Michael Swartz's Stock Ratings

Truist Securities Analyst

Michael Swartz is an analyst at Truist Securities. Analyst ratings are quantitative and qualitative analysis of a stock by Wall Street stock rating analysts. Stock ratings consist of expected future growth, current stock valuation and macroeconomic trends. Updated 07/09/2024

Overall Average Return


Smart Score


Overall Average Return Percentile


Number of Ratings

Buy NowGet Alert
07/09/2024FUNBuy Now
Six Flags Entertainment
$56.419.91% → $62Assumes → BuyGet Alert
07/08/2024PIIBuy Now
$73.8011.11%$92 → $82MaintainsHoldGet Alert
07/08/2024WGOBuy Now
Winnebago Industries
$50.4528.84%$68 → $65MaintainsBuyGet Alert
07/08/2024MCFTBuy Now
MasterCraft Boat Hldgs
$17.85-15.95%$20 → $15MaintainsHoldGet Alert
07/08/2024BCBuy Now
$70.0628.46%$95 → $90MaintainsBuyGet Alert
07/08/2024MBUUBuy Now
Malibu Boats
$30.843.77% → $32DowngradeBuy → HoldGet Alert
06/21/2024WGOBuy Now
Winnebago Industries
$50.4534.79%$76 → $68MaintainsBuyGet Alert
06/13/2024FOXFBuy Now
Fox Factory Hldg
$46.5018.28%$50 → $55MaintainsBuyGet Alert
06/06/2024THOBuy Now
Thor Industries
$91.753.54%$100 → $95MaintainsHoldGet Alert
05/24/2024WGOBuy Now
Winnebago Industries
$50.4550.64%$82 → $76MaintainsBuyGet Alert
05/24/2024THOBuy Now
Thor Industries
$91.758.99%$105 → $100MaintainsHoldGet Alert
05/10/2024FUNBuy Now
Cedar Fair
$56.41-11.36%$45 → $50MaintainsBuyGet Alert
05/08/2024GOLFBuy Now
Acushnet Hldgs
$61.742.04%$62 → $63MaintainsHoldGet Alert
05/03/2024PRKSBuy Now
United Parks & Resorts
$55.344.81%$64 → $58MaintainsBuyGet Alert
05/03/2024MBUUBuy Now
Malibu Boats
$30.8436.19%$52 → $42MaintainsBuyGet Alert
05/03/2024FOXFBuy Now
Fox Factory Hldg
$46.507.53%$60 → $50MaintainsBuyGet Alert
05/03/2024FUNBuy Now
Cedar Fair
$56.41-20.23%$48 → $45MaintainsBuyGet Alert
05/03/2024CWHBuy Now
Camping World Holdings
$18.0754.95%$30 → $28MaintainsBuyGet Alert
04/29/2024MODGBuy Now
Topgolf Callaway Brands
$14.2440.45%$18 → $20MaintainsBuyGet Alert
04/26/2024HZOBuy Now
$31.0212.81%$40 → $35MaintainsBuyGet Alert
04/24/2024PIIBuy Now
$73.8024.66%$96 → $92MaintainsHoldGet Alert
04/12/2024PATKBuy Now
Patrick Industries
$108.4319.89% → $130MaintainsBuyGet Alert
02/29/2024PRKSBuy Now
United Parks & Resorts
$55.3415.65%$60 → $64MaintainsBuyGet Alert
02/29/2024HLLYBuy Now
$3.40135.29%$9 → $8MaintainsBuyGet Alert
02/23/2024FOXFBuy Now
Fox Factory Hldg
$46.5029.03%$90 → $60MaintainsBuyGet Alert
02/16/2024FUNBuy Now
Cedar Fair
$56.41-14.91%$46 → $48MaintainsBuyGet Alert
02/05/2024WGOBuy Now
Winnebago Industries
$50.4562.54%$85 → $82MaintainsBuyGet Alert
02/02/2024ONEWBuy Now
OneWater Marine
$25.6536.45%$38 → $35MaintainsBuyGet Alert
02/02/2024BCBuy Now
$70.0649.87%$115 → $105MaintainsBuyGet Alert
01/31/2024MBUUBuy Now
Malibu Boats
$30.8468.62%$62 → $52MaintainsBuyGet Alert
