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Ivanhoe Mines Announces Financial Results and Review of Operations for the Second Quarter of 2009


SINGAPORE, SINGAPORE--(Marketwire - Aug. 14, 2009) - Ivanhoe Mines Ltd. (TSX:IVN)(NYSE:IVN)(NASDAQ:IVN) today announced its results for the quarter ended June 30, 2009. All figures are in US dollars, unless otherwise stated.


- During Q2'09, a comprehensive and balanced draft Investment Agreement for the development of the Oyu Tolgoi mining complex in southern Mongolia continued its progress through the review and approval process established by Mongolia's national Parliament, the State Great Khural. During the week of August 9, 2009, Ivanhoe Mines and its strategic partner, Rio Tinto, completed negotiations with the Government of Mongolia for an Investment Agreement. The revised draft agreement complies with existing Mongolian laws and legislation, as required by a resolution of Parliament. On August 11, Mongolia's National Security Council agreed to endorse the revised Investment Agreement. The Government has announced that it will present proposed legislative changes in support of the agreement to a special session of Parliament that is expected to begin discussing Oyu Tolgoi on August 19.

- Oyu Tolgoi exploration continued during the quarter on the area between the Southwest Oyu and Heruga deposits and work began on an Induced Polarization survey utilizing the advanced, deep-probing Zeus(TM) technology.

- Ivanhoe's 80%-owned subsidiary, SouthGobi Energy Resources (TSX VENTURE:SGQ), reported coal sales in Q2'09 of approximately 384,000 tonnes from its Ovoot Tolgoi mine in southern Mongolia, a significant increase from the Q1'09 coal sales of 127,000 tonnes. SouthGobi recognized revenue of $10.7 million in Q2'09 at an average realized selling price of approximately $30 per tonne.

- During the quarter, Ivanhoe Mines' 83%-owned subsidiary, Ivanhoe Australia (ASX:IVA), commenced preliminary development project studies for the high-grade molybdenum and rhenium deposit at its Merlin Project in Australia to evaluate suitable mining and processing alternatives. A resource estimate compliant with National Instrument 43-101 is expected to be completed in the second half of 2009.

- In Q2'09, Ivanhoe Mines expensed $38.1 million in exploration and development activities, compared to $67.3 million in Q2'08. In Q2'09, Ivanhoe Mines' exploration activities were largely focused in Mongolia and Australia.


Extraordinary session of Mongolian Parliament to consider legislative changes to support revised Oyu Tolgoi Investment Agreement endorsed by Mongolia's National Security Council

There were significant achievements during the second quarter and early third quarter of 2009 in the five-year-long quest by Ivanhoe Mines to conclude an acceptable Investment Agreement with the Government of Mongolia for the development of the Oyu Tolgoi Project. Such an agreement, under Mongolian law, provides for the long-term stabilization of taxation and other fiscal policies and a stable operating environment necessary for the commitment of large-scale capital funding for new mine developments.

In January 2009, Ivanhoe Mines and Rio Tinto re-started negotiations with a newly formed Government Working Group for an Investment Agreement that would recognize the realities of the then current international investment and commodities environment and the economic benefits inherent in the development of the Oyu Tolgoi Project.

In February 2009, the negotiators reached agreement on an Investment Agreement and a companion Shareholders' Agreement. The agreements were reviewed and approved in principle by the Cabinet and the National Security Council and presented to Parliament in March 2009 as part of what was expected to be the final approval process. During the review process, Parliament mandated that final approval of an Oyu Tolgoi Investment Agreement would be the responsibility of the Government.

Negotiations produced revised Investment Agreement this week

After the end of the second quarter, on July 16, 2009, Parliament issued a resolution that authorized the Government of Mongolia, through the Prime Minister, to conclude an Investment Agreement for Oyu Tolgoi with Ivanhoe Mines and Rio Tinto. The parliamentary resolution contained certain conditions, one of which required the Government to conclude an Investment Agreement for the Oyu Tolgoi project in compliance with existing Mongolian laws and legislation.

