Pi Day is Here – Will Pi Network Price Explode or Keep Crashing?


Pi Network has plunged by 8.5% in the past 24 hours, with its fall to $1.57 coming as the crypto market suffers a 2% drop today.

Its dive also happens to come on Pi Day, an international and annual commemoration of the mathematical constant π, from which the altcoin takes its name.

Yet this little fact doesn’t seem to have helped PI, which is also down by 12.5% in a week and by 47% since reaching an ATH of $2.99 on February 26.

However, a PI bull would argue that these declines put the new token in a strong position to rebound in the coming weeks, with Pi Network’s price prediction for the longer term continuing to look promising.

Pi Day is Here – Will Pi Network Price Explode or Keep Crashing?

It probably isn’t surprising that Pi Day hasn’t incited a massive Pi Network rally, given that the two aren’t directly related.

That said, some traders and platforms have made an effort of making a connection, with Bitget, for example, running a promotion to coincide with the mathematical celebration.

Yet probably the most relevant thing happening with the Pi Network today is that it’s the final deadline for passing the KYC necessary to migrate mined tokens over to the platform’s mainnet.

In fact, the deadline expired at 8:00am UTC (or 4:00am EST), meaning that any early PI miners who haven’t verified their tokens have now lost them.

Reports are already arriving that some PI holders have had to forfeit their tokens, although exact figures aren’t clear at this point.