Chat with the Benzinga Pro Community
The chat room helps connect the community together to ask and answer questions, give or find trading ideas, share news and developments, and more!
A Chatroom for Every Experience Level
The Benzinga Pro chatroom is for traders of any level—whether you have decades of experience or just starting out. The Benzinga Pro community is there to help each other out and give advice to help you be a successful trader.

There are several Benzinga Pro chatroom channels—including our main chat room, community support, and more! You can even listen in and chat long with Benzinga’s Pre-Market Prep show every day inside Benzinga Pro.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Currently, we have 7 chatrooms, including: Benzinga Pro Lounge, Benzinga TV, Benzinga Bootcamp, Benzinga Crypto, Benzinga Pro Day Trading, Benzinga Pro Options, and Benzinga Pro Community Support.
Yes, our team moderates our chatrooms to make sure everyone is treated with respect and the rooms stay on topic!
The Options Mentorship Inner Circle is a private chatroom for Benzinga Pro Options Mentorship subscribers. This chat room is led by expert Nic Chahine, who shares his strategy, answers questions, and more in the chatroom. Along with the chat room, you get access to six of his trade ideas complete with the trade setup.