
Alibaba Gr Hldgs

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Lowest Price Target1
Consensus Price Target1

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Alibaba Gr Hldgs (NYSE:BABA) Stock, Analyst Ratings, Price Targets, Forecasts

Alibaba Group Holding Ltd has a consensus price target of $122.68 based on the ratings of 27 analysts. The high is $220 issued by Jefferies on April 12, 2023. The low is $85 issued by Morgan Stanley on April 9, 2024. The 3 most-recent analyst ratings were released by Loop Capital, Barclays, and B of A Securities on June 6, 2024, May 16, 2024, and May 16, 2024, respectively. With an average price target of $108.33 between Loop Capital, Barclays, and B of A Securities, there's an implied 39.00% upside for Alibaba Group Holding Ltd from these most-recent analyst ratings.

Analyst Trends and Forecast
Strong Sell
Analyst Rating and Forecast
Strong Buy
Strong Sell

Analyst Firms Making Recommendations1

Loop Capital
B of A Securities
Truist Securities

1calculated from analyst ratings

Analyst Ratings for Alibaba Gr Hldgs

Buy NowGet Alert
06/06/2024Buy Now47.55%Loop Capital
Rob Sanderson
$111 → $115MaintainsBuyGet Alert
05/16/2024Buy Now37.29%Barclays
Jiong Shao
$109 → $107MaintainsOverweightGet Alert
05/16/2024Buy Now32.15%B of A Securities
Eddie Leung
$99 → $103MaintainsBuyGet Alert
05/15/2024Buy Now51.4%Benchmark
Fawne Jiang
→ $118ReiteratesBuy → BuyGet Alert
05/15/2024Buy Now41.13%Truist Securities
Youssef Squali
$113 → $110MaintainsBuyGet Alert
05/15/2024Buy Now56.53%Citigroup
Alicia Yap
$124 → $122MaintainsBuyGet Alert
05/15/2024Buy Now18.04%Mizuho
James Lee
$95 → $92MaintainsBuyGet Alert
05/07/2024Buy Now44.98%Truist Securities
Youssef Squali
$114 → $113MaintainsBuyGet Alert
04/10/2024Buy Now51.4%Benchmark
Fawne Jiang
→ $118ReiteratesBuy → BuyGet Alert
04/10/2024Buy Now59.1%Citigroup
Alicia Yap
$126 → $124MaintainsBuyGet Alert
04/09/2024Buy Now28.3%JP Morgan
Alex Yao
$105 → $100MaintainsOverweightGet Alert
04/09/2024Buy Now9.06%Morgan Stanley
Gary Yu
→ $85MaintainsEqual-WeightGet Alert
03/27/2024Buy Now21.89%Mizuho
James Lee
$95 → $95MaintainsBuyGet Alert
02/08/2024Buy Now34.72%JP Morgan
Alex Yao
$110 → $105MaintainsOverweightGet Alert
02/08/2024Buy Now34.72%Goldman Sachs
Ronald Keung
$121 → $105MaintainsBuyGet Alert
02/08/2024Buy Now21.89%Mizuho
James Lee
$100 → $95MaintainsBuyGet Alert
02/08/2024Buy Now73.21%Susquehanna
Shyam Patil
$150 → $135MaintainsPositiveGet Alert
02/08/2024Buy Now9.57%Macquarie
Ellie Jiang
→ $85.4DowngradeOutperform → NeutralGet Alert
01/19/2024Buy Now15.47%Baird
Colin Sebastian
$95 → $90MaintainsOutperformGet Alert
01/17/2024Buy Now28.3%Mizuho
James Lee
$120 → $100MaintainsBuyGet Alert
01/12/2024Buy Now39.85%Barclays
Jiong Shao
$138 → $109MaintainsOverweightGet Alert
01/09/2024Buy Now64.23%Benchmark
Fawne Jiang
$150 → $128MaintainsBuyGet Alert
01/09/2024Buy Now41.13%JP Morgan
Alex Yao
$125 → $110MaintainsOverweightGet Alert
12/01/2023Buy Now15.47%Morgan Stanley
Gary Yu
$110 → $90DowngradeOverweight → Equal-WeightGet Alert
11/22/2023Buy Now92.46%Susquehanna