In a letter dated July 20, Prime Minister Sanjaa Bayar invited Ivanhoe Mines and Rio Tinto to resume negotiations on the Investment Agreement in accordance with Parliament's July 16 resolution. The Prime Minister pledged to work with the companies to reach an agreement that is, "mutually beneficial, fair and sustainable." Representatives of Ivanhoe Mines and Rio Tinto duly conducted intensive negotiations with a governmental Working Group throughout the last week of July and the first 10 days of August.

The negotiators for Ivanhoe Mines, Rio Tinto and the Government of Mongolia subsequently reached general agreement on a revised Investment Agreement during the week of August 9 that is consistent with the parliamentary resolution's directive on legislative compliance. It is the third such draft agreement to be produced in the past two years.

Parliament expected to begin considering Oyu Tolgoi August 19

The August draft agreement was accepted by the Government's Cabinet. On August 11, Mongolia's National Security Council - consisting of the Prime Minister, the President and Speaker of the State Great Khural (the national Parliament) - agreed to support the agreement. The National Security Council also agreed to support changes to some existing laws to give effect to the Oyu Tolgoi Investment Agreement. The Government announced that one of the proposed changes would involve cancellation of the three-year-old, 68% windfall profits tax on copper and gold effective January 1, 2011. In accordance with provisions of the 2006 Minerals Law, the August agreement also provided the Government of Mongolia with a 34% equity interest in Ivanhoe Mines Mongolia Inc. LLC, which holds the Oyu Tolgoi mining licences.

On August 13, the Government formally submitted draft bills to amend certain laws, along with the approved draft of the Oyu Tolgoi Investment Agreement, to the Speaker of Parliament and asked the Speaker to convene a special session of Parliament, which currently is on summer recess. The parliamentary session is expected to open on August 17 and is expected to begin discussing Oyu Tolgoi on August 19. The Government will ask Parliament to enact a series of proposed legislative changes to support the Investment Agreement. Material developments will be reported during the balance of Q3'09.

Engineering and development advancing in readiness for mine construction

During Q2'09, the engineering and development team remained focused on maintaining the Oyu Tolgoi Project in a position to commence construction once an Investment Agreement is finalized.

The main activity at site was the preparation for the first ventilation raise (a vertical connection from underground to surface), to supply fresh air from surface to the underground workings. A level was established mid-shaft, 512 metres from the surface, which will facilitate the proposal to develop the ventilation shaft, with a raise drill, in two sections and will also allow for localized ground support in an area immediately below the 512-metre level. This development was completed and tunnelling has since recommenced on the 1,300-metre level.

Ivanhoe Mines has continued to advance mine planning and engineering. The Oyu Tolgoi Project's Integrated Development Plan will be updated following the completion of an acceptable Investment Agreement.

Oyu Tolgoi exploration continues on the area between Southwest Oyu and Heruga; IP survey using Zeus(TM) technology begins

During Q2'09, Ivanhoe Mines completed 2,950 metres of drilling on the Oyu Tolgoi Project, entirely in the area between Southwest Oyu and Heruga, within Ivanhoe Mines' 100%-owned Oyu Tolgoi Mining Licence. Two holes were drilled with the one drill rig available. Drill hole OTD1493A was lost at a depth of 1,299 metres in the conglomerate that caps the mineralization. This hole is 500 metres north of the previously reported thick intersection in OTD1487A. Another hole, 500 metres to the north-northeast, is currently at 1,780 metres in siltstones that overlie the conglomerate.

In the second quarter, Ivanhoe Mines and GoviEx Gold entered into an agreement to inaugurate the proprietary Zeus(TM) technology at Oyu Tolgoi in an expanded induced polarization (IP) survey to test the full extent, on strike and at depth, of the Oyu Tolgoi copper and gold mineralized trend. The Zeus IP transmitter has been designed to increase the effectiveness and productivity of exploration surveys through improved resolution of targets and host geology, enabling real-time investigation of mineralized targets to extended depths. The Zeus IP survey is being conducted in the same area as the drilling. The multiple A-B electrode spacings, up to 20 kilometres wide, will allow a greater understanding of the deep mineralization in this area.

GoviEx Gold is an Asia-based mineral exploration company that utilizes proprietary geophysical technology and expertise to conduct exploration activities at the regional, district and mine scale.