01/31/2024PIIBuy Now
$73.8030.08%$100 → $96MaintainsHoldGet Alert
01/19/2024LCIIBuy Now
LCI Indus
$99.1011%$140 → $110DowngradeBuy → HoldGet Alert
01/09/2024THOBuy Now
Thor Industries
$91.7514.44%$96 → $105MaintainsHoldGet Alert
01/09/2024SIXBuy Now
Six Flags Entertainment
$32.00-25%$23 → $24MaintainsHoldGet Alert
01/09/2024SEASBuy Now
SeaWorld Entertainment
$58 → $60MaintainsBuyGet Alert
01/09/2024PATKBuy Now
Patrick Industries
$108.4315.28%$95 → $125MaintainsBuyGet Alert
01/09/2024ONEWBuy Now
OneWater Marine
$25.6548.15%$30 → $38MaintainsBuyGet Alert
01/09/2024MCFTBuy Now
MasterCraft Boat Hldgs
$17.8523.27%$20 → $22MaintainsHoldGet Alert
01/09/2024HZOBuy Now
$31.0245.04%$40 → $45MaintainsBuyGet Alert
01/09/2024MBUUBuy Now
Malibu Boats
$30.84101.05%$55 → $62MaintainsBuyGet Alert
01/09/2024LAZYBuy Now
Lazydays Hldgs
$8 → $7MaintainsHoldGet Alert
01/09/2024LCIIBuy Now
LCI Indus
$99.1041.27%$125 → $140MaintainsBuyGet Alert
01/09/2024FUNBuy Now
Cedar Fair
$56.41-18.45%$44 → $46MaintainsBuyGet Alert
01/09/2024CWHBuy Now
Camping World Holdings
$18.0766.02%$25 → $30MaintainsBuyGet Alert
01/09/2024BCBuy Now
$70.0664.15%$90 → $115MaintainsBuyGet Alert
01/09/2024BFXBuy Now
$3 → $2MaintainsBuyGet Alert
01/09/2024GOLFBuy Now
Acushnet Hldgs
$61.740.42%$55 → $62MaintainsHoldGet Alert
12/21/2023WGOBuy Now
Winnebago Industries
$50.4568.48%$70 → $85MaintainsBuyGet Alert
11/17/2023FOXFBuy Now
Fox Factory Hldg
$46.5093.55% → $90ReiteratesBuy → BuyGet Alert
11/17/2023ONEWBuy Now
OneWater Marine
$25.6516.96%$28 → $30MaintainsBuyGet Alert
11/09/2023MODGBuy Now
Topgolf Callaway Brands
$14.2426.4%$25 → $18MaintainsBuyGet Alert
11/09/2023SEASBuy Now
SeaWorld Entertainment
$55 → $58MaintainsBuyGet Alert
11/09/2023HLLYBuy Now
$3.40164.71%$10 → $9MaintainsBuyGet Alert
11/08/2023LCIIBuy Now
LCI Indus
$99.1026.14%$130 → $125MaintainsBuyGet Alert
11/06/2023LAZYBuy Now
Lazydays Hldgs
$11 → $8MaintainsHoldGet Alert
11/03/2023FOXFBuy Now
Fox Factory Hldg
$46.5093.55%$120 → $90MaintainsBuyGet Alert
11/01/2023MBUUBuy Now
Malibu Boats
$30.8478.35%$60 → $55MaintainsBuyGet Alert
10/27/2023BCBuy Now
$70.0628.46%$95 → $90MaintainsBuyGet Alert
10/25/2023PIIBuy Now
$73.8035.5%$125 → $100MaintainsHoldGet Alert
10/24/2023SIXBuy Now
Six Flags Entertainment
$32.00-37.5%$22 → $20MaintainsHoldGet Alert
10/24/2023SEASBuy Now
SeaWorld Entertainment
$65 → $55MaintainsBuyGet Alert
10/24/2023FUNBuy Now
Cedar Fair
$56.41-25.55%$46 → $42MaintainsBuyGet Alert
10/17/2023LCIIBuy Now
LCI Indus
$99.1031.18%$135 → $130MaintainsBuyGet Alert
10/17/2023MBUUBuy Now
Malibu Boats
$30.8494.56%$62 → $60MaintainsBuyGet Alert
10/17/2023HZOBuy Now
$31.0228.93%$46 → $40MaintainsBuyGet Alert
10/17/2023MCFTBuy Now
MasterCraft Boat Hldgs
$17.8512.06%$23 → $20MaintainsHoldGet Alert
10/17/2023ONEWBuy Now
