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Market Overview

Bookkeeping: Adding to EnerNOC (ENOC)


Whew - as bad as the index is, there is some serious burning of brush in the small and mid cap area.  Lots of -6 to -10% type of action on my watch lists.  On the plus side, today has finally brought a few names down from the heavens, as their teflon performance is finally whacked with a baseball bat.  One such name is EnerNOC (ENOC)... the stock is down 6% and has retreated to it's first key support level so I will layer in a purchase here.

While everything looks fine so far, there is a "gap" under $31 which a bad day tomorrow could easily fill, so I am going to keep purchases moderate (less than 1% allocation). Filling that gap would cause the stock to fall below a more important support level (the 50 day moving average) - and then the chart can turn from fine to not as much.  Which is the problem we face with so many stocks that have run up with little consolidation, combined with so many "pre market gap ups" courtesy of our "urgent buyer" who cannot wait until 9:30 AM to buy SPY contracts.  When the tide finally turns we are faced with a lot of empty air pockets in countless stock charts....

I will give this name some roon to the downside but if it joins the parade of pain, will be stopping out of some exposure.

Long EnerNOC in fund; no personal position

The preceding article is from one of our external contributors. It does not represent the opinion of Benzinga and has not been edited.


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