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Goldman Sachs (GS) Begins Climb to Earnings


Goldman Sachs (GS) Begins Climb to Earnings

Even with the overall markets declining slightly in light trade on New Year’s Eve, Goldman Sachs continues to climb heading into their fourth quarter earnings in mid to late January. Up close to 2% on Thursday, Goldman began to move higher on Tuesday after three months of lackluster movement. A report from Bloomberg came out the same day detailing the leading role Goldman has over others in underwriting fees for Initial Public Offerings.

Earnings Estimates

The earnings estimates have not improved too much, despite the report, as the current quarter has a recent decrease in expectations from 5.56 a share to 5.47 a share. Next quarter is a little more promising with profit estimates improving from 4.38 a share to 4.46. Year end buying by portfolio managers is more than likely the reason for the uptick. But the company’s earnings announcement shortly after the beginning of earnings season, January 11th, should provide additional support in the coming weeks.

Options Volume

The Call Options for Goldman Sachs also saw some volume on Thursday as strike prices in January of 165, 170, and 175 were popular. Later months did not see an significant volume increases.

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