OneWater Marine
$25.659.16%$32 → $28MaintainsBuyGet Alert
10/17/2023PATKBuy Now
Patrick Industries
$108.43-12.39%$100 → $95MaintainsBuyGet Alert
10/17/2023BCBuy Now
$70.0635.6%$100 → $95MaintainsBuyGet Alert
09/26/2023THOBuy Now
Thor Industries
$91.75-6.27%$84 → $86MaintainsHoldGet Alert
09/19/2023BCBuy Now
$70.0642.73% → $100ReiteratesBuy → BuyGet Alert
09/15/2023THOBuy Now
Thor Industries
$91.75-8.45% → $84ReiteratesHold → HoldGet Alert
09/15/2023WGOBuy Now
Winnebago Industries
$50.4546.68%$75 → $74MaintainsBuyGet Alert
09/15/2023PATKBuy Now
Patrick Industries
$108.43-7.77%$105 → $100MaintainsBuyGet Alert
09/15/2023LAZYBuy Now
Lazydays Hldgs
$13 → $11MaintainsHoldGet Alert
09/15/2023LCIIBuy Now
LCI Indus
$99.1036.23%$140 → $135MaintainsBuyGet Alert
09/15/2023CWHBuy Now
Camping World Holdings
$18.0754.95%$35 → $28MaintainsBuyGet Alert
08/31/2023MCFTBuy Now
MasterCraft Boat Hldgs
$17.8528.87%$28 → $23MaintainsHoldGet Alert
08/30/2023MBUUBuy Now
Malibu Boats
$30.84101.05%$64 → $62MaintainsBuyGet Alert
08/11/2023HLLYBuy Now
$3.40194.12%$8 → $10MaintainsBuyGet Alert
08/09/2023MODGBuy Now
Topgolf Callaway Brands
$14.2475.56%$30 → $25MaintainsBuyGet Alert
08/07/2023CWHBuy Now
Camping World Holdings
$18.07UpgradeHold → BuyGet Alert
08/04/2023ONEWBuy Now
OneWater Marine
$25.6524.76%$42 → $32MaintainsBuyGet Alert
08/04/2023GOLFBuy Now
Acushnet Hldgs
$61.74-10.92%$50 → $55MaintainsHoldGet Alert
07/31/2023LAZYBuy Now
Lazydays Hldgs
$12 → $13MaintainsHoldGet Alert
07/21/2023SEASBuy Now
SeaWorld Entertainment
$72 → $65MaintainsBuyGet Alert
07/14/2023MCFTBuy Now
MasterCraft Boat Hldgs
$17.8556.88% → $28ReiteratesHold → HoldGet Alert
07/14/2023PATKBuy Now
Patrick Industries
$108.43-7.77%$80 → $100MaintainsBuyGet Alert
07/14/2023ONEWBuy Now
OneWater Marine
$25.6563.74%$36 → $42MaintainsBuyGet Alert
07/14/2023MBUUBuy Now
Malibu Boats
$30.84107.53%$68 → $64MaintainsBuyGet Alert
07/14/2023LCIIBuy Now
LCI Indus
$99.1041.27%$125 → $140MaintainsBuyGet Alert
07/14/2023HLLYBuy Now
$3.40135.29%$5 → $8MaintainsBuyGet Alert
07/14/2023BCBuy Now
$70.0642.73%$105 → $100MaintainsBuyGet Alert
06/22/2023WGOBuy Now
Winnebago Industries
$50.4548.66%$72 → $75MaintainsBuyGet Alert
06/07/2023THOBuy Now
Thor Industries
$91.75-8.45%$72 → $84MaintainsHoldGet Alert
05/25/2023WGOBuy Now
Winnebago Industries
$50.4542.72%$76 → $72MaintainsBuyGet Alert
05/25/2023THOBuy Now
Thor Industries
$91.75-21.53%$80 → $72MaintainsHoldGet Alert
05/25/2023PATKBuy Now
Patrick Industries
$108.43-26.22%$84 → $80MaintainsBuyGet Alert
05/25/2023LCIIBuy Now
LCI Indus
$99.1026.14%$130 → $125MaintainsBuyGet Alert
05/25/2023LAZYBuy Now
Lazydays Hldgs
$13 → $12MaintainsHoldGet Alert
05/04/2023MBUUBuy Now
Malibu Boats
$30.84120.5%$72 → $68MaintainsBuyGet Alert
02/17/2023WGOBuy Now
Winnebago Industries
