List of 223 New ETFs for 2010


A grand total of 223 new exchange-traded products (ETPs) came to market in 2010, consisting of 180 ETFs and 43 ETNs.  This is the third largest quantity on record, behind the 291 of 2007 and 231 of 2008.  There were only 136 new ETPs launched in 2009.  There were 49 closures in 2010, producing a net increase of 174 for the year.  As 2010 came to a close, the quantity of US-listed products stood at 1,099 (967 ETFs and 132 ETNs).

Six of the 223 new ETFs didn't survive long enough to see the arrival of 2011:

  1. GlobalShares FTSE Developed Countries ex US (former ticker GSD)
  2. GlobalShares FTSE All-Cap Asia Pacific ex-Japan (former ticker GSZ)
  3. GlobalShares FTSE All-World ex-US Fund (former ticker GSO)
  4. GlobalShares FTSE All-World Fund (former ticker GSW)
  5. Direxion Daily 2-Year Treasury Bull 3x (former ticker TWOL)
  6. Direxion Daily 2-Year Treasury Bear 3x (former ticker TWOZ)

Despite the hoopla surrounding actively-managed ETFs, only eleven of the new ETFs were actively-managed, accounting for less than 5% of the new offerings in 2010:

  1. AdvisorShares Cambria Global Tactical ETF (GTAA)
  2. AdvisorShares Mars Hill Global Relative Value (GRV)
  3. AdvisorShares Peritus High Yield ETF (HYLD)
  4. AdvisorShares WCM/BNY Mellon Focused Growth ADR (AADR)
  5. Grail McDonnell Core Taxable Bond (GMTB)
  6. Grail McDonnell Intermediate Municipal Bond(GMMB)
  7. One Fund ETF (ONEF)
  8. PIMCO Build America Bond Strategy Fund (BABZ)
  9. PIMCO Short Term Municipal Bond Strategy (SMMU)
  10. WisdomTree Dreyfus Commodity Currency (CCX)
  11. WisdomTree Emerging Markets Local Debt (ELD)

The table below lists all 223 new products sorted by name.  The launch date, or IPO date, is the first day the product was listed and available for purchase.  The first trade may be a later date in some cases, as a few products do not have any first-day volume.  Additionally, the “inception date” listed for many ETFs is often a day or two before it actually becomes listed and available for purchase.

I assign each new product to one of six categories listed below.  The sector classification includes domestic and international sector funds.  Therefore, the new Brazil and China sector ETFs are classified as sectors, not as international ETFs.  All leveraged and inverse funds go into a separate category, independent of whether they invest in equities, bonds, or commodities.  The commodity category typically includes only pure commodity funds, not equity funds of commodity producers, which are classified as sector funds.  Lastly, there are always a few products which are hard to pigeon-hole.  I ended up placing the long unleveraged volatility products in the commodity classification and most of the hedge-fund replication products are in the style category.

The quantity of new products in each category is as follows:

  • 51 Sector
  • 33 International
  • 32 Style (and Strategy)
  • 30 Bond
  • 59 Leveraged and Inverse
  • 17 Commodity
  • 1 Currency