Shyam Patil
$160 → $150MaintainsPositiveGet Alert
11/17/2023Buy Now53.96%Truist Securities
Youssef Squali
$126 → $120MaintainsBuyGet Alert
11/17/2023Buy Now92.46%Benchmark
Fawne Jiang
→ $150ReiteratesBuy → BuyGet Alert
11/17/2023Buy Now60.38%JP Morgan
Alex Yao
$150 → $125MaintainsOverweightGet Alert
11/17/2023Buy Now41.13%Morgan Stanley
Gary Yu
$150 → $110MaintainsOverweightGet Alert
11/01/2023Buy Now62.95%UBS
Kenneth Fong
$120 → $127Assumes → BuyGet Alert
11/01/2023Buy Now77.06%Barclays
Jiong Shao
$144 → $138MaintainsOverweightGet Alert
10/31/2023Buy Now61.66%Truist Securities
Youssef Squali
$135 → $126MaintainsBuyGet Alert
10/10/2023Buy Now130.95%Benchmark
Fawne Jiang
→ $180ReiteratesBuy → BuyGet Alert
08/31/2023Buy Now105.29%Susquehanna
Shyam Patil
→ $160ReiteratesPositive → PositiveGet Alert
08/11/2023Buy Now73.21%Truist Securities
Youssef Squali
$130 → $135MaintainsBuyGet Alert
08/11/2023Buy Now130.95%Benchmark
Fawne Jiang
→ $180ReiteratesBuy → BuyGet Alert
08/11/2023Buy Now93.74%Citigroup
Alicia Yap
$149 → $151MaintainsBuyGet Alert
08/11/2023Buy Now53.96%DZ Bank
Manuel Muhl
→ $120UpgradeHold → BuyGet Alert
08/11/2023Buy Now82.19%B of A Securities
Eddie Leung
$137 → $142MaintainsBuyGet Alert
08/11/2023Buy Now53.96%Baird
Colin Sebastian
$115 → $120MaintainsOutperformGet Alert
08/11/2023Buy Now28.3%Bernstein
Robin Zhu
$98 → $100MaintainsMarket PerformGet Alert
07/17/2023Buy Now47.55%Baird
Colin Sebastian
$115 → $115ReiteratesOutperform → OutperformGet Alert
07/12/2023Buy Now75.78%B of A Securities
Eddie Leung
$132 → $137MaintainsBuyGet Alert
06/27/2023Buy Now25.74%Bernstein
Robin Zhu
$130 → $98DowngradeOutperform → Market PerformGet Alert
06/21/2023Buy Now130.95%Benchmark
Fawne Jiang
→ $180ReiteratesBuy → BuyGet Alert
06/20/2023Buy Now73.21%Loop Capital
Rob Sanderson
$130 → $135MaintainsBuyGet Alert
05/23/2023Buy Now105.29%Susquehanna
Shyam Patil
$175 → $160MaintainsPositiveGet Alert
05/19/2023Buy Now130.95%Benchmark
Fawne Jiang
→ $180ReiteratesBuy → BuyGet Alert
05/19/2023Buy Now47.55%Baird
Colin Sebastian
$120 → $115MaintainsOutperformGet Alert
05/19/2023Buy Now69.36%B of A Securities
Eddie Leung
$144 → $132MaintainsBuyGet Alert
05/19/2023Buy Now84.76%Citigroup
Alicia Yap
$154 → $144MaintainsBuyGet Alert
05/19/2023Buy Now79.63%HSBC
Carson Lo
$143 → $140MaintainsBuyGet Alert
05/10/2023Buy Now66.79%Loop Capital
Rob Sanderson
$135 → $130MaintainsBuyGet Alert
05/09/2023Buy Now86.04%Mizuho
James Lee
$155 → $145MaintainsBuyGet Alert
04/12/2023Buy Now182.27%Jefferies
Thomas Chong
→ $220MaintainsBuyGet Alert
04/12/2023Buy Now74.49%Goldman Sachs
Ronald Keung
→ $136MaintainsBuyGet Alert
04/12/2023Buy Now97.59%Citigroup
Alicia Yap
→ $154MaintainsBuyGet Alert
04/10/2023Buy Now79.63%JP Morgan
Alex Yao
→ $140MaintainsOverweightGet Alert
04/10/2023Buy Now92.46%Morgan Stanley
Gary Yu
→ $150MaintainsOverweightGet Alert
04/04/2023Buy Now130.95%Benchmark
Fawne Jiang
→ $180Reiterates → BuyGet Alert
04/04/2023Buy Now83.47%HSBC
Charlene Liu
$138 → $143MaintainsBuyGet Alert
03/30/2023Buy Now98.87%Mizuho
James Lee
