The Signals tool alerts you to price or volume related events
in real-time. The Signals in Benzinga Pro are:
Price Spikes
Sharp price movement in under five minutes
Option Activity *
Large and aggressive option trades, including large blocks or options sweeps at or near the bid/ask
Block Trade
Large trades of at least 10,000 shares or a quantity having a value of $200,00+
Alerts to when a stock is halted, and when trading is resumed
Opening Gap
When a stock opens with a large price gap from the previous day close
Option to select session, day or 52 week highs and/or lows

* Option Activity Signals is an add-on for an additional fee.
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filters. Filter by your Watchlist or other variables such as:
- Shares Outstanding
- Market Cap
- Share Float
- Average Volume
- Price/Earnings Ratio
- Price Change
And more!
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Signals are price or volume related events in stocks. These signals are added in real-time.
Price spikes, options activity, block trade, halt/resumes, opening gaps, highs and lows. The options activity Signal is available if you have added-on the Unusual Options Activity data upgrade.
You can choose from Desktop Notifications, Sound, and Synthesized Voice Alerts.