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How would you like a shot at creating $1,000 per month of income using options?

These are my favorite option trades as you would’ve won 95% of trades the past 2 years

I touched on this on the prior page. 

I love buying options… but the best setups for me include a mix of buying options and using options spreads. 

Using spreads, you’re able to generate income out of thin air. 

What does that mean? 

Using the same approach as we do with buying calls and puts, you can get into a trade for less than buying calls/puts. 

Plus, you don’t always have to be “right” to win. 

Take this trade in IWM I made in 2024. 

Buying a put option on IWM would’ve likely resulted in a tiny gain to maybe a loss. 

Not to mention, the option is expensive as the stock trades for $200+. 

Instead, I put on what’s known as a “bear call spread.” 

Sounds complicated, but it’s not. Essentially, if you know how to buy calls and puts… you can do this. 

I bought a call for $20 or so. 

Look at that top blue line. I essentially said, “I don’t believe the stock will cross that top blue line in the next 2 months.”

Was I guessing? No, of course not. 

I’m following the MoneyLines like I showed you already. 

Right when the price got to that top blue line, it would stall… and that’s all I needed to know. 

Other traders bought options thinking it would go ABOVE the blue line. 

You and me… understanding MoneyLines… know it’s not that simple. So we sell the options to these buyers and generate a tidy income from it.

Like I said, that particular trade was a bear call spread. 

I’m bearish on the stock in the short term, so I’m selling calls that are closer to the current price and buying calls further out of the money. 

This bear call spread trade is a type of credit spread which you’ve likely heard of. 

All we want is the options to expire worthless and collect the premium. 

That’s one type of spread trade. 

The other is similar to buying calls and puts, except you buy the call/put and also sell a call/put further out of the money. 

They call these debit spreads, verticals… there’s a bunch of names for them.

You sell the option too so you can: 

  • Lower your cost to enter the trade
  • Lower your risk in the trade expiring worthless
  • Lower the risk of loss if the market goes nuts (think March 2020 Covid crash)

Here’s an example…

Check out this trade on Coinbase in 2024: 

It’s the same MoneyLine approach. 

Here, we buy a put around the top blue line (price was around $180). 

But also sold a put for $175. 

Meaning, if the stock drops to $175 and stays, our bought put option will expire far in the green and the sold put will be worth $0. So you’re making DOUBLE the profits.

It’s okay if you don’t fully understand now. 

Remember, you get tons of training inside Options MoneyLine which will help you. Go to the video library to find the tutorials. 

I share everything about spreads already in your Options MoneyLine subscription as a free bonus

I’ll show you how to get into trades like this one with Unity Software…

Jumped in as the stock moved above the second blue line. 

Instead of buying calls (which would’ve worked as well)… 

I put on a bull put spread where I sell puts in the money and buy puts that are out of the money. That gives us a net credit. 

If the trade stays above our put strike prices, we’ll keep the full credit. In this instance, we held to expiration and collected the full premium!

A 21% income on the risk of the trade. 

Why not just buy a call like we’ll do in Options MoneyLine.

Again, you could. 

But if the stock doesn’t move up fast enough, at the right time, to the correct strike price, we stand to make a minimal gain. 

In this instance, as well, the trade opened at the start of 2024 when the market could go up, down or sideways. 

By doing a spread instead of buying a call, we protect ourselves from any sudden movements in the market. 

Plus, we can win as long as the stock stays above the blue line. 

I win so much with Options MoneyLine because we’re only taking high probability setups.

Spreads naturally WIN more, so there are more opportunities to trade spreads than buy naked calls/puts.

With spreads, we’re not shooting for homeruns. 

It’s hitting consistent winners again and again. 

You can do more of them as they’re a higher percentage chance to win. 

That’s why I love them. I even day trade spreads. 

Remember, a big thing I like to do is figure out where the market is going each day. 

If you can determine the range of the market, you can put together a bunch of trades every single day. 

For example, you open up spreads saying “The market will NOT cross below $XYZ price.” If you know the range of the market, you know then your trade can easily win. 