I review and provide analysis of each new ETF at the time of launch

New ETFs and ETNs in 2010

# Ticker Security Name Type Category IPO Date
1 GTAA AdvisorShares Cambria Global Tactical ETF ETF Style 10/26/10
2 GRV AdvisorShares Mars Hill Global Relative Value ETF Style 07/09/10
3 HYLD AdvisorShares Peritus High Yield ETF ETF Bond 12/01/10
4 AADR AdvisorShares WCM/BNY Mellon Focus Gr ADR ETF International 07/21/10
5 AMLP Alerian MLP ETF ETF Sector 08/25/10
6 VQT Barclays ETN+ S&P VEQTOR ETN ETN Style 09/01/10
7 MLPN Credit Suisse Cushing 30 MLP Index ETN ETN Sector 04/14/10
8 CSLS Credit Suisse Long/Short Liquid Index ETN ETN Style 02/22/10
9 CSMA Credit Suisse Merger Arbitrage Liquid Idx ETN ETN Sector 10/04/10
10 CVOL C-Tracks Citi Volatility Index Total Return ETN ETN Commodity 11/15/10
11 FLYX Direxion Airline Shares ETF Sector 12/08/10
12 TWOZ Direxion Daily 2-Year Treasury Bear 3x ETF Lev & Inv 02/25/10
13 TWOL Direxion Daily 2-Year Treasury Bull 3x ETF Lev & Inv 02/25/10
14 BRIS Direxion Daily BRIC Bear 2x ETF Lev & Inv 03/11/10
15 BRIL Direxion Daily BRIC Bull 2x ETF Lev & Inv 03/11/10
16 DUST Direxion Daily Gold Miners Bear 2x Shares ETF Lev & Inv 12/08/10
17 NUGT Direxion Daily Gold Miners Bull 2x Shares ETF Lev & Inv 12/08/10
18 INDZ Direxion Daily India Bear 2x ETF Lev & Inv 03/11/10
19 INDL Direxion Daily India Bull 2x ETF Lev & Inv 03/11/10
20 FCGS Direxion Daily Natural Gas Related Bear 2x ETF Lev & Inv 07/14/10
21 FCGL Direxion Daily Natural Gas Related Bull 2x ETF Lev & Inv 07/14/10
22 RETS Direxion Daily Retail Bear 2x ETF Lev & Inv 07/14/10
23 RETL Direxion Daily Retail Bull 2x ETF Lev & Inv 07/14/10
24 SOXS Direxion Daily Semiconductor Bear 3x ETF Lev & Inv 03/11/10
25 SOXL Direxion Daily Semiconductor Bull 3x ETF Lev & Inv 03/11/10
26 ECON EGS DJ Emerging Markets Consumer Titans ETF Sector 09/14/10
27 BRXX EGS INDXX Brazil Infrastructure ETF International 02/24/10
28 CHXX EGS INDXX China Infrastructure ETF International 02/17/10
29 INXX EGS INDXX India Infrastructure ETF International 08/11/10
30 SCIN EGS INDXX India Small Cap ETF International 07/07/10
31 PALL ETFS Physical Palladium Shares ETF Commodity 01/06/10
32 PPLT ETFS Physical Platinum Shares ETF Commodity 01/06/10
33 WITE ETFS Physical White Metal Basket Shares ETF Commodity 12/03/10
34 GLTR ETFS Precious Metals Basket Shares ETF Commodity 10/22/10
35 BICK First Trust BICK Index Fund ETF International 04/13/10
36 CU First Trust ISE Global Copper Index Fund ETF Sector 03/12/10
37 PLTM First Trust ISE Global Platinum Index Fund ETF Sector 03/12/10
38 BRAQ Global X Brazil Consumer ETF ETF Sector 07/08/10
39 BRAF Global X Brazil Financials ETF ETF Sector 07/29/10
40 BRAZ Global X Brazil Mid Cap ETF ETF International 06/22/10
41 CHIM Global X China Materials ETF ETF Sector 01/14/10
42 COPX Global X Copper Miners ETF ETF Sector 04/20/10
43 NORW Global X FTSE Norway 30 ETF ETF International 11/10/10
44 GLDX Global X Gold Explorers ETF ETF Sector 11/04/10
45 LIT Global X Lithium ETF ETF Sector 07/23/10
