The Sims 4 Updates Arrive Soon: Faster Gameplay, Fewer Glitches, Enhanced Performance

Zinger Key Points
  • The Sims 4 team acknowledges technical issues, pledging to prioritize fixes and enhance gameplay.
  • Fans cautiously optimistic; EA reaffirms commitment to support game.

The Sims 4 has faced technical hurdles over the years, frustrating fans with glitches and performance issues. However, the team is now prioritizing improvements to the core game experience.

In a recent statement, The Sims team acknowledged players’ frustrations, saying, “technical issues with The Sims 4 have interrupted your gameplay over time and we recognize that this has caused you much frustration.”

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The group announced a dedicated effort to address these concerns, promising to increase both the number of fixes and the frequency of updates, with the first update set to arrive by the end of May.

“We have assembled a team to invest in the core game experience, including tackling your reported concerns,” the statement continued. This commitment entailed releasing patches approximately every two months, with the first set to arrive soon.

Electronic Arts Inc EA detailed the contents of the upcoming patch in a “Laundry List,” primarily focusing on fixing small bugs and enhancing performance.

The team aims to make The Sims 4 run smoother by optimizing memory usage. “As a result, you may experience fewer crashes, a better frame rate, and/or a more responsive simulation,” the group stated.

Fans have reacted positively to the news, cautiously optimistic about the improvements. Some speculate that player feedback, including recent in-game surveys, influenced EA’s decision to prioritize these fixes.

Despite ongoing development of new The Sims projects, EA reaffirms its commitment to supporting The Sims 4.

Read Next: EA Drops A Game-Changer — ‘The Sims 5’ To Launch As Free Download

Photo: Shutterstock.

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