ETF Deathwatch for July 2011: The Count Increases to 155


Nine funds are being added to ETF Deathwatch for July and two are coming off.  The net increase of seven pushes the current quantity to 155, or 13.9% of all eligible products.  The overall quantity consists of 111 ETFs and 44 ETNs.  The average list member is 30 months old and has $16 million in assets.

For any given month, there are about 100 funds that have days with no trades – zero volume.  On a daily basis, the number of ETPs with zero volume typically ranges between 30 and 40.  We haven't performed a detailed analysis, but we don't recall ever seeing an ETP go an entire month without a trade – until now.

In June, not one, but three ETNs had zero volume for the entire month: iPath Pure Beta Aluminum ETN (FOIL), iPath Pure Beta Copper ETN (CUPM), and iPath Pure Beta Industrial Metals ETN (HEVY).  The three ETNs were introduced a little over two months ago, so they are not currently eligible for ETF Deathwatch.  However, this does not bode well.  Look for them to be included in the upcoming October edition.

New ETFs, such as the iPath Pure Beta ETNs above, all receive a six-month grace period before they are eligible for ETF Deathwatch to give them time to gain traction with investors.  Eighteen new ETPs came to market last December, and their grace period is now expired.  Fourteen of them are showing early signs of success, while the following four are joining the ETF Deathwatch for July:

  • Direxion Airline Shares (FLYX) – the viability of FLYX was called into question when it was launched, and it only traded on five days in June.
  • PowerShares KBW International Financial (KBWX) has less than $3 million in assets and only traded on three days in June.
  • PowerShares KBW Property & Casualty Insurance (KBWP) has less than $4 million in assets and only traded on four days in June.
  • PowerShares KBW Premium Yield Equity REIT (KBWY) currently has a better chance of success than its two siblings above with nearly $8 million in assets and daily trades.

In addition to the four coming out of the grace period, the following five older ETFs are being added to the list this month:

  • Barclays GEMS Currency Index ETN (JEM) is back on the list after a one-month exodus.  The questionable $90 million inflow in May we reported last month turned into a mysterious $90 million outflow in June, putting “official” assets back at $4 million.
  • Global X China Financials ETF (CHIX) trading activity dropped off and assets are about $6 million.  However, this ETF is part of a sector suite and will therefore likely remain alive as long as the suite remains viable.
  • iShares 10+ Year Government/Credit Bond (GLJ) was introduced more than 18 months ago but saw trading activity drop off, including multiple days of zero volume.
  • iShares MSCI Ireland Capped Investable Market (EIRL), introduced in May 2010, recently had assets drop below $5 million coupled with trading activity tapering off.
  • Russell Equity ETF (ONEF) had a decline in trading activity, and assets are below $10 million.  Russell marketing activities are currently focusing on the new Investment Discipline Index ETF and Factor ETF suites.

Two products came off ETF Deathwatch for July:

  • iPath EUR/USD Exchange Rate ETN (ERO) had a significant increase in trading activity the past three months, but assets are currently below $15 million.
  • ProShares Ultra Nasdaq Biotechnology (BIB) is showing increased trading activity and assets as strength in the biotechnology sector is driving interest in the leveraged fund.

The ETF Deathwatch criteria produced the following list of 155 names for July:

ETF Deathwatch for July 2011

# Ticker Sym ETF Name Age (mths) AUM (millions) 3-mth Avg Daily $ Volume
1 DENT AdvisorShares Dent Tactical ETF 21.7 $17.0 $73,454
2 AADR AdvisorShares WCM/BNY Mellon Foc Gr ADR 11.5 $8.7 $37,670
3 PGD Barclays Asian&Gulf Currency Reval. ETN 36.9 $4.1 $12,215
4 BXDC Barclays ETN+ S&P 500 2x Short C 2009 ETN 19.6 $2.0 $374,119
5 JEM Barclays GEMS Currency Index ETN 41.5 $4.0 $19,954
6 ADRU BLDRS Europe 100 ADR 105.0 $23.2 $163,419
7 GCE Claymore CEF Index GS Connect ETN 43.3 $3.6 $29,113
8 GVT Columbia Concentrated Large Cap Value Strat 26.2 $3.3 $4,149
9 GMTB Columbia Core Bond Strategy Fund 17.2 $5.1 $11,019
10 RPX Columbia Growth Equity Strategy Fund 21.2 $1.6 $77,128
11 GMMB Columbia Intermediate Municipal Bond Strat 17.2 $5.1 $12,506
12 RWG Columbia Large-Cap Growth Equity 21.2 $11.6 $154,997
13 XRU CurrencyShares Russian Ruble Shares 32.1 $5.4 $294,546
14 TDD db-X 2010 Target Date Fund 45.6 $14.4 $37,544
15 TDX db-X In-Target Date Fund 45.6 $15.9 $40,596
16 FLYX Direxion Airline Shares 6.8 $3.5 $8,560
17 BRIS Direxion Daily BRIC Bear 2x 15.9 $2.5 $68,590
18 BRIL Direxion Daily BRIC Bull 2x 15.9 $6.5 $230,845
19 INDZ Direxion Daily India Bear 2x 15.9 $3.9 $348,454
20 LHB Direxion Daily Latin America Bear 3x 19.1 $3.1 $283,573
21 GASX Direxion Daily Natural Gas Related Bear 2x 11.7 $1.9 $95,203
22 RETS Direxion Daily Retail Bear 2x 11.7 $2.3 $95,660
23 RETL Direxion Daily Retail Bull 2x 11.7 $6.0 $132,294
24 FGEM EGShares Financials GEMS ETF 21.7 $8.3 $83,677
25 BVL ELEMENTS Ben Graham Large Cap Value ETN 35.0 $0.6 $2,691
26 BSC ELEMENTS Ben Graham Small Cap Value ETN 35.0 $1.7 $14,498
27 BVT ELEMENTS Ben Graham Total Mkt Value ETN 35.0 $3.3 $54,177
28 GWO ELEMENTS CS Global Warming ETN 39.4 $3.6 $69,500
29 DOD ELEMENTS Dogs of the Dow Total Return ETN 44.3 $4.8 $59,428
30 FUE ELEMENTS MLCX Biofuels ETN 41.3 $8.9 $165,709
31 WMW ELEMENTS Morningstar Wide Moat Focus ETN 45.0 $10.8 $63,591
32 EEH ELEMENTS Spctrm LgCap US Sector Mo ETN 47.6 $1.1 $2,523
33 FZB FaithShares Baptist Values Fund 18.7 $1.5 $4,205
34 FCV FaithShares Catholic Values Fund 18.9 $3.1 $27,183
35 FOC FaithShares Christian Values Fund 18.9 $3.1 $23,791
36 FKL FaithShares Lutheran Values Fund 18.7 $1.5 $7,893
37 FMV FaithShares Methodist Values Fund 18.9 $1.5 $15,042
38 FDD First Trust DJ STOXX European Select Div 46.7 $11.6 $54,480
39 QABA First Trust NASDAQ ABA Community Bank 24.3 $13.4 $63,264
40 FVI First Trust Value Line Equity Allocation 55.6 $7.2 $58,694
41 BRAF Global X Brazil Financials ETF 11.2 $9.4 $55,296
42 CHIX Global X China Financials ETF 18.9 $6.0 $79,622
43 CHIB Global X China Technology ETF 18.9 $6.9 $138,292
44 GIY Guggenheim Enhanced Core Bond ETF 41.1 $5.3 $11,457
45 GSY Guggenheim Enhanced Ultra-Short Bond ETF 41.1 $15.0 $107,553
46 EEN Guggenheim EW Euro-Pacific LDRs ETF 52.7 $3.1 $32,701
47 XGC Guggenheim International Small Cap LDRs 51.6 $10.5 $99,524
48 OTR Guggenheim Ocean Tomo Growth Index ETF 51.7 $6.1 $33,887
49 OTP Guggenheim Ocean Tomo Patent ETF 55.3 $10.9 $234,519
50 WXSP Guggenheim Wilshire 4500 Completion ETF 15.9 $6.4 $16,906
51 WFVK Guggenheim Wilshire 5000 Total Market ETF 15.9 $5.9 $53,571
52 EKH HOLDRS Europe 2001 127.2 $4.2 $27,662
53 IIH HOLDRS Internet Infrastructure 138.1 $11.1 $38,004
54 MKH HOLDRS Merrill Lynch Market 2000+ 131.9 $13.0 $50,197
55 WMH HOLDRS Wireless 129.8 $14.1 $22,222
56 GBB iPath GBP/USD Exchange Rate ETN 50.4 $2.6 $53,906