→ $155Reiterates → BuyGet Alert
03/29/2023Buy Now182.27%Jefferies
Thomas Chong
→ $220MaintainsBuyGet Alert
03/29/2023Buy Now73.21%Loop Capital
Rob Sanderson
→ $135MaintainsBuyGet Alert
03/29/2023Buy Now98.87%Mizuho
James Lee
→ $155Reiterates → BuyGet Alert
03/28/2023Buy Now100.15%Citigroup
Alicia Yap
→ $156MaintainsBuyGet Alert
02/28/2023Buy Now124.53%Susquehanna
Shyam Patil
$185 → $175MaintainsPositiveGet Alert
02/24/2023Buy Now84.76%B of A Securities
Eddie Leung
→ $144MaintainsBuyGet Alert
02/24/2023Buy Now53.96%KGI Securities → $120UpgradeNeutral → OutperformGet Alert
02/24/2023Buy Now66.79%Truist Securities
Youssef Squali
$120 → $130MaintainsBuyGet Alert
02/23/2023Buy Now98.87%Mizuho
James Lee
→ $155MaintainsBuyGet Alert
02/23/2023Buy Now77.06%Goldman Sachs
Ronald Keung
→ $138MaintainsBuyGet Alert
01/13/2023Buy Now98.87%Deutsche Bank
Leo Chiang
$140 → $155MaintainsBuyGet Alert
01/11/2023Buy Now80.91%Barclays
Jiong Shao
$114 → $141MaintainsOverweightGet Alert
01/10/2023Buy Now77.06%Nomura Instinet
Jialong Shi
$110 → $138MaintainsBuyGet Alert
01/10/2023Buy Now105.29%Citigroup
Alicia Yap
$144 → $160MaintainsBuyGet Alert
01/09/2023Buy Now92.46%Morgan Stanley
Gary Yu
$100 → $150MaintainsOverweightGet Alert
11/18/2022Buy Now62.95%BOCOM International
Connie Gu
$124 → $127MaintainsBuyGet Alert
11/18/2022Buy Now53.96%Baird
Colin Sebastian
$140 → $120MaintainsOutperformGet Alert
11/18/2022Buy Now53.96%Truist Securities
Youssef Squali
$125 → $120MaintainsBuyGet Alert
11/18/2022Buy Now130.95%Benchmark
Fawne Jiang
$206 → $180MaintainsBuyGet Alert
11/18/2022Buy Now59.1%HSBC
Charlene Liu
$132 → $124MaintainsBuyGet Alert
11/18/2022Buy Now98.87%Mizuho
James Lee
$160 → $155MaintainsBuyGet Alert
11/18/2022Buy Now73.21%UBS
Jerry Liu
$140 → $135MaintainsBuyGet Alert
11/18/2022Buy Now84.76%Citigroup
Alicia Yap
$146 → $144MaintainsBuyGet Alert
11/17/2022Buy Now82.19%B of A Securities
Eddie Leung
$147 → $142MaintainsBuyGet Alert
11/17/2022Buy Now41.13%US Tiger Securities, Inc
Bo Pei
$120 → $110MaintainsBuyGet Alert
11/01/2022Buy Now60.38%Truist Securities
Youssef Squali
$135 → $125MaintainsBuyGet Alert
10/31/2022Buy Now15.47%Morgan Stanley
Gary Yu
$110 → $90MaintainsOverweightGet Alert
10/28/2022Buy Now46.27%Barclays
Jiong Shao
$135 → $114MaintainsOverweightGet Alert
10/19/2022Buy Now156.61%HSBC
Carson Lo
$227 → $200MaintainsBuyGet Alert
10/11/2022Buy Now102.72%CLSA
Elinor Leung
$180 → $158MaintainsBuyGet Alert
10/06/2022Buy Now105.29%Mizuho
James Lee
→ $160MaintainsBuyGet Alert
10/03/2022Buy Now73.21%Barclays
Jiong Shao
$161 → $135MaintainsOverweightGet Alert
09/30/2022Buy Now41.13%Morgan Stanley
Gary Yu
$140 → $110MaintainsOverweightGet Alert
09/29/2022Buy Now95.02%Credit Suisse
Kenneth Fong
$166 → $152MaintainsOutperformGet Alert
09/28/2022Buy Now73.21%JP Morgan
Alex Yao
$145 → $135MaintainsOverweightGet Alert
08/28/2022Buy Now105.29%Mizuho
James Lee
→ $160MaintainsBuyGet Alert
08/08/2022Buy Now105.29%Deutsche Bank
Leo Chiang
$155 → $160MaintainsBuyGet Alert
08/05/2022Buy Now73.21%Truist Securities
Youssef Squali
$145 → $135MaintainsBuyGet Alert