$50.4550.64%$62 → $76MaintainsBuyGet Alert
02/17/2023THOBuy Now
Thor Industries
$91.75-12.81%$70 → $80MaintainsHoldGet Alert
02/17/2023PATKBuy Now
Patrick Industries
$108.43-22.53%$80 → $84MaintainsBuyGet Alert
02/17/2023LCIIBuy Now
LCI Indus
$99.1031.18%$125 → $130MaintainsBuyGet Alert
02/10/2023PATKBuy Now
Patrick Industries
$108.43-26.22%$70 → $80MaintainsBuyGet Alert
02/10/2023MODGBuy Now
Topgolf Callaway Brands
$14.24110.67%$28 → $30MaintainsBuyGet Alert
02/09/2023MCFTBuy Now
MasterCraft Boat Hldgs
$17.8556.88%$22 → $28MaintainsHoldGet Alert
02/03/2023ONEWBuy Now
OneWater Marine
$25.6540.35%$38 → $36MaintainsBuyGet Alert
02/03/2023BCBuy Now
$70.0649.87%$90 → $105MaintainsBuyGet Alert
01/06/2023PATKBuy Now
Patrick Industries
$108.43-35.44%$60 → $70MaintainsBuyGet Alert
11/04/2022FNKOBuy Now
$9.6434.85%$26 → $13DowngradeBuy → HoldGet Alert
10/05/2022NLSBuy Now
$5 → $4MaintainsBuyGet Alert
10/05/2022MBUUBuy Now
Malibu Boats
$30.84110.77%$75 → $65MaintainsBuyGet Alert
10/05/2022HZOBuy Now
$31.0245.04%$50 → $45MaintainsBuyGet Alert
10/05/2022PATKBuy Now
Patrick Industries
$108.43-44.66%$65 → $60MaintainsBuyGet Alert
10/05/2022LCIIBuy Now
LCI Indus
$99.1026.14%$135 → $125MaintainsBuyGet Alert
10/05/2022BCBuy Now
$70.0628.46%$95 → $90MaintainsBuyGet Alert
10/05/2022MATBuy Now
$15.9750.23%$26 → $24MaintainsHoldGet Alert
10/05/2022FOXFBuy Now
Fox Factory Hldg
$46.50132.26%$130 → $108MaintainsBuyGet Alert
10/05/2022ONEWBuy Now
OneWater Marine
$25.6563.74%$45 → $42MaintainsBuyGet Alert
10/05/2022HASBuy Now
$56.5332.67%$88 → $75MaintainsHoldGet Alert
10/05/2022SEASBuy Now
SeaWorld Entertainment
$70 → $60MaintainsBuyGet Alert
10/05/2022PIIBuy Now
$73.8042.28%$115 → $105MaintainsHoldGet Alert
10/05/2022FNKOBuy Now
$9.64169.71%$28 → $26MaintainsBuyGet Alert
10/05/2022FUNBuy Now
Cedar Fair
$56.41-7.82%$58 → $52MaintainsBuyGet Alert
10/05/2022SIXBuy Now
Six Flags Entertainment
$32.00-43.75%$20 → $18MaintainsHoldGet Alert
10/05/2022HLLYBuy Now
$3.40135.29%$10 → $8MaintainsBuyGet Alert
10/05/2022MODGBuy Now
Topgolf Callaway Brands
$14.2496.63%$32 → $28MaintainsBuyGet Alert
10/05/2022GOLFBuy Now
Acushnet Hldgs
$61.74-22.25%$50 → $48MaintainsHoldGet Alert
10/05/2022WWBuy Now
WW International
$1.20316.77%$7 → $5MaintainsHoldGet Alert
09/23/2022CWHBuy Now
Camping World Holdings
$18.0738.35%$30 → $25MaintainsHoldGet Alert
09/23/2022LAZYBuy Now
Lazydays Hldgs
$16 → $13MaintainsHoldGet Alert
09/23/2022LCIIBuy Now
LCI Indus
$99.1036.23%$140 → $135MaintainsBuyGet Alert
09/23/2022PATKBuy Now
Patrick Industries
$108.43-40.05%$80 → $65MaintainsBuyGet Alert
09/23/2022THOBuy Now
Thor Industries
$91.75-23.71%$75 → $70MaintainsHoldGet Alert
08/26/2022MBUUBuy Now
Malibu Boats
$30.84143.2%$70 → $75MaintainsBuyGet Alert
08/12/2022HLLYBuy Now
$3.40194.12%$15 → $10MaintainsBuyGet Alert
08/12/2022SIXBuy Now
