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Punitive Tariffs Are On Americans, NOT the Chinese


WASHINGTON (AP) -- President Barack Obama has slapped punitive tariffs on all car and light truck tires entering the United States from China in a decision that could anger the strategically important Asian powerhouse but placate union supporters important to his health care push at home. The federal trade panel recommended a 55 percent tariff in the first year, 45 percent in the second year and 35 percent in the third year. Obama settled on slightly lower penalties -- an extra 35 percent in the first year, 30 percent in the second, and 25 percent in the third.

Translation: President Barack Obama has slapped punitive 35% TAXES on AMERICAN CONSUMERS (including the poor and middle-class) for all car and light truck tires VOLUNTARILY PURCHASED from Chinese producers, in a decision that could anger the strategically important Asian powerhouse but placate ANTI-AMERICAN CONSUMER union supporters important to his health care push at home.


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