What is the target price for Alibaba Gr Hldgs (BABA) stock?


The latest price target for Alibaba Gr Hldgs (NYSE:BABA) was reported by Loop Capital on June 6, 2024. The analyst firm set a price target for $115.00 expecting BABA to rise to within 12 months (a possible 47.55% upside). 41 analyst firms have reported ratings in the last year.


What is the most recent analyst rating for Alibaba Gr Hldgs (BABA)?


The latest analyst rating for Alibaba Gr Hldgs (NYSE:BABA) was provided by Loop Capital, and Alibaba Gr Hldgs maintained their buy rating.


When was the last upgrade for Alibaba Gr Hldgs (BABA)?


The last upgrade for Alibaba Group Holding Ltd happened on August 11, 2023 when DZ Bank raised their price target to $120. DZ Bank previously had a hold for Alibaba Group Holding Ltd.


When was the last downgrade for Alibaba Gr Hldgs (BABA)?


The last downgrade for Alibaba Group Holding Ltd happened on February 8, 2024 when Macquarie changed their price target from N/A to $85.4 for Alibaba Group Holding Ltd.


When is the next analyst rating going to be posted or updated for Alibaba Gr Hldgs (BABA)?


Analysts arrive at stock ratings after doing extensive research, which includes going through public financial statements, talking to executives and customers of Alibaba Gr Hldgs, and listening in to earnings conference calls. Most analysts do this every three months, so you should get 4 ratings per company per firm each year. The last rating for Alibaba Gr Hldgs was filed on June 6, 2024 so you should expect the next rating to be made available sometime around June 6, 2025.


Is the Analyst Rating Alibaba Gr Hldgs (BABA) correct?


While ratings are subjective and will change, the latest Alibaba Gr Hldgs (BABA) rating was a maintained with a price target of $111.00 to $115.00. The current price Alibaba Gr Hldgs (BABA) is trading at is $77.94, which is out of the analyst’s predicted range.

Browse analyst ratings and price targets on all stocks.

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