Six Flags Entertainment
$32.00-37.5%$32 → $20MaintainsHoldGet Alert
08/05/2022GOLFBuy Now
Acushnet Hldgs
$61.74-19.02%$44 → $50MaintainsHoldGet Alert
08/02/2022LCIIBuy Now
LCI Indus
$99.1041.27%$135 → $140MaintainsBuyGet Alert
07/29/2022PATKBuy Now
Patrick Industries
$108.43-26.22%$75 → $80MaintainsBuyGet Alert
07/20/2022HASBuy Now
$56.5355.67%$100 → $88MaintainsHoldGet Alert
05/26/2022CWHBuy Now
Camping World Holdings
$18.0743.88%$28 → $26MaintainsHoldGet Alert
05/26/2022WGOBuy Now
Winnebago Industries
$50.4522.89%$80 → $62MaintainsBuyGet Alert
05/26/2022LCIIBuy Now
LCI Indus
$99.1036.23%$150 → $135MaintainsBuyGet Alert
05/24/2022NLSBuy Now
$15 → $5MaintainsBuyGet Alert
05/10/2022LCIIBuy Now
LCI Indus
$99.1051.36%$165 → $150MaintainsBuyGet Alert
04/12/2022PATKBuy Now
Patrick Industries
$108.43-30.83% → $75Initiates → BuyGet Alert
04/11/2022GOLFBuy Now
Acushnet Hldgs
$61.74-28.73%$48 → $44MaintainsHoldGet Alert
04/11/2022ELYBuy Now
Callaway Golf
$42 → $36MaintainsBuyGet Alert
03/24/2022WGOBuy Now
Winnebago Industries
$50.4558.57%$85 → $80MaintainsBuyGet Alert
03/11/2022LAZYBuy Now
Lazydays Hldgs
$20 → $24MaintainsHoldGet Alert
03/02/2022LCIIBuy Now
LCI Indus
$99.1066.5%$175 → $165MaintainsBuyGet Alert
03/02/2022GOLFBuy Now
Acushnet Hldgs
$61.74-22.25%$56 → $48MaintainsHoldGet Alert
03/02/2022THOBuy Now
Thor Industries
$91.75DowngradeBuy → HoldGet Alert
03/02/2022CWHBuy Now
Camping World Holdings
$18.07DowngradeBuy → HoldGet Alert
01/26/2022BCBuy Now
$70.0657.01%$120 → $110MaintainsBuyGet Alert
01/26/2022MBUUBuy Now
Malibu Boats
$30.84143.2%$88 → $75MaintainsBuyGet Alert
12/20/2021WGOBuy Now
Winnebago Industries
$50.4568.48% → $85Reiterates → BuyGet Alert
12/09/2021THOBuy Now
Thor Industries
$91.7536.24%$142 → $125MaintainsBuyGet Alert
11/03/2021CWHBuy Now
Camping World Holdings
$18.07187.77%$50 → $52MaintainsBuyGet Alert
09/17/2021CWHBuy Now
Camping World Holdings
$18.07176.7%$54 → $50MaintainsBuyGet Alert
09/17/2021WGOBuy Now
Winnebago Industries
$50.4568.48%$90 → $85MaintainsBuyGet Alert
05/28/2021CWHBuy Now
Camping World Holdings
$18.07198.84%$56 → $54MaintainsBuyGet Alert
05/28/2021WGOBuy Now
Winnebago Industries
$50.4578.39%$95 → $90MaintainsBuyGet Alert
05/05/2021CWHBuy Now
Camping World Holdings
$18.07209.91%$42 → $56MaintainsBuyGet Alert
03/10/2021THOBuy Now
Thor Industries
$91.7558.04%$135 → $145MaintainsBuyGet Alert
02/24/2021CWHBuy Now
Camping World Holdings
$18.07132.43%$38 → $42MaintainsBuyGet Alert
02/24/2021WGOBuy Now
Winnebago Industries
$50.4562.54%$80 → $82MaintainsBuyGet Alert
12/21/2020WGOBuy Now
Winnebago Industries
$50.4558.57%$68 → $80MaintainsBuyGet Alert
09/14/2020WGOBuy Now
Winnebago Industries
$50.4534.79%$72 → $68MaintainsBuyGet Alert
06/09/2020THOBuy Now
Thor Industries
$91.7536.24%$105 → $125MaintainsBuyGet Alert