46 SIL Global X Silver Miners ETF ETF Sector 04/20/10
47 URA Global X Uranium ETF ETF Sector 11/05/10
48 GSZ GlobalShares FTSE All-Cap AsiaPac ex-Japan ETF International 04/06/10
49 GSO GlobalShares FTSE All-World ex-US Fund ETF International 04/06/10
50 GSW GlobalShares FTSE All-World Fund ETF International 04/06/10
51 GSD GlobalShares FTSE Dev Countries ex US ETF International 02/11/10
52 GMTB Grail McDonnell Core Taxable Bond ETF ETF Bond 01/29/10
53 GMMB Grail McDonnell Intermediate Municipal Bnd ETF Bond 01/29/10
54 BSCB Guggenheim BulletShares 2011 Corporate Bond ETF Bond 06/07/10
55 BSCC Guggenheim BulletShares 2012 Corporate Bond ETF Bond 06/07/10
56 BSCD Guggenheim BulletShares 2013 Corporate Bond ETF Bond 06/07/10
57 BSCE Guggenheim BulletShares 2014 Corporate Bond ETF Bond 06/07/10
58 BSCF Guggenheim BulletShares 2015 Corporate Bond ETF Bond 06/07/10
59 BSCG Guggenheim BulletShares 2016 Corporate Bond ETF Bond 06/07/10
60 BSCH Guggenheim BulletShares 2017 Corporate Bond ETF Bond 06/07/10
61 SEA Guggenheim Shipping ETF ETF Sector 06/11/10
62 XXV iPath Inverse S&P500 VIX Short-Term Fut ETN ETN Commodity 07/19/10
63 MFLA iPath Long Enhanced MSCI EAFE Index ETN ETN Lev & Inv 11/30/10
64 EMLB iPath Long Enhanced MSCI Emerging Mkts ETN ETN Lev & Inv 11/30/10
65 VZZ iPath Long Enh S&P 500 VIX Mid-Term Fut ETN ETN Commodity 11/30/10
66 ROLA iPath Long Extended Russell 1000 TR Index ETN ETN Lev & Inv 11/30/10
67 RTLA iPath Long Extended Russell 2000 TR Index ETN ETN Lev & Inv 11/30/10
68 SFLA iPath Long Extended S&P 500 TR Index ETN ETN Lev & Inv 11/30/10
69 MFSA iPath Short Enhanced MSCI EAFE Index ETN ETN Lev & Inv 11/30/10
70 EMSA iPath Short Enhanced MSCI Emerging Mkts ETN ETN Lev & Inv 11/30/10
71 ROSA iPath Short Extended Russell 1000 TR Index ETN ETN Lev & Inv 11/30/10
72 RTSA iPath Short Extended Russell 2000 TR Index ETN ETN Lev & Inv 11/30/10
73 SFSA iPath Short Extended S&P 500 TR Index ETN ETN Lev & Inv 11/30/10
74 DTYS iPath US Treasury 10-year Bear ETN ETN Lev & Inv 08/10/10
75 DTYL iPath US Treasury 10-year Bull ETN ETN Lev & Inv 08/10/10
76 DTUS iPath US Treasury 2-year Bear ETN ETN Lev & Inv 08/10/10
77 DTUL iPath US Treasury 2-year Bull ETN ETN Lev & Inv 08/10/10
78 FLAT iPath US Treasury Flattener ETN ETN Lev & Inv 08/10/10
79 DLBS iPath US Treasury Long Bond Bear ETN ETN Lev & Inv 08/10/10
80 DLBL iPath US Treasury Long Bond Bull ETN ETN Lev & Inv 08/10/10
81 STPP iPath US Treasury Steepener ETN ETN Lev & Inv 08/10/10
82 KROO IQ Australia Small Cap ETF ETF International 03/23/10
83 CNDA IQ Canada Small Cap ETF ETF International 03/23/10
84 SKOR IQ South Korea Small Cap ETF ETF International 04/14/10
85 TWON IQ Taiwan Small Cap ETF International 05/19/10
86 MUAA iShares 2012 S&P AMT-Free Muni Series ETF Bond 01/06/10
87 MUAB iShares 2013 S&P AMT-Free Muni Series ETF Bond 01/06/10
88 MUAC iShares 2014 S&P AMT-Free Muni Series ETF Bond 01/06/10
89 MUAD iShares 2015 S&P AMT-Free Muni Series ETF Bond 01/06/10
90 MUAE iShares 2016 S&P AMT-Free Muni Series ETF Bond 01/06/10
