Threats For New Outbreak Looms, As Scientists Signal Deadly Monkeypox Variant Circulating In Central Africa

  • Researchers have warned that a dangerous monkeypox variant with a fatality rate as high as 10% is circulating in Central Africa, which could trigger new global outbreaks.
  • After analyzing 1,463 cases between 2013 and 2017, scientists have found that monkeypox transmission in a remote part of the Democratic Republic of the Congo is much higher than previously thought.
  • Citing one of the CDC researchers behind the report, Forbes reported that transmission has been ”getting close to the point where it can cause large and sustained local outbreaks.”
  • The World Health Organization declared monkeypox infection a global health emergency. In August, health officials said they are witnessing early signs of waning growth in infection rates in Europe and the U.S.
  • The researchers also found evidence suggesting the monkeypox virus—believed to be harbored by rodents—is spilling over from animals into humans more frequently.
  • The few shots and treatments used against monkeypox are available but in very short supply and have gone mainly to wealthy Western nations. 
  • In September, the White House reportedly sought $3.9 billion to fight against monkeypox.
  • The African communities that have struggled with monkeypox for years have received few vaccines and continue to be overlooked.
  • Photo Jernej Furman from Flickr
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