Options MoneyLine gives you a shot at winning TRIPLE the rate of most option traders

For just $79, you can see for yourself over the next 12 months

From now on, you’ll be making high probability options buys. 

While others buy calls/puts with as little as a 20% win rate… 

You can join me and win up to 83% of your trades (based on my history). 

Consistent winners compounded over time is your ticket to winning with options. Most retail traders treat options as a ‘gamble.’ 

You won’t anymore when you follow the options MoneyLine. 

You’ll be buying at resistance points… and selling at the next point. Again and again. We’re not shooting for risking 1,000% profits. 

We’re happy averaging a net of 27% per trade. (that includes both wins and losses). 

Try it for yourself now with my flagship service.

Options MoneyLine is my top service for buying calls and puts for gains up to 411%

The service is simple to use: 

Here’s what you get: 

  • Up to 36 options trade alerts = That’s entry prices, stops, exit alerts, analysis and more. (that’s under $3 an alert)
  • A portal housing my entire track record and everything you get together = All contained inside one of the top financial news sites in the world (Benzinga). 
  • 11 full video trainings on everything you need to know about options trading = Many charge $200+ for basic trainings like this. All yours as a free bonus. 
  • Up to 24 ‘after-hour’ LIVE training sessions with me = No pitch, just pure content. Full Q&A the entire time. Ask me about any ticker you want at any time in the session. (easy $200 value)

All for just $79 to get 12 months of access. 

I’m trying to give you as much as possible (and Benzinga will allow) at such a low price point. 

My goal is for you to eventually trade alongside me a few hours per day, if not all day. I have people who work full-time jobs who trade with me a few times per day. 

I hope you get there soon. 

For now, join me inside Options MoneyLine for a mere $0.21 per day!

You’re covered by my 12-month money back policy as well! If at any point, you aren’t happy with the service… even on Day 364, I’ll give you your money back. 

You will have me guiding you along the way to discover how to make trades like: 

  • 411% on AXP in 31 days
  • 123% on BX in 17 days
  • 102% on RIVN  in 4 months
  • 72% on AAPL in 2 days
  • 124% on XLV in 22 days
  • 125% on BP in 20 days

You’ll start spotting these trades. As I promised, you’re about to see the market in a whole new way, whether you join me in Options MoneyLine or not. 

Options MoneyLine can work for you whether you’re a new trader, you’ve failed at options before, or you trade full-time. 

New traders can learn all the jargon, learn how to put on the trade, and start making trades recommended by someone who does this full-time. 

Experienced traders get new trade ideas for a low price…, and you can test whether I’m someone you might want to trade with in the future. 

Join me now inside. Put in your information below and you’ll receive a login to the Benzinga portal in minutes. 

Benzinga is one of the top-trafficked financial news sites in the world. It has a stellar reputation and a top-notch news team. We only want to release the best products. MoneyLine arguably boasts one of the top win rates for options when it comes to straight naked buying calls/puts. 

Join me inside now. 

Subscribe to Options MoneyLine below. You’re covered by a 12-month money-back policy.