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THE model portfolio for realistic, achievable wealth-building over time, using methods that have stood the test of decades in the markets.

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What Makes The Yield Report Special?

Tim Melvin

Your Portfolio Analyst, Tim Melvin, brings to the table a wealth of experience, wisdom, and a proven track record in financial markets. From humble beginnings to talking shop with legendary investors, Tim’s journey through the financial world is nothing short of remarkable. His approach is grounded in deep value investing and a relentless pursuit of quality businesses at great prices.

A Portfolio That Pays Even
When Share Price Is Down

Portfolio preview

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Tim's Three Pillars of Yield

Buyback Yield

Percentage of stock bought back by great companies puts money in our pocket — no matter the price action.

Dividend Yield

Only the greatest dividend-paying companies with proven track records of increasing payouts over time paid out to shareholders.

Debt Repayment

Only healthy companies with bullet-proof management as shown by their ability to eliminate debt may live in this portfolio.

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Returns On Top Of Returns

Shareholder yield is the focus, but only highly performant stocks make it into the portfolio...

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Chart growth
Core Strategy: Shareholder Yield

A combination of buyback yield, dividend yield, and debt repayment. Tim uses this approach for its decade-tested reliability in rule-based investing.

In-depth reports
Regular Updates and In-depth Analysis

Subscribers get monthly reports diving deep into each stock in The Yield Portfolio, along with Tim's regular coverage of catalysts impacting the portfolio and the broader economy.

Bag of money
Overall Strategy Benefits

Tim aims to outperform the market in both bull and bear scenarios. You get a comprehensive approach through a mix of momentum, value, dividend growth, and shareholder yield.


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