You joined Benzinga Edge to gain an ‘edge’ in your investing, plus also receive some of our stock picks.

You’re in a great spot for that.

My name is Tim Melvin.

My role is to provide you with an Edge in your investing by giving some good ‘starter’ buys with my Easy Income Portfolio.

The goal of the Easy Income Portfolio is to earn money with dividend stocks without any wild trading or speculative bets.

You get that as part of your Edge subscription.

But, if you’re ready, I’d like to go beyond those conservative ‘beginner’ buys.

What I’m going to show you today is not only this incredible business that’s been around over 115 years… has its fingerprints on real, major history … is widely unknown to the public…

But more — despite their anonymity — they’re about to hit record revenues and the stock trades at a valuation less than its revenue.

That’s not because it runs in the red. The company just posted record profits despite inflation and potential recessionary signs.

This stock is like a shaken up soda can… it’s ready to pop and you’re first in line to benefit.

Because while Edge will give you many long-term buys and holds for your early portfolio…

This “Manhattan Project” accomplice is set to potentially double or triple in the next 12-24 months.

How can I say that?

First, I’ve picked momentum winners just like it, as you’ll see…

Even more important…

When I run a backtest of my momentum buying strategy on small cap stocks…

Over the last 25 years, this strategy could’ve returned over 9,924%.

Every $10,000 would’ve become $1,002,400

Meaning — if you used my momentum criteria to buy the value picks that qualify…

You could’ve become a millionaire off of just $10k in the last two decades.

Here’s the full results of the backtest of my working strategy:

Over the same period as your 9,924% potential windfall…

The S&P 500 returned around 618%.

For many, 618% is still life-changing. Well, pour some fuel on that fire and imagine 16X more returns!

All you had to do was buy the momentum plays I recommend based on my criteria.

No, every pick isn’t a winner. Some lose.

However, you stick with stocks that follow my momentum strategy, and you can potentially profit over the long haul as you see here.

Imagine if you had put $100k in starting 1999 and used this strategy until 2024…

You could potentially be up to $10 million (and beyond) using this strategy.

Many retirees don’t have even a million… and you’re on the way to millionaire status based on this strategy.

That’s more freedom…

More time with your family and friends…

More time to open your calendar up to take that Alaskan trip you always wanted, to put money aside for the grandkids, to retire 5-10 years earlier.

One simple trade when all the boxes tick and you’re ahead of even the brightest hedge fund managers in the world.

That’s a big claim. And I can only show you my momentum trade results plus my screening tests.

You must make the decision to take the trades and start now.

It’s how my highest-paying followers are winning right now…

Again, I’m Tim Melvin.

I’m not the guy telling you to buy cryptocurrencies or some flashy meme stock like Gamestop.

You’ll find me kneeling at the altars of value investing with the likes of Warren Buffett, Peter Lynch, Ben Graham. Those types.

No, I’m not talking about buying and holding Coca-Cola stock for 50 years.

You can find huge value opportunities that move quickly and I’ve picked some of the best.

In January 2023, as the bear market came to end…

I recommended buying small caps at the VERY BOTTOM.

They shot up as high as 324% the next year.

January 2023, the market’s bottoming out.

I wrote to investors to dive into small caps. Small caps hadn’t seen much movement in years.

One play I recommended was Limbach Holdings (LBM).

Ever heard of it? Most haven’t. It’s an industrial company in the building materials space.

When you follow my recommendations… you’re sometimes buying at the bottom

After 7 years of consolidation… I recommended LMB on January 12 2023 and it skyrocketed 342% through January 2024 in 15 months!

Here’s another I recommended at the same time.

Overseas Shipholding Group. (OSG).

Bought as the stock bottomed on January 12, 2023 and came back up…

Also saw major stock buybacks happening at the same time.

Buying sectors right before they get hot!

Stock shoots up 150% in a year into January 2024 from my recommendation.