57 GRN iPath Global Carbon ETN 36.7 $2.5 $50,644
58 EMLB iPath Long Enh (2x) MSCI Emerging Mkts ETN 7.1 $5.4 $119,124
59 MFLA iPath Long Enh (2x) MSCI EAFE Index ETN 7.1 $3.7 $130,000
60 ROLA iPath Long Ext (3x) Russell 1000 TR ETN 7.1 $5.5 $25,135
61 EMSA iPath Short Enh (-2x) MSCI Emerging Mkts ETN 7.1 $9.5 $196,226
62 MFSA iPath Short Enh (-2x) MSCI EAFE Index ETN 7.1 $5.8 $86,440
63 ROSA iPath Short Ext (-3x) Russell 1000 TR ETN 7.1 $2.8 $36,255
64 SFSA iPath Short Ext (-3x) S&P 500 TR Index ETN 7.1 $4.5 $901,358
65 TWON IQ Taiwan Small Cap 13.6 $4.4 $70,052
66 GLJ iShares 10+ Year Government/Credit Bond 18.9 $21.1 $78,256
67 MUAE iShares 2016 S&P AMT-Free Muni Series 18.0 $20.8 $112,502
68 IFNA iShares FTSE NAREIT North America 44.0 $13.2 $73,540
69 AXDI iShares MSCI ACWI ex US Consumer Discr 11.6 $6.7 $85,155
70 AXSL iShares MSCI ACWI ex US Consumer Staples 11.6 $3.2 $42,388
71 AXEN iShares MSCI ACWI ex US Energy 11.6 $6.4 $82,526
72 AXFN iShares MSCI ACWI ex US Financials 17.5 $2.5 $5,510
73 AXHE iShares MSCI ACWI ex US Health Care 11.6 $3.0 $97,037
74 AXID iShares MSCI ACWI ex US Industrials 11.6 $6.2 $218,394
75 AXIT iShares MSCI ACWI ex US Info Technology 11.6 $5.7 $77,377
76 AXMT iShares MSCI ACWI ex US Materials 11.6 $6.8 $240,272
77 AXTE iShares MSCI ACWI ex US Telecom Services 11.6 $3.0 $71,113
78 AXUT iShares MSCI ACWI ex US Utilities 11.6 $2.6 $79,586
79 EMFN iShares MSCI Emerging Markets Financials 17.5 $22.6 $24,765
80 FEFN iShares MSCI Far East Financials Sector 17.5 $2.4 $3,520
81 EIRL iShares MSCI Ireland Cap. Investable Mkt 14.0 $4.5 $96,106
82 EUSA iShares MSCI USA Index Fund 14.0 $2.8 $44,042
83 TZD iShares S&P Target Date 2010 Index Fund 32.3 $11.2 $134,380
84 TZE iShares S&P Target Date 2015 Index Fund 32.3 $14.9 $126,094
85 TZI iShares S&P Target Date 2025 Index Fund 32.3 $19.0 $119,218
86 TZL iShares S&P Target Date 2030 Index Fund 32.3 $13.9 $78,552
87 TZO iShares S&P Target Date 2035 Index Fund 32.3 $7.0 $37,321
88 TZV iShares S&P Target Date 2040 Index Fund 32.3 $15.9 $97,605
89 TGR iShares S&P Target Date Retirement Inc. 32.3 $9.1 $94,476
90 CRBI Jefferies|TR/J CRB Global Ind Metals Equity 20.4 $4.6 $55,533
91 DSXJ JPM Qtrly Dbl Short US 10-Yr Treas Fut ETN 8.9 $10.0 $96,407
92 DSTJ JPM Qtrly Dbl Short US Long Treas Fut ETN 8.9 $10.8 $17,513
93 JFT KEYnotes FT Enhanced 130/30 Large Cap ETN 37.8 $3.7 $6,521
94 URR Market Vectors Double Long Euro ETN 38.3 $1.2 $86,312
95 INR Market Vectors Indian Rupee/USD ETN 40.0 $5.7 $53,048
96 NASI Pax MSCI North America ESG Index 13.6 $4.3 $56,896
97 TRSY PIMCO Broad U.S. Treasury Index Fund 8.0 $9.8 $5,739
98 PQZ PowerShares Active Alpha Multi-Cap 39.2 $3.8 $29,902
99 PMA PowerShares Active Mega-Cap Portfolio 39.1 $5.4 $57,413
100 LBND PowerShares DB 3x Long 25+ TreasURY ETN 12.2 $3.4 $34,098
101 ADZ PowerShares DB Agriculture Short ETN 39.0 $2.0 $56,974
102 BDG PowerShares DB Base Metals Long ETN 37.0 $1.9 $15,848
103 BOS PowerShares DB Base Metals Short ETN 36.9 $3.9 $68,714
104 DEE PowerShares DB Commodity Dbl Short ETN 38.6 $3.7 $196,351
105 DPU PowerShares DB Commodity Long ETN 38.6 $7.3 $48,881
106 DDP PowerShares DB Commodity Short ETN 38.6 $2.9 $96,530
107 PEZ PowerShares Dynamic Cons Discretionary 57.4 $20.4 $64,574
108 PIC PowerShares Dynamic Insurance 69.1 $9.0 $25,909
109 PXSC PowerShares Fundamental Pure Small Core 55.7 $16.8 $68,035
110 PSTL PowerShares Global Steel Portfolio 33.7 $5.7 $110,154