SouthGobi's Ovoot Tolgoi coal mine achieves record coal sales

SouthGobi is producing and selling coal at its Ovoot Tolgoi Project in southern Mongolia's Gobi region, 45 kilometres north of Mongolia's border with China.

During Q2'09, SouthGobi remained in the production shut down that was initiated in February 2009 as a result of difficulties in expediting coal shipments across the Mongolia-China border due to sporadic openings at the Ceke crossing. Coal sales during Q2'09 were made from inventory to reduce costs and stockpiles.

In June 2009, the border increased its operating hours to 11 hours a day, six days a week, which enabled SouthGobi to increase its coal sales and draw down its coal stockpiles. Coal shipments in June 2009 increased to approximately 232,000 tonnes, a new record for SouthGobi. With increasing sales and reductions in its coal inventory, SouthGobi recommenced full mining operations on July 1, 2009.

Discussions with the Mongolian Government to keep the Ceke border crossing open 24 hours a day year round are continuing.

Coal sales in Q2'09 were approximately 384,000 tonnes, a significant increase from the Q1'09 coal sales of approximately 127,000 tonnes. SouthGobi recognized revenue of $10.7 million in Q2'09 at an average realized selling price of approximately $30 per tonne. Cost of sales was $9.1 million in Q2'09, which comprised the cost of the product sold, mine administration costs, equipment depreciation, and depletion of stripping costs. Total cash costs per tonne of coal sold in Q2'09 were $18.13, compared to $18.51 for Q1'09. The decrease was due primarily to increased sales in the quarter.

A second fleet of coal-mining equipment to expand Ovoot Tolgoi's production capacity, consisting of a Liebherr 966 hydraulic excavator (34-cubic-metre capacity) and four Terex MNT4400 trucks (260-ton capacity), is scheduled to be commissioned in October 2009.

Norwest Corporation, a major international engineering firm, is preparing a new Technical Report for the Ovoot Tolgoi Project, incorporating data from drilling up to the end of 2008. The report is expected to be completed later in 2009.

SouthGobi Receives Mining Licence for the Tsagaan Tolgoi Coal Deposit

On August 12, 2009, SouthGobi announced that Mongolian authorities had issued a mining licence for the Tsagaan Tolgoi coal property that is held by SouthGobi's Mongolian subsidiary, Southgobi sands LLC. The Tsagaan Tolgoi property is in the South Gobi Region, approximately 415 kilometres east of SouthGobi's Ovoot Tolgoi coal mine.

An independent NI 43-101 resource estimate for Tsagaan Tolgoi was prepared in February 2008 by Norwest Corporation. Norwest estimated 23.4 million tonnes of measured resources, 13.0 million tonnes of indicated resources and 9.0 million tonnes of inferred resources. The coal is of volatile bituminous B to C in rank based on ASTM D 388 standards and is suitable for use as a thermal coal. The resources appear to be amenable to surface extraction down to a planned depth of 150 metres. Details of the assumptions and parameters used to calculate these coal resources and coal quality estimates are set out in the Technical Report entitled "Coal Geology and Resources - Tsagaan Tolgoi Property" dated March 25, 2008 and available at

The deposit has the potential to supply any future coal-fired power plant that may be developed to produce electricity for Ivanhoe Mines' planned Oyu Tolgoi copper-gold mining complex, which is approximately 115 kilometres northeast of Tsagaan Tolgoi.

SouthGobi is required to submit a Technical and Economic Study to the government agency in charge of mining within 60 days of the receipt of the mining licence. The study is almost complete and SouthGobi intends to meet the submission deadline. The General Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for the Tsagaan Tolgoi Project was approved by Mongolia's Ministry of Nature and Environment in June 2009. A more detailed EIA is underway and will be submitted following approval of the Technical and Economic Study.

A decision to mine coal at Tsagaan Tolgoi will depend on the receipt of additional required permits and would follow the results of more detailed studies.



SouthGobi stockpiling test shipments at Mamahak Coal Project, Indonesia

SouthGobi holds an 85% interest in the Mamahak Project in East Kalimantan, Indonesia, with provisions to increase its interest to 100%.

SouthGobi has filed the required permit applications for mining, coal transportation and a barge load-out facility for the area. SouthGobi has engaged two smaller mining contractors who have significant experience in operations similar to Mamahak. In April 2009, initial pre-development work was started with the removal of waste rock, extraction and roadwork.

