Dividend yields up to 13%

We’ve seen gains of 30% in 1 month in 2024 on a stock…
Another has potentially 205% of upside coming…

Yield Report is set to be your go-to portfolio for dividend value

plays that could soar triple digits! over the last decade

One of my other high-yield dividend portfolios is 100% winners. No losers in it. 

Other value portfolios of mine (following different strategies) are strong as well. 

Yield Report is my top value portfolio I just opened as we’re going for two things: 

Growing dividends every year === means you’re making more income every single year without lifting a finger.

Companies that want to make your shares more valuable === means the board is approving massive share-buybacks and automatically increasing the value of your shares. 

I have stocks in my portfolio that have hiked their dividends 48%… 72%… 44% … 50%… and that’s just naming a few. 

The next dividend hikes could be announced TOMORROW! 

Don’t miss out on essentially ‘free’ money from companies raising their dividends at double-digit clips. 

I already showed you tons of dividend plays that have made investors filthy rich over the last decade. 

Like NexStar: 

Dividends hiked 1,025%… 

Stock spiked 1,848%… 

Have you seen those returns in your own portfolio? 

This is our goal. 

Just join my top value newsletter, Yield Report. 

I have 3 hot value buys right now I want to send you right now inside Yield Report Get them right away when you become a subscriber


A 13% yielding business development company diversified into over 205 companies.


A financial juggernaut that’s 4X’d their dividends and is currently trading for just 8.0 P/E. 


A REIT paying high dividends with 205%+ upside

You can see these stocks for yourself inside my brand-new report, 3 Stocks Buying Back Shares & Raising Dividends TODAY. 

I already showed you all the incredible calls of my career… but, more importantly, my more recent predictions that happened:

The Yield Report is my home base for all my best ‘shareholder-friendly’ stock recommendations. 

As a subscriber to The Yield Report over the next 12 months… 

You can expect to receive my very best value picks every single month. 

Our #1 goal with The Yield Report is ---> Buy shareholder-friendly companies that are paying growing dividends, buying back shares, and are profitable. Buy them when they're undervalued and hold them until they’re not.

Here’s everything you get right now: 

3 Stocks Buying Back Shares & Raising Dividends TODAY

free report ($50 value)

12-months access to my value stock portfolio

Up to 25+ picks at one time ($199 value)

Full write-ups on every position you access with a click of a button

($99 value)

52 video updates with new ideas, market analysis and more

($99 value)

*BONUS* #1 Value Bank Primed for Takeover : I’ve called the takeover of dozens of banks for 100%+ gains. Here’s the next one.

*BONUS* Tradeview stock charts built into portal — the best stock chart software right in the subscription (included)

Backed by Benzinga.com — one of the most trafficked and popular financial news sites in the world (included)

You’re looking at over $450 of value here… probably more if I’m being honest. 

You’re not paying $450… 

Not $350…

Not $200…

For just $79, you get 12 months of access to The Yield Report

More importantly — you get access to my brand-new value dividend portfolio. 

It could be the best performing yet especially if the market gets rocky. 

Plus, you’re covered by my 12-month money back guarantee. 

If at any point over the next 364 days, you are not happy, get a full, 100% refund of every penny. 

That’s how confident I am in what I’ll give you. 

Just put in your information below and you’re signed up for the next 12 months at just $79. 

That’s less than $0.21 per day. Less than $1. You can’t buy anything for a dollar these days. 

For only 21 cents per day, you’re getting an incredible value portfolio of stocks you can hold, collect income and watch the gains pile up. 

Join Yield Report now below. Put in your information now.