Company Logos Database

Are you looking for an easy and efficient way to retrieve high-quality logos for companies around the world?

Company Logos

Company Logos

Easy and efficient way to retrieve high-quality logos

Search for any Stock

Search for any Stock

Search for stocks, ETFs, Mutual Funds, and Cryptocurrency tokens.

Delight your users

Delight your users

Add UX enhancements to your application.

Easily find logos

Our logo API allows you to quickly lookup company logos. It's as easy as typing in a company name or ticker.

Data field descriptions

Please refer to Our Documentation for all of your API integration needs, including parameter queries and other technical information.

Integration Example

Using company logos is a great way to enhance the user experience of any quote page, watchlist, or push notification. In a fast paced world, allow users to quickly identify companies by associating the logo to a company.