91 MUAF iShares 2017 S&P AMT-Free Muni Series ETF Bond 01/06/10
92 STIP iShares Barclays 0-5 Year TIPS Bond Fund ETF Bond 12/03/10
93 AXDI iShares MSCI ACWI ex US Consumer Discr ETF Sector 07/16/10
94 AXSL iShares MSCI ACWI ex US Consumer Staples ETF Sector 07/16/10
95 AXEN iShares MSCI ACWI ex US Energy ETF Sector 07/16/10
96 AXFN iShares MSCI ACWI ex US Financials ETF Sector 01/22/10
97 AXHE iShares MSCI ACWI ex US Health Care ETF Sector 07/16/10
98 AXID iShares MSCI ACWI ex US Industrials ETF Sector 07/16/10
99 AXIT iShares MSCI ACWI ex US Info Technology ETF Sector 07/16/10
100 AXMT iShares MSCI ACWI ex US Materials ETF Sector 07/16/10
101 AXTE iShares MSCI ACWI ex US Telecom Services ETF Sector 07/16/10
102 AXUT iShares MSCI ACWI ex US Utilities ETF Sector 07/16/10
103 EWZS iShares MSCI Brazil Small Cap Index Fund ETF International 09/29/10
104 ECNS iShares MSCI China Small Cap Index Fund ETF International 09/29/10
105 EMFN iShares MSCI Emerging Markets Financials ETF Sector 01/22/10
106 EMMT iShares MSCI Emerging Markets Materials ETF Sector 01/22/10
107 EUFN iShares MSCI Europe Financials Sector ETF Sector 01/22/10
108 FEFN iShares MSCI Far East Financials Sector ETF Sector 01/22/10
109 EIDO iShares MSCI Indonesia Investable Market ETF International 05/07/10
110 EIRL iShares MSCI Ireland Cap. Investable Mkt ETF International 05/07/10
111 ENZL iShares MSCI New Zealand Investable Market ETF International 09/02/10
112 EPHE iShares MSCI Philippines Investable Market ETF International 09/29/10
113 EPOL iShares MSCI Poland Investable Market ETF International 05/26/10
114 ERUS iShares MSCI Russia Capped Index Fund ETF International 11/10/10
115 EUSA iShares MSCI USA Index Fund ETF Style 05/07/10
116 WCAT Jefferies | TR/J CRB Wildcatters Exp & Prod ETF Sector 01/20/10
117 JCO JETS Contrarian Opportunities ETF Style 04/09/10
118 DSXJ JPMorgan Qrtly Double Short US 10-Yr Treas ETN ETN Lev & Inv 10/05/10
119 DSTJ JPMorgan Qrtly Double Short US Long Treas ETN ETN Lev & Inv 10/05/10
120 PEK Market Vectors China A-Shares ETF ETF International 10/14/10
121 EGPT Market Vectors Egypt Index ETF ETF International 02/18/10
122 EMLC Market Vectors Emg Mkts Local Curr Bond ETF Bond 07/23/10
123 SCIF Market Vectors India Small-Cap ETF International 08/25/10
124 LATM Market Vectors Latin America Small-Cap ETF International 04/07/10
125 REMX Market Vectors Rare Earth/Strategic Metals ETF Sector 10/28/10
126 ONEF One Fund ETF ETF Style 05/11/10
127 NASI Pax MSCI North America ESG Index ETF Style 05/19/10
128 TRSY PIMCO Broad U.S. Treasury Index Fund ETF Bond 11/01/10
129 BABZ PIMCO Build America Bond Strategy Fund ETF Bond 09/21/10
130 CORP PIMCO Investment Grade Corporate Bond ETF Bond 09/21/10
131 SMMU PIMCO Short Term Municipal Bond Strategy ETF Bond 02/03/10
132 PCEF PowerShares CEF Income Composite ETF Bond 02/19/10
133 LBND PowerShares DB 3x Long 25+ Treas ETN ETN Lev & Inv 06/29/10
134 SBND PowerShares DB 3x Short 25+ Treas ETN ETN Lev & Inv 06/29/10
135 PICB PowerShares International Corporate Bond ETF Bond 06/03/10