111 PTO PowerShares Ibbotson Alternative Completion 37.9 $8.9 $49,997
112 KBWX PowerShares KBW International Financial 7.0 $2.6 $1,482
113 KBWY PowerShares KBW Premium Yield Equity REIT 7.0 $7.8 $92,807
114 KBWP PowerShares KBW Property & Casualty Ins 7.0 $3.8 $5,846
115 PYH PowerShares Morningstar StockInvestor Core 55.7 $16.9 $58,265
116 PSCM PowerShares S&P SmallCap Materials 15.0 $3.0 $27,647
117 SBM ProShares Short Basic Materials 15.6 $5.4 $386,440
118 UPV ProShares Ultra MSCI Europe 14.2 $4.0 $77,403
119 UMX ProShares Ultra MSCI Mexico Investable Mkt 14.2 $2.1 $51,784
120 UXJ ProShares Ultra MSCI Pacific Ex-Japan 14.2 $3.9 $152,424
121 UWC ProShares Ultra Russell3000 24.3 $8.5 $68,707
122 YCL ProShares Ultra Yen 31.6 $3.4 $185,923
123 SMDD ProShares UltraPro Short S&P MidCap400 16.8 $13.0 $1,396,793
124 RXD ProShares UltraShort Healthcare 53.7 $3.3 $95,132
125 SMK ProShares UltraShort MSCI Mexico 24.7 $2.4 $29,454
126 JPX ProShares UltraShort MSCI Pacific ex-Japan 24.7 $2.4 $30,252
127 BIS ProShares UltraShort Nasdaq Biotechnology 14.9 $1.9 $78,026
128 SFK ProShares UltraShort Russell 1000 Growth 52.9 $4.4 $164,611
129 SJF ProShares UltraShort Russell 1000 Value 52.9 $2.2 $56,364
130 SDK ProShares UltraShort Russell Midcap Growth 52.9 $2.6 $68,874
131 SJL ProShares UltraShort Russell Midcap Value 52.9 $1.9 $62,508
132 TWQ ProShares UltraShort Russell3000 24.3 $1.4 $36,884
133 TLL ProShares UltraShort Telecom 39.7 $2.2 $50,023
134 SDP ProShares UltraShort Utilities 53.7 $4.0 $59,910
135 ONEF Russell Equity ETF 13.8 $13.2 $80,449
136 KME SPDR KBW Mortgage Finance ETF 26.4 $3.8 $32,430
137 VRD SPDR Nuveen S&P VRDO Municipal Bond ETF 21.5 $9.0 $89,823
138 IPF SPDR S&P International Financial 35.7 $7.1 $75,677
139 IRY SPDR S&P International Health Care 35.7 $19.8 $138,790
140 IPU SPDR S&P International Utilities 35.7 $8.2 $35,118
141 MLPS UBS ETRACS 1x Mthly Short Alerian MLP ETN 9.1 $8.3 $103,195
142 MLPG UBS ETRACS Alerian Natural Gas MLP ETN 11.7 $15.0 $62,487
143 UBN UBS ETRACS CMCI Energy TR ETN 39.4 $3.0 $13,296
144 UBG UBS ETRACS CMCI Gold TR ETN 39.4 $6.7 $27,392
145 UBM UBS ETRACS CMCI Industrial Metals TR ETN 39.4 $6.6 $29,160
146 UBC UBS ETRACS CMCI Livestock TR ETN 39.4 $5.0 $10,525
147 PTD UBS ETRACS CMCI Short Platinum ER ETN 38.2 $3.2 $1,930
148 SPGH UBS ETRACS S&P 500 Gold Hedged Idx ETN 17.3 $12.9 $40,068
149 MLPW UBS ETRACS Wells Fargo MLP Index ETN 8.0 $18.5 $75,881
150 IVOV Vanguard S&P Mid-Cap 400 Value ETF 9.8 $6.3 $51,500
151 TVIZ VelocityShares Daily 2x VIX Med-Term ETN 7.1 $8.2 $526,608
152 VIIZ VelocityShares VIX Medium-Term ETN 7.1 $3.5 $61,108
153 EU WisdomTree Dreyfus Euro 38.1 $10.0 $66,649
154 JYF WisdomTree Dreyfus Japan Yen 37.8 $6.5 $40,728
155 HEDJ WisdomTree International Hedged Equity 18.2 $20.9 $55,409

Data sources:  AUM from National Stock Exchange, daily prices and volume of individual ETPs from Norgate Premium Data, and all other information compiled by Invest With An Edge.

Past issues of ETF Deathwatch are available here.

Disclosure covering writer, editor, and publisher: No positions in any of the securities mentioned. No positions in any of the companies or ETF sponsors mentioned.  No income, revenue, or other compensation (either directly or indirectly) received from, or on behalf of, any of the companies or ETF sponsors mentioned.

EIRLiShares Trust iShares MSCI Ireland ETF

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