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Is Your Smartphone Secure?


Sam Diaz submits:
A survey released by Internet security firm Trend Micro Monday found that smartphone users are more worried about losing their phones or the personal data on them is more alarming than the threat of Web infections or phishing software. (Full Report Powerpoint)

Consider these findings from the survey:

  • 44 percent said that surfing the Internet on a smartphone (which may not be equipped with security software) is just as safe, if not safer, as surfing on a PC.
  • 23 percent of smartphone owners use the security software already installed on their smartphone.
  • 20 percent said they don’t think security software on their phones would be very effective because they see limited risk in smartphone surfing.

I have to admit that I haven’t given much thought to my exposure to malware from my smartphone. I’m not a heavy mobile Web user - that is, I don’t regularly launch a browser and tap in a URL. But I also recognize that even sending and receiving e-mails on my phone and using things like Google Maps on my phone is still Web surfing.

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