136 KBWD PowerShares KBW High Dividend Yield Financial ETF Sector 12/02/10
137 KBWX PowerShares KBW International Financial ETF Sector 12/02/10
138 KBWY PowerShares KBW Premium Yield Equity REIT ETF Sector 12/02/10
139 KBWP PowerShares KBW Property & Casualty Ins ETF Sector 12/02/10
140 XLYS PowerShares S&P SmallCap Consumer Discr ETF Sector 04/07/10
141 XLPS PowerShares S&P SmallCap Consumer Stap ETF Sector 04/07/10
142 XLES PowerShares S&P SmallCap Energy ETF Sector 04/07/10
143 XLFS PowerShares S&P SmallCap Financials ETF Sector 04/07/10
144 XLVS PowerShares S&P SmallCap Health Care ETF Sector 04/07/10
145 XLIS PowerShares S&P SmallCap Industrials ETF Sector 04/07/10
146 XLKS PowerShares S&P SmallCap Info Technology ETF Sector 04/07/10
147 XLBS PowerShares S&P SmallCap Materials ETF Sector 04/07/10
148 XLUS PowerShares S&P SmallCap Utilities ETF Sector 04/07/10
149 RALS ProShares RAFI Long/Short ETF Style 12/09/10
150 SBM ProShares Short Basic Materials ETF Lev & Inv 03/18/10
151 YXI ProShares Short FTSE/Xinhua China ETF Lev & Inv 03/18/10
152 KRS ProShares Short KBW Regional Banking ETF Lev & Inv 04/22/10
153 REK ProShares Short Real Estate ETF Lev & Inv 03/18/10
154 UBT ProShares Ultra 20+ Year Treasury ETF Lev & Inv 01/21/10
155 UST ProShares Ultra 7-10 Year Treasury ETF Lev & Inv 01/21/10
156 KRU ProShares Ultra KBW Regional Banking ETF Lev & Inv 04/22/10
157 UBR ProShares Ultra MSCI Brazil ETF Lev & Inv 04/29/10
158 UPV ProShares Ultra MSCI Europe ETF Lev & Inv 04/29/10
159 UMX ProShares Ultra MSCI Mexico Investable Mkt ETF Lev & Inv 04/29/10
160 UXJ ProShares Ultra MSCI Pacific Ex-Japan ETF Lev & Inv 04/29/10
161 BIB ProShares Ultra Nasdaq Biotechnology ETF Lev & Inv 04/08/10
162 UDOW ProShares UltraPro Dow30 ETF Lev & Inv 02/11/10
163 TQQQ ProShares UltraPro QQQ ETF Lev & Inv 02/11/10
164 URTY ProShares UltraPro Russell2000 ETF Lev & Inv 02/11/10
165 UMDD ProShares UltraPro S&P MidCap400 ETF Lev & Inv 02/11/10
166 SDOW ProShares UltraPro Short Dow30 ETF Lev & Inv 02/11/10
167 SQQQ ProShares UltraPro Short QQQ ETF Lev & Inv 02/11/10
168 SRTY ProShares UltraPro Short Russell2000 ETF Lev & Inv 02/11/10
169 SMDD ProShares UltraPro Short S&P MidCap400 ETF Lev & Inv 02/11/10
170 BIS ProShares UltraShort Nasdaq Biotechnology ETF Lev & Inv 04/08/10
171 TRND RBS US Large Cap Trendpilot ETN ETN Style 12/08/10
172 EWEF Rydex MSCI EAFE Equal Weight ETF ETF International 12/08/10
173 EWEM Rydex MSCI Emerging Markets Equal Weight ETF ETF International 12/08/10
174 EWRI Rydex Russell 1000 Equal Weight ETF ETF Style 12/08/10
175 EWRS Rydex Russell 2000 Equal Weight ETF ETF Style 12/08/10
176 EWRM Rydex Russell Midcap Equal Weight ETF ETF Style 12/08/10
177 SCHE Schwab Emerging Markets Equity ETF International 01/14/10
178 SCHR Schwab Intermediate-Term U.S. Treasury ETF Bond 08/05/10
179 SCHC Schwab International Small-Cap Equity ETF International 01/14/10
180 SCHO Schwab Short-Term U.S. Treasury ETF Bond 08/05/10
181 SCHP Schwab U.S. TIPS ETF Bond 08/05/10
182 IBND SPDR Barclays International Corp Bond ETF Bond 05/20/10