If you had put $10,000 in… you’d be up to $25,000 in 12 months. Just like that.

Here’s Phototronics, a semiconductor company. Earnings had just doubled since 2020.

Who says you can’t see big returns in 12 months from dividend stocks?

Look where I recommended to buy it… at the very bottom of its pullback on May 3, 2023!

Stock then went on a rollercoaster ride all the way for a double-up in a year by February 2024.

Meanwhile, the S&P 500 returned a ¼ of that. Now, let me caveat all this — Of course, every pick of mine isn’t a winner.

That’s not what I expect nor you should either.

I have a few picks from 2023 that are down 20%… 13%… 6%. That’s okay.

The portfolios I build and manage aren’t 1 or 2 stocks. They’re diversified.

But I’m always looking for those value plays which could move fast…

Especially ones where I can 10X my money.

How about a 21X return on my call on Matador

I hit a 30-bagger on Matador at the bottom of Covid. Recommended March 20, 2020.

If you had held to the highs in November 2022, you would’ve 21x’d your money.

All you had to do was buy at the bottom alongside me.

$5,000 would’ve been up to $110,000 in profits in two years!

My philosophy is buying a good company at its worst is better than buying a great company at their best.

These are just a few examples… more of my recommendations of value plays showing strong momentum:

I see similar setups happening with my “Manhattan Project” pick.

Because many of these small cap names are doing the ‘behind the scenes’ work you didn’t know you needed.

This simple laboratory can produce millions upon millions of revenue and profits.

The key is knowing when to buy and when not to.

The secret to finding these momentum plays?

I’ll show you with my 2016 recommendation to buy Nvidia which has gone up 50X since

You’re looking for a few key points:

We want the strongest fundamental plays that are seeing strong surges.

Now, with my strategy, we’re looking at mostly small caps (i.e. under $10B in valuation).

Back in November 2016, I recommended Nvidia.

This company checked all the boxes:

  • – Fundamentals getting better every quarter again and again and again
  • – The stock was already up over 120% in the prior 12 months (and strong in the prior 3 months too)

Majority of investors would say, “It’s due to pullback as it’s gone up so much.”

With momentum stocks showing strong fundamentals, you’re leaving a fortune on the table with that passive line of thinking.

Since November 2016, Nvidia has gone nuclear, up 50X since my recommendation as of this writing.

I wouldn’t have recommended a ‘sell’ as we only sell when fundamentals deteriorate. If the technical chart goes sideways, that’s okay. We’re fine with 10-20% corrections on the chart as long as the company grows their business again and again each.

Now, I’m not promising my lab stock rec is going up 50X… but even if it 2X’d, that’s a big winner for 99% of investors.

Inside my brand-new report, Momentum Value Stocks to Buy Now, I’m pulling back the curtain on this R&D stock set to hit all-time highs.

Inside, discover:

The stock has already doubled since the 2022 lows… but there’s room to the upside according to my calculations. Shares aren’t expensive… And you’re putting your hard-earned dollars into the hands of a 115-year company that’s stood the test of time.

I’m not going to stop there either.

When you pick up my new report as a free bonus, I’ll throw in 2 bonus momentum buys I’m recommending today.

That’s 3 stocks waiting for you right now in my report.

Take a look:


As other furniture plays like Wayfair sit 80% off their 2021-highs…

One 120-year old furniture maker is bouncing back.

With multiple brands in the portfolio, they sell products to Gen Z customers coming in and to Boomers now retiring looking for more comfortable spots in their living rooms.

Furniture sales have declined for over a year, meaning we’re at the bottom of the cycle.

However, this furniture stock has more than doubled off their 2022 low.

I’m recommending to buy now.


How would you like to buy a niche gold company that’s doubled revenue in the last 5 years?

Gold prices are at all-time highs… and with government spending not slowing down and inflation still rolling… I don’t see gold hitting a floor below $2,000/oz at any point soon.