Now, nothing’s guaranteed. I’m not promising the hundreds of spreads I’ve done with a 95% win rate will continue. I’m not allowed to. 

But I can show you the entire track record for my spreads. 

Over the last 21 months,

If you put $1,000 into every single one of my options spreads…

You would’ve earned over $26,238. That’s an average of $1,249 per month of income.

Again, with a 95% win rate. 

Imagine a $1,249 bonus income stream you can take home each month. That would’ve been possible over the last 21 months. 

I can’t promise those results will continue… however, as the market settles down from the drops in 2022 and recovery in 2023, I see a lot of potential coming to make more income out of thin air. 

These 220+ options spreads I’ve shared with subscribers are public. 

All of them had access to these incredible wins. 

Now, you have a chance to start making these trades yourself inside my bonus options trading service, Options MoneyLine Ultimate. 

There’s no bells and whistles with this service. 

You’re getting more trades on top of your Options MoneyLine service. 

Think of MoneyLine Ultimate as more opportunities to trade with me. 

In this case… 

An extra 7 trades per month (on average) you’ll receive. Right to your phone and inbox. 

Up to 84 bonus trades each year.

Each trade, just like MoneyLine, you’re getting write-ups on what I’m seeing with the trade. 

I’ll show you the chart and all that. 

Plus, I, of course, alert what actual option to buy, expiration… everything. 

If you want more calls and puts to buy…

I include bonus trades on those as well!

I just shared how it was possible to earn over $1k per month trading spreads with me… 

But inside Ultimate, I also alert MORE buys and calls. 

If you like the straight calls and puts, I have more inside Ultimate that I don’t share inside basic MoneyLine

Some recent calls/puts bought: 

  • 75% on U in 3 days
  • 124% on XLV in 23 days
  • 125% on BP in 20 days
  • 174% on TWLO in 3 days
  • 52% on UUP in 16 days

That’s just to name a few. 

Even just one of these trades with $1,000 could put $520 in your pocket… up to $1,740 with the TWLO trade. 

That’s one trade out of the potential 84 coming in the next 12 months… and the win rate is 95%. 

This is a no brainer upgrade if you liked Options MoneyLine and what I showed you. 

To get MoneyLine Ultimate, you’ll be trading triple what you’ll do with just MoneyLine alone…

Since these spreads hit 95% of the time… plus, you’re getting bonus calls and put trades, this is a valuable add-on. 

You can get this Ultimate add-on for just one payment of $797 over the next 12 months. 

It’s more trades, more Ultimate trades, you get to upgrade your trading skills with one click.

$797 = $66 per month. 

I just showed you how it was possible to make $1,249 per month over the last two years!

Meaning that I’m only asking for 5% of that potential cash flow. 

Many other services ask for 15-20%… your financial advisor swipes 20% of your gains. 

Me? 5% works as I’m an options day trader already and dang good at it. I don’t need to charge insane fees to join me. 

Just $797 to get these extra trades added… 

Click the UPGRADE MY ORDER button below now. 

Your cart will automatically update and you won’t owe another penny for 12 months. After that, your subscription renews at $797. 

You’re also covered by my 60-day money back policy. If after 60 days, you don’t feel I shared great spread and bonus options trades with you…

Let me know and get a full refund of your entire purchase. 

It’s that easy. 

All your trades will be in the same portal as MoneyLine, it’s just one login and trading area.

These trades are waiting for you inside Ultimate.

Just $797 to get these extra trades added… 

Click the UPGRADE MY ORDER button below now. 

Your cart will automatically update and you won’t owe another penny for 12 months. After that, your subscription renews at $797. 

You’re also covered by my 60-day money back policy. If after 60 days, you don’t feel I shared great spread and bonus options trades with you…

Let me know and get a full refund of your entire purchase. 

It’s that easy. 

All your trades will be in the same portal as MoneyLine, it’s just one login and trading area.

Join me now with this add-on for just $797. Definitely worth it as I’ve shown you. 

If you’re serious about making steady cash from options, try out Ultimate with your MoneyLine subscription now. 

Click the UPGRADE MY ORDER now. 


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