183 BABS SPDR Nuveen Barclays Build America Bond ETF Bond 05/13/10
184 GNR SPDR S&P Global Natural Resources ETF ETF Sector 09/14/10
185 RBL SPDR S&P Russia ETF ETF International 03/11/10
186 CORN Teucrium Corn Fund ETF Commodity 06/09/10
187 MLPS UBS E-TRACS 1x Mthly Short Alerian MLP ETN ETN Lev & Inv 09/29/10
188 MLPL UBS E-TRACS 2x Mthly Alerian MLP Infra ETN ETN Lev & Inv 07/07/10
189 MLPI UBS E-TRACS Alerian MLP Infrastructure ETN ETN Sector 04/02/10
190 MLPG UBS E-TRACS Alerian Natural Gas MLP ETN ETN Sector 07/14/10
191 XVIX UBS E-TRACS Daily Long-Short VIX ETN ETN Commodity 12/01/10
192 SPGH UBS E-TRACS S&P 500 Gold Hedged Idx ETN ETN Style 01/28/10
193 MLPW UBS E-TRACS Wells Fargo MLP Index ETN ETN Sector 11/01/10
194 BNO United States Brent Oil Fund ETF Commodity 06/02/10
195 USCI United States Commodity Index Fund ETF Commodity 08/10/10
196 VNQI Vanguard Global ex-U.S. Real Estate ETF ETF Sector 11/01/10
197 VONE Vanguard Russell 1000 ETF ETF Style 09/22/10
198 VONG Vanguard Russell 1000 Growth ETF ETF Style 09/22/10
199 VONV Vanguard Russell 1000 Value ETF ETF Style 09/22/10
200 VTWO Vanguard Russell 2000 ETF ETF Style 09/22/10
201 VTWG Vanguard Russell 2000 Growth ETF ETF Style 09/22/10
202 VTWV Vanguard Russell 2000 Value ETF ETF Style 09/22/10
203 VTHR Vanguard Russell 3000 ETF ETF Style 09/22/10
204 VOO Vanguard S&P 500 ETF ETF Style 09/09/10
205 VOOG Vanguard S&P 500 Growth ETF ETF Style 09/09/10
206 VOOV Vanguard S&P 500 Value ETF ETF Style 09/09/10
207 IVOO Vanguard S&P Mid-Cap 400 ETF ETF Style 09/09/10
208 IVOG Vanguard S&P Mid-Cap 400 Growth ETF ETF Style 09/09/10
209 IVOV Vanguard S&P Mid-Cap 400 Value ETF ETF Style 09/09/10
210 VIOO Vanguard S&P Small-Cap 600 ETF ETF Style 09/09/10
211 VIOG Vanguard S&P Small-Cap 600 Growth ETF ETF Style 09/09/10
212 VIOV Vanguard S&P Small-Cap 600 Value ETF ETF Style 09/09/10
213 TVIZ VelocityShares Daily 2x VIX Medium-Term ETN ETN Commodity 11/30/10
214 TVIX VelocityShares Daily 2x VIX Short-Term ETN ETN Commodity 11/30/10
215 ZIV VelocityShares Daily Inverse VIX Med-Term ETN ETN Commodity 11/30/10
216 XIV VelocityShares Daily Inverse VIX Short-Term ETN ETN Commodity 11/30/10
217 VIIZ VelocityShares VIX Medium-Term ETN ETN Commodity 11/30/10
218 VIIX VelocityShares VIX Short-Term ETN ETN Commodity 11/30/10
219 WXSP Wilshire 4500 Completion ETF (Guggenheim) ETF Style 03/09/10
220 WFVK Wilshire 5000 Total Market ETF (Guggenheim) ETF Style 03/09/10
221 WREI Wilshire US REIT ETF (Guggenheim) ETF Sector 03/09/10
222 CCX WisdomTree Dreyfus Commodity Currency ETF Currency 09/24/10
223 ELD WisdomTree Emerging Markets Local Debt ETF Bond 08/09/10

Disclosure covering writer, editor, publisher, and affiliates: No positions in any of the securities mentioned. No positions in any of the companies or ETF sponsors mentioned.  No income, revenue, or other compensation (either directly or indirectly) received from, or on behalf of, any of the companies or ETF sponsors mentioned.

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