Jack Dorsey Says He Left Twitter Alternative He Helped Create Because It Was 'Literally Repeating All The Mistakes'


In a recent interview, Jack Dorsey disclosed his reasons for leaving Bluesky, the decentralized social media platform he co-founded as an alternative to Twitter, now known as X.

What Happened: In a recent interview with journalist Mike Solana on his Pirate Wires site, Dorsey explained that Bluesky was “literally repeating all the mistakes [Twitter] made as a company.”

He further elaborated that Bluesky was not following his original vision of an open-source protocol that wasn’t controlled by anyone. Instead, it was adopting similar practices to those of Twitter, such as raising money, moderating content, and having a board, on which Dorsey sat.

Dorsey then decided to shift his focus to Nostr, another Twitter alternative that promises to be a genuine open-source protocol.

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He also discussed the issues with Twitter, attributing them to the company’s shift from an open-source protocol to a venture-backed, for-profit company that went public with an advertising-based business model, positioning itself as a competitor to Facebook.

Why It Matters: This interview provides a rare insight into Dorsey’s perspective on the challenges faced by social media platforms. It also sheds light on his vision for a decentralized social media future and the difficulties he encountered in realizing this vision with Bluesky. This departure from Bluesky comes after a controversial period at the company, which saw Dorsey stepping down from the board amid criticism of the platform’s direction.

Despite this, Dorsey’s vision for a decentralized social media future has found support from Elon Musk, who praised Dorsey’s endorsement of his X platform as “freedom technology.” This further underscores the potential for a shift in the social media landscape.

Meanwhile, Dorsey has also been addressing compliance issues at his other company, Block, indicating a broader trend of accountability and transparency in the tech industry.

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