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Five stocks I wish were in my portfolio... - Voice of the People


Zacks' Voice of the People Highlights user MightyMo: "Five stocks I wish were in my portfolio..."  from the People & Picks community.

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Five stocks I wish were in my portfolio:

Salix Pharmaceuticals (SLXP), Cognizant Technologies (CTSH), U.S. Steel (X), Amylin Pharmaceuticals (AMLN), Kansas City Southern (KSU)

With the market at or near a near-term high and these stocks likewise, even I, who is one not afraid to purchase high climbing stocks, will hesitate to dive in.

The market is not open as I write this.

One stock is a RAILROAD
Two are BIO speculative stocks
One hits the spot and is a riddle (X)
One is a computer outsource company

I like the computer outsource company and have been trying to purchase it the last two sessions. I probably won't be able to catch it today as well. Will try though.

Out motto: (the 'gist' of it). Buying equities that have dropped in price in what appears to be 'bargains" or "cheap" is a fool's high-risk game unless you have the proper research tools or 'insider' type border line legal information about a company. Most individuals don't have access to these research vehicles. Buying stocks that have demostrated a move is actually a conservative and low risk play (especially if you follow good money management 'cut your loss' rules.

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The preceding article is from one of our external contributors. It does not represent the opinion of Benzinga and has not been edited.


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