The 34-kilometre coal haul from the SW deposit to the barge port on the Mahakam River has been completed and commissioned. The installation of a river barge loading terminal which is located at Long Habung on the Mahakam River is also completed, as well as, installation and commissioning of truck weigh scales, coal crushing equipment and a mine site coal analysis laboratory.

In May 2009, SouthGobi signed a coal marketing agreement with Glencore International AG (Glencore). Under the terms of the agreement, Glencore will provide SouthGobi with coking coal marketing expertise and river barging/vessel loading logistical services. With the completion of the coal marketing agreement, SouthGobi is planning to ship an initial 30,000-tonne test cargo from the Mamahak coal project to potential Asian customers during Q3'09.


Ivanhoe Australia incurred exploration expenses of $8.8 million in Q2'09, compared to $10.8 million in Q2'08. The decrease of $2.0 million was largely due to Ivanhoe Australia's concentrated focus on the Merlin project and a decrease in its greenfields exploration.

Ivanhoe Australia's key projects, all situated on granted Mining Leases, are Merlin, Mount Elliott, Mount Dore and Starra Line. During Q2'09, exploration was focused on the Merlin molybdenum and rhenium discovery, with step-out drilling on the deposit's northern extension, infill drilling and work on a scoping study.

Scoping Study underway of mining and processing options for Merlin Molybdenum and Rhenium Discovery

The Merlin Deposit is a clearly defined, high-grade body of molybdenum and rhenium sulphide mineralization.

The Merlin discovery has now been tested by 115 drill holes; assay results are available for 102 of these holes, including some historical holes that have been re-assayed for molybdenum and rhenium.

Merlin is the lower most mineralized zone in the Mount Dore deposit and starts near the surface and dips east at between 45 and 55 degrees. To date, it has been intersected to approximately 500 metres down dip. Merlin has an average true thickness of approximately 25 metres and remains open along strike to the north. The current strike length of the zone, for which results are available, is over 900 metres. Mineralization has been found over a strike length of 1,300 metres in step-out holes; however, the mineralization thins to the north where it is also noted that the copper and gold content increases.

Drilling during Q2'09 tested the northern extension of Merlin along 200-metre step-out traverses. This step-out drilling has now been placed on hold to allow the drill testing of strong surface mineralization located at the newly identified Cave Hill prospect, three kilometres to the north of Merlin. Infill drilling at Merlin continues and has confirmed that the southern section of Merlin contains medium molybdenum grades hosted within a relatively flat zone.

Infill drilling into the main lower zone at Merlin has added confidence to the continuity. However, holes around the high-grade intersections have returned lower, but still significant grades. Infill drilling at Merlin will continue, with the aim to test the project on fifty-metre by fifty-metre centres. A NI 43-101-compliant resource estimate is in progress and is expected to be completed in the second half of 2009.

Preliminary development project studies for Merlin are underway to evaluate suitable mining and processing alternatives for the Merlin Project.

Work on Emmerson Resources Joint Venture

In April 2009, Ivanhoe Australia purchased an initial 10% equity stake in Emmerson Resources for approximately A$2.9 million, with the opportunity to increase this to 19.9% with an additional investment of A$5.6 million. Ivanhoe Australia also entered into a joint-venture agreement covering all of Emmerson's tenements in the Tennant Creek Mineral Field (TCMF), in Australia's Northern Territory. Ivanhoe Australia is required to spend A$18 million over three years to earn a 51% equity interest, which could increase to 70% in particular projects if certain Mineral Resource thresholds are met.

Emmerson is an Australian mineral exploration company listed on the Australian Stock Exchange. Emmerson's tenements in the TCMF cover approximately 2,700 square kilometres in the centre of the Northern Territory.

Exploration undertaken since April 2009 includes drilling on the Analytic One Target and a geophysical survey on the Trinity Project Area and the Northern Project Area.


Work on feasibility study to begin this year

Altynalmas Gold's principal assets are the Bakyrchik Gold Project and the Bolshevik Project which are located on the highly prospective Kyzyl Shear in Kazakhstan.

