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The Voice of the Physician Is Heard in Washington


MONTVALE, NJ--(Marketwire - August 18, 2009) - SRS, the
EHR company that speaks on behalf of physicians, delivered a powerful
message from physicians to policy-makers in Washington regarding the EHR
incentives contained in the Economic Stimulus legislation. In addition to
the many signatures on the Voice of the Physician Petition, over 150
providers felt so strongly that they submitted detailed and passionate
supplemental comments to express their concerns.

At Friday's HIT Policy Committee meeting, SRSsoft Vice President of
Government Affairs, Lynn Scheps, presented the petition to David
Blumenthal, M.D., National Coordinator for Health Information Technology,
and to each member of the committee. She went to Washington, D.C., to make
sure that the decision-makers heard the physicians' concerns loudly and
clearly -- in her presentation, she urged them to
read the petition and to heed the comments submitted by SRS
and the comments written by non-SRS users.

"It is critical that someone speak on behalf of the physicians to make sure
that the government's expectations for 'meaningful EHR use' do not place
unrealistic burdens on them," says Stephan M. McCollam, M.D., of Peachtree
Orthopaedic Clinic in Atlanta, Georgia. "Private-practicing physicians are
underrepresented on the government's committees, so I hope that the
petition and provider comments will be given significant consideration as
the regulations are finalized."

"The success of a government program to encourage widespread EHR adoption
will depend on establishing requirements that physicians do not find
onerous, that do not compromise their productivity, and that help them
provide high-quality patient care," says Evan Steele, CEO of SRSsoft. "SRS
will continue to represent the voice of the physician in Washington and
within the EHR industry."

About SRS

For more than a decade, SRS has been a beacon in the ever-evolving
healthcare IT industry. SRS makes innovative and sophisticated digital
technology practical for high-volume, successful medical practices. The
award-winning SRS hybrid EHR offers powerful and flexible solutions to the
complex requirements of clinical workflows, patient care, and practice
operations. For more information on SRS, visit, e-mail, fax 201.802.1301, or call 800.288.8369.


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