*Trading Economics

At a sub-$200M market cap, this company has room to move or be acquired soon.

That doesn’t mean to wait.

I expect shares to break out and keep going in the months ahead.

I’m not looking for lotto tickets, I’m looking for value.

This is a play on the company and the increasing/steady price of gold.

They recently started turning a profit vs. the past 5 years so I see a ton of bright spots ahead and recommend this stock as a bonus momentum buy today.

The report and access to these 3 stocks is easily worth $99 of value.

But this is just the beginning for you.

After all, I showed you if you invested in momentum value plays for the past 25 years, you could’ve turned $10k into $1 MILLION dollars.

There’s no day trading involved here.

Buy the positions, hold for weeks, months, maybe even a year or two… and you easily stomp the average market returns everyone else is ‘happy’ to collect in their index funds.

I don’t do all this research for you to make average returns.

My goal is for your account to thrive.

To make enough to retire comfortably if you choose to…

To generate extra profits so you can take that vacation you want…

Investing has allowed me to get up everyday and do what I want i.e. study and read about investing.

I grew up poor, I didn’t grow up on Wall Street. I was a single-mom household and had my first job when I was young.

Investing has unlocked more doors than I could’ve imagined. I have fund managers on speed dial who manage over $1 billion dollars.

For me, I’ve made some of my boldest calls of my life that gained my initial followers:

And these are just to name a few of my big calls.

My point is I made highly profitable calls for subscribers and now I’m ready to do that with you.

Claim my Top 3 momentum value stocks as a free bonus when you join my new value momentum service, Momentum Edge Pro

This is where you turn your Edge research into real, actionable stuff.

Because with Momentum Edge Pro, you’re actually buying stocks right now. You’re picking up shares in stocks that are moving fast.

The train won’t wait for you.

I’ve shown you some of my calls in the past:

And that’s our goal.

Our goal with Momentum Edge Pro is to generate triple-digit winners from small cap value stocks with strong momentum.

Now, all won’t get there. Some will lose. Some will only produce 20% gains. That’s okay.

Our goal is for each pick to hit triple-digit winners.

Starting with the 3 stocks inside your special report, Momentum Value Stocks to Buy Now you get as a free bonus.

On top of that, you receive:


Get a weekly video update from me.

Send in your questions anonymously and I’ll answer them on the weekly Mailbag.

I answer every question that comes in and share more based on my research and discussions with insiders.

I also discuss any new trade alerts, how our positions are doing and any breaking news on our holdings.

These are mini-coaching sessions you get as a bonus for subscribing to Momentum Edge Pro.

What’s the cost to join?

Just $297 today for the next 12 months.

(After 12 months, it goes to its normal price of $599/year)

Many momentum-buying services like me can go up to $3,000 – $5,000 per year and I bet their track record doesn’t match mine.

My strategy has proven in backtests to turn $10k into over $1 million dollars.

That’s a 9,924% return on your money.

Would you trade 9,924% returns for $297/year? Seems like an easy decision. Even if you invested just $2,000… you’d still be in the 6-figures in profits based on the backtests.

I love sharing my research and investing. I don’t need or want to charge thousands for my picks.

I have tons of portfolios with tons of strategies. My hope is you end up joining multiple services of mine after using my Edge portfolio and my Momentum Edge Pro picks.

There’s more to come.

For now, for just one payment of $297 (and no more billing until 12 months from now)…

Click the UPGRADE MY ORDER now and get Momentum Edge Pro added to your profile right now automatically.

When you log into Edge, you’ll also see Momentum Edge Pro included in the same Benzinga portal. It’s that easy.

Upgrade your order now to add this service… get my first 3 momentum picks that could soar triple-digits. If they don’t, maybe they’re a double-digit profit instead. I’ve picked many triple-digit winners in my career… and I definitely expect to pick more.

I’m Tim Melvin. I’ll see you inside Edge and Momentum Edge Pro.

Upgrade now.