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Market Overview

Top S&P 500 Laggards (JNPR, BAX, S, LUV)


Juniper Networks Inc (NASDAQ: JNPR) shares have slipped by 4.02% to $24.33 in the morning trade. The Hewlett-Packard/3Com deal has left JNPR out of the consolidation move in the market.

Baxter International Inc. (NYSE: BAX) shares have fell by 3.90% to 54.88% in the early morning trade. BAX has declared a quarterly dividend of $0.29 per common share.

Sprint Nextel (NYSE: S) shares have declined by 3.92% to $3.07. S declared that it plans to axe 2500 jobs.

Southwest Airlines Co (NYSE: LUV) by 2.55% to $9.19. While other airlines are garnering huge revenues by charging baggage fees, LUV has announced its "bags fly free" strategy to attract passengers.


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