Subject to its Board's approval, Altynalmas Gold plans to undertake an initial 33,000-metre deep-level drilling program at the Bakyrchik Gold Project with a view to upgrading the present mineral resource to provide the basis for future project financing. The drilling program is expected to run from September 2009 to April 2011 with five drill rigs. In addition, Altynalmas Gold plans to commence a 6,000-metre, near-surface drilling program in November 2009 to drill open-pit targets. On the completion of the drilling program, Altynalmas Gold plans to complete a feasibility study.


In Q2'09, Ivanhoe Mines recorded a net loss of $24.9 million (or $0.07 per share), compared to a net income of $127.5 million (or $0.34 per share) in Q2'08, representing a decrease of $152.4 million. The net income in Q2'08 was a result of the $201.4 gain on sale of the investment in Jinshan Gold Mines Inc. Results for Q2'09 were mainly affected by $38.1 million in exploration expenses; $10.5 million in general and administrative expenses and $4.3 million in interest expense. These amounts were offset by $5.0 million in income from discontinued operations and $21.7 million in mainly unrealized foreign exchange gains.

Exploration expense of $38.1 million in Q2'09 decreased $29.2 million from $67.3 million in Q2'08. The exploration expenses included $25.2 million spent in Mongolia ($53.4 million in Q2'08), primarily for Oyu Tolgoi and Ovoot Tolgoi, and $8.8 million incurred by Ivanhoe Australia ($10.8 million in Q2'08). Exploration costs are charged to operations in the period incurred and often represent the bulk of Ivanhoe Mines' operating loss for that period. Ivanhoe Mines expects to commence capitalizing Oyu Tolgoi development costs once an Investment Agreement is finalized with the Government of Mongolia.

Ivanhoe Mines' cash position, on a consolidated basis at June 30, 2009, was $368.0 million.


This selected financial information is in accordance with U.S. GAAP, as presented in the annual consolidated financial statements.


($ in millions of U.S. dollars, except per share information)

Quarter Ended
Jun-30 Mar-31 Dec-31 Sep-30
2009 2009 2008 2008
Revenue $10.7 $ 3.5 $ 3.1 $ 0.0
Exploration expenses (38.1) (37.4) (76.0) (59.7)
General and administrative (10.5) (7.8) (8.1) (5.1)
Foreign exchange gains (losses) 21.7 (9.3) (40.6) (20.0)
Writedown of other long-term investments - - (18.0) -
Gain on sale of long-term investments - - - -
Net (loss) income from continuing
operations (29.9) (66.7) (168.1) (98.7)
Income from discontinued operations 5.0 10.7 8.1 10.7
Net (loss) income (24.9) (56.0) (160.0) (88.0)

Net (loss) income per share - basic
Continuing operations ($0.08) ($0.18) ($0.45) ($0.26)
Discontinued operations $0.01 $0.03 $0.02 $0.03
Total ($0.07) ($0.15) ($0.43) ($0.23)

Net (loss) income per share - diluted
Continuing operations ($0.08) ($0.18) ($0.45) ($0.26)
Discontinued operations $0.01 $0.03 $0.02 $0.03
Total ($0.07) ($0.15) ($0.43) ($0.23)

Quarter Ended
Jun-30 Mar-31 Dec-31 Sep-30
2008 2008 2007 2007
Revenue $ 0.0 $ 0.0 $ 0.0 $ 0.0
Exploration expenses (67.3) (57.3) (96.6) (74.8)
General and administrative (7.5) (6.8) (9.0) (7.0)
Foreign exchange (losses) gains (1.0) (1.3) 2.3 2.1
Writedown of other long-term investments - - (24.5) -
Gain on sale of long-term investments 201.4 - - -
Net (loss) income from continuing
operations 118.3 (69.6) (265.5) (90.0)
Income from discontinued operations 9.2 6.0 11.9 6.8
Net (loss) income 127.5 (63.6) (253.6) (83.1)

Net (loss) income per share - basic
Continuing operations $0.32 ($0.19) ($0.71) ($0.24)
Discontinued operations $0.02 $0.02 $0.04 $0.02
Total $0.34 ($0.17) ($0.67) ($0.22)

