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Congrats on joining MoneyLine!

Here's how to turn your MoneyLine subscription into a $10k+/month cash cow over the next 60 months
(even if you’re starting with just $2,500)

Hi, Nic Chahine again.

Thanks for joining Options MoneyLine and starting your journey trading options how I do.

From now on... you'll be following the lines in the market to clue us into what price could do next.

All you'll need to do is follow the trades I send to you.

Here's two trades I closed in May 2024:

Two winners... both 33% on the TLT and IWM. All within a couple weeks of opening the trade.

Just $500 into each trade would yield over $330 in profit in a couple weeks. That's pretty good, especially for just buying a call and buying a put. It's easy living.

I didn't study the bond market too much or make market-guessing leaps! I just followed the MoneyLines I put on the chart. And you can too.
You won't believe how well it works as well!

You just saw how I’ve shattered the norm (and myths) on how to buy options in any market.

Most traders win a paltry 20-30% of the time buying options… pathetic!

Meanwhile, you and me could be winning up to 83% of the time.

It's how you could’ve hit winners up to 411% following me the last few years inside Options MoneyLine.

Now, you’re in and I’m excited.

You’re joining a service that’s averaged 27% net profits on trades (that’s winners and losers combined).

Just follow the MoneyLine.

Look at this winner on XLV:

That’s over $71,260 in potential cash in your pocket. 

Again, no promises or guarantees. This is just the future math based on my past track record. 

I don’t believe you need to get to the point of investing $25k per month into options. 

But it is good to scale up as you become comfortable… never risking more than you can afford… and not buying options you’ll stress over and bail out on. 

Stick with my alerts, and ideas and follow the MoneyLine, and you’ll be good to go. 

Here’s the thing… 

To get you to a place of scaling up your trades and staying with me for another 3-5 years… 

You will have to re-subscribe to Options MoneyLine again and again. That doesn’t make sense. I’m not here to take all your money in subscription fees. 

My goal is hopefully you end up trading alongside me an hour or so a day in my trading room. (that’s a different service). 

Until then, I have even experienced, self-sufficient traders subscribed to my MoneyLine service just for ideas, tips, and trades they didn’t find themselves. 

That’s great. I love it. 

For you to scale up, you’ll need to be around for a couple years to really settle in. 

However, you just paid $79 for 1-year of access. 

How can we get you to stay on for a few more years? 

A triple-digit winner in under a month. People rattle their brains for years trying to figure out the perfect indicator or setup. Trading doesn't have to be complicated.

Because the blue lines don’t lie.

We buy at the bottom of the blue line… ride it to the next blue line.

Here, we made 124% in 24 days.

We’re taking high-probability setups… giving the stock time to make its move and watch it run to the next blue line.

This is our main goal. It’s your goal now as you become a new (or improved) options trader, buying options the right way.

This is where it gets interesting for you…

As you begin recognizing these setups more and more, you’ll be able to scale up your trades.

So instead of buying 1 contract…

Maybe it’s 3 or 5… some pros buy a minimum of 10 contracts.

Now, I’m not here to tell you to overleverage yourself overnight. You should NEVER leverage your money to buy options. Options are already magnified as you’re buying 1 contract which equals 100 shares of stock.


Here’s how to start leveling up your options investments even if you start with $2,500.

Take your $2,500 and start buying the options inside Options MoneyLine.

We’re averaging a 27% net profit on our trades.

We are NOT shooting for 1,000% wins. Most of those types of trades will swing and miss.


We’re going for consistent wins, some losses, and an occasional home run. I love boxing. In boxing, you do quick jabs, jabs, jabs, take a hit, and then a strong cross to knock the opponent back.

Same thing here.

Consistent win, win, win, win, small loss, loss, win, win, BIG WIN.

If you can do that… not get greedy, follow the MoneyLine, there’s a good chance you can start growing a small account quickly.

I did the math for you already.

If we continue to net 27% on each trade (again, wins and losses)... at $2,500 invested into our options trades (we average 3 per month)...

That’s about a $625 return.

It won’t always be that. The 17% of the time we lose, it’ll be less. Other times, it could be more when we notch a monster win.

If you took just 25% of that win… i.e. $156… and invest those profits into the next trades, along with your original $2,500…

You’ll now have $2,656 to invest in options in Month 2.

If we make 27% net month 2, that’s $664.

25% of that is $166. Meaning, month 3 you have $2,822 to invest in the next options buys.

What’s the remaining 75% doing?

You can spend it, buy stock and hold, stash it for a rainy day. That’s up to you.

You do NOT want to just plow everything back into options.

Although our options trades are liquid and thousands of contracts on each ticker are swapped daily…

You need to hedge.

So stash the 75% of the cash winnings… and reinvest the remaining 25%.

Look what happens when you do that…

What if I gave you 1 year of Options MoneyLine for free…

Simply, lock in your MoneyLine subscription for the next 60 months right now.

So you’ll be trading and scaling up your options trades not for 12 months… but for the next 60 months!

Meaning, you’ll be signed up for MoneyLine for the next 5 years with this special offer. 

Get 4 additional years of my MoneyLine trades… 

I told you one year is free… 

So, 4 additional years at $79 would be $316. 

I’ll give you FOUR additional years of Options MoneyLine for just one additional payment of $197. 

Meaning, you’re getting MORE than 1 year free… it’s more like 1.5 years added on for free… just lock into MoneyLine for the next 60 months now.

That’s a 37% discount than what you just paid on a per-year basis. 

Meaning you’ll enjoy: 

  • 60 months of Options MoneyLine
  • Up to 180 trade alerts (you’re paying less than $1.37 per trade)
  • Up to 108 bi-monthly LIVE calls with me
  • Access to any new training videos in the library
  • 24/7 portal access
  • Priority response time from customer service for being a VIP

All this for one extra payment of $197. 

You won’t owe another cent for Options MoneyLine for another 5 years! No annual fees or re-ups. 

You’re getting access to an options buying service that actually wins. And you get it for years to come. 

To get your free year of MoneyLine plus 3 additional years at $197, click the UPGRADE MY ORDER button below. 

I just showed you recent trades closing in May 2024: 

$500 into each would’ve net over $330 in profit in a matter of weeks. 

Imagine doing that every month (potentially) for the next 60 months!

Our win rate is 83% buying options. That’s one of the best around. 

I just showed you two recent trades that would’ve paid off all 5 years of your subscription in weeks. 

That’s not even including the value of the monthly coaching sessions you can hop on to as a subscriber. 

You also saw how as you ladder up… you could soon be banking over $10k… up to $24k  per month at our current win rate pace. 

That’s not a promise of future returns… but even if you get to $2k/month or $3k/month. 

You’re paying pennies for this type of potential. 

Why NOT take a chance to try and make this type of money a reality to you. 

Why do I offer this? Because I hope you stay working with me for years and will eventually join my private trading room and chat. That’s my main goal for you. 

So I’m happy for you to take advantage and get locked in for 5 years at just $197 now. 

Your cart will automatically update and you’ll be set for the next 60 months without another payment.  

I’m excited for you to start making trades inside Options MoneyLine, and look forward to years of great trading together. 

Click the UPGRADE MY ORDER button below now. 


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