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Market Overview

The Jobs Numbers, Bond Yields and The Stock Market


Here's a collage of the way the media spun the March jobs report and the impact on the bond and stock markets. Any way you slice it, it will impact the stock market from the opening on Monday...and it could go either way. NEW YORK (AP) -- The biggest increase in jobs in three years pushed interest rates to their highest level since before the worst days of the credit crisis in 2008. With the stock market closed for Good Friday, investors had a shortened day of trading in the bond market to react to the Labor Department's report that employers added the most jobs in March since before the recession began in December 2007. Treasury prices fell after the report, sending their yields higher. Bond prices tend to fall as investors' confidence grows and demand for safe-haven...

The preceding article is from one of our external contributors. It does not represent the opinion of Benzinga and has not been edited.


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