Net (loss) income per share - diluted
Continuing operations $0.29 ($0.19) ($0.71) ($0.24)
Discontinued operations $0.02 $0.02 $0.04 $0.02
Total $0.31 ($0.17) ($0.67) ($0.22)



Disclosures of a scientific or technical nature in this release and the Company's MD&A in respect of each of Ivanhoe Mines' material mineral resource properties were prepared by, or under the supervision of, the qualified persons (as that term is defined in NI 43-101) listed below:


Project Qualified Person Relationship to Ivanhoe Mines
Oyu Tolgoi Project Stephen Torr, P.Geo, Employee of the Company
Ivanhoe Mines

Ovoot Tolgoi Project Stephen Torr, P.Geo, Employee of the Company
SouthGobi Energy


Ivanhoe Mines' results for the three and six months ended June 30, 2009, are contained in the audited Consolidated Financial Statements and Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations, available on the SEDAR website at and Ivanhoe Mines' website at

Ivanhoe Mines shares are listed on the Toronto, New York and NASDAQ stock exchanges under the symbol IVN.

Forward Looking Statements:

Certain statements made herein, including statements relating to matters that are not historical facts and statements of our beliefs, intentions and expectations about developments, results and events which will or may occur in the future, constitute "forward-looking information" within the meaning of applicable Canadian securities legislation and "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the "safe harbor" provisions of the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Forward-looking information and statements are typically identified by words such as "anticipate", "could", "should", "expect", "seek", "may", "intend", "likely", "plan", "estimate", "will", "believe" and similar expressions suggesting future outcomes or statements regarding an outlook. These include, but are not limited to, statements respecting anticipated business activities; planned expenditures; corporate strategies; proposed acquisitions and dispositions of assets; discussions with third parties respecting material agreements; the expected timing and outcome of Ivanhoe Mines' discussions with representatives of the Government of Mongolia for an Investment Agreement in respect of the Oyu Tolgoi Project; the timing of commencement of full construction of the Oyu Tolgoi Project: the estimated timing and cost of bringing the Oyu Tolgoi Project into commercial production; anticipated future production and cash flows; target milling rates; the impact of amendments to the laws of Mongolia and other countries in which Ivanhoe Mines carries on business; the anticipated future production for the Ovoot Tolgoi Coal Mine; the planned updating of the Oyu Tolgoi Integrated Development Plan; the potential improvement of the export conditions at the Ceke border between Mongolia and China and the completion of a Technical Report for the Ovoot Tolgoi Coal Mine; the planned commissioning of a second fleet of coal-mining equipment to expand Ovoot Tolgoi's production capacity; the planned submission of a Technical and Economic Study and detailed EIA for Tsagaan Tolgoi Project; the planned shipment of 30,000 tonnes of coal from the Mamahak Project in East Kalimantan, Indonesia for testing; the completion of a NI 43-101 resource estimate and Scoping Study for the Merlin Project; the planned drilling program and feasibility study at the Bakyrchik Gold Project; and the potential of plans to make non-core projects self-funding, and other statements that are not historical facts.

All such forward-looking information and statements are based on certain assumptions and analyses made by Ivanhoe Mines' management in light of their experience and perception of historical trends, current conditions and expected future developments, as well as other factors management believes are appropriate in the circumstances. These statements, however, are subject to a variety of risks and uncertainties and other factors that could cause actual events or results to differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking information or statements. Important factors that could cause actual results to differ from these forward-looking statements include those described under the heading "Risks and Uncertainties" elsewhere in the Company's MD&A. The reader is cautioned not to place undue reliance on forward-looking information or statements.

The MD&A also contains references to estimates of mineral reserves and mineral resources. The estimation of reserves and resources is inherently uncertain and involves subjective judgments about many relevant factors. The accuracy of any such estimates is a function of the quantity and quality of available data, and of the assumptions made and judgments used in engineering and geological interpretation, which may prove to be unreliable. There can be no assurance that these estimates will be accurate or that such mineral reserves and mineral resources can be mined or processed profitably. Mineral resources that are not mineral reserves do not have demonstrated economic viability. Except as required by law, the Company does not assume the obligation to revise or update these forward-looking statements after the date of this document or to revise them to reflect the occurrence of future unanticipated events.


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