened up a new TastyTrade account with $10,000. I signed up like anyone would. No bells or whistles. 

Within 6 months… the account was up 25%. All with trading with 1 or 2 contracts. 

Just strategically closing winners and opening new trades. That 25% profit was even with one $650 drawdown on a trade. 

This is doable with small accounts. This is doable if you have a job and can’t trade all day. 

You’ll find me dropping new ideas and alerts in the chatroom and the trading room all day. You don’t need to be in there all day to benefit. 

If you miss a trade, who cares. There’s more coming.

Even if you know nothing about options or credit spreads… you have a community cheering you on. 

This is the absolute best time to jump in as the market gets less rocky. 

Come try out Inner Circle with me. 

I’d estimate you get around 2,500 hours per YEAR of me in the trading room and Sunday updates. 

Wait, I didn’t mention that. 

On Sunday, before the market opens Monday, I’m sharing my watchlist for the week, recaps of the prior week and more. 

Why do all this? 

Because I do it anyway! I trade full-time myself. Trading is my main job. Helping you is a fun hobby of mine. 

I’ve helped folks trade for years now and it’s more rewarding than ever. 

Here’s a review of Inner Circle from JT. “If it weren’t for this group, I probably would have lost a lot of money. I’m on the trajectory to be financially free.” 

Here’s Thomas’ review. “The real value…is the Inner Circle chatroom. Nic provides great guidance, not just for options, but for trading in general. Just following Nic’s guidance will make you money.” 

Here’s April. 

April here got a lifetime to Inner Circle for $5,000+. (you can’t buy one of those right now). 

In a WEEK, she got all her money back! She paid back the lifetime in just a couple days. 

If these people can do it, so can you.

Here’s Heather. I love Heather, she’s been around the room for awhile. Up 20%.

Another trader who made money during a rough day… “I would have eaten MAJOR losses without you.” 

Here’s everything you get inside Inner Circle: 

Every Trading Day, You'll Get Access To...

Exclusive Live Trading Room With Nic: Daily from 8am to 5pm EST.

Nic’s Entire Trades and Analysis: Information broken down with ability to ask questions directly to Nic at any time.

Transparent Access: All trade ideas, thought process, and strategies.

VIP Access: Daily education on strategies to help you become a successful options trader.

Mobile-Friendly Alerts: Push notifications sent directly to your phone. 

BONUS #1: Sundays Stock Review Lesson from 10AM to 1PM EST.

BONUS #2: Full Access to Nic Chahine’s Private Education Library.

BONUS #3: Receive 20 email trade alerts per month.

All of this for just $1,997 for 12 months!

I’m essentially working for you for $0.57/hour! Insane. But I’m happy to do it!

I get to know my Inner Circle members and I want to get to know you too. 

Over 200+ join me all day already in the trading room. You now can too. 

To get your spot inside Inner Circle, just click the UPGRADE MY ORDER button now. Your cart will automatically update. 

On top of that…

Get a full 30-day money back guarantee. 

If after 30 days of testing out Inner Circle you find out it’s not for you… get 100% of your money back. 

Please, before you do that, put some questions in the chatroom and let me prove to you I can help you master trading. Don’t give up fast. 

This is an investment in your trading life. We have people who make part-time income, we have traders who just learning, we have actual professional traders in the room as well. 

You are joining a mastermind of options traders working to beat the market. 

The market’s not a zero sum game here. 

Here’s another review where he says, “Inner Circle paid for [itself] within the first couple of days!

Let me try and pay off your subscription… and all your subscriptions with me… in just a few days. 

Join Inner Circle by just clicking the button below now. 

Again, I’m giving you thousands of hours LIVE with me for just $1,997. That’s in addition to more trades, a live chatroom, you can DM me at anytime and you’re likely to get a response. I’m here for you every step of the way. 

Let me prove it to you now. 

Join Inner Circle now. 


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