5 Ways To Use CBD For Anxiety

This article was originally published on Cannabis & Tech Today and appears here with permission.

In recent years, many people have started using CBD as a remedy to various health issues thanks to its anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and sedative properties. One of the most prominent uses of CBD is anxiety treatment – cannabidiol interacts with brain receptors altering serotonin inhibition, which results in reduced anxiety and improved sleep and mood. Other anxiety treatments commonly come in the form of pills or medication, but CBD, due to its nature, can be ingested in multiple ways, with each method providing different benefits.

CBD is usually taken in the form of oil, and it’s easy to see why. It can be ingested, added to food or applied topically. However, the cannabidiol market is still developing, and it’s not uncommon to find CBD in various other forms, such as tinctures, edibles, topical creams and even vape liquids. Below, you will find the five most common ways of consuming CBD for anxiety. Read on to find out which one is the best for you!

Vaping CBD Oil

Vaping has become a popular way of consuming nicotine in recent years, and it’s not uncommon to find people using vape pens for CBD oil as well. Vaping CBD has a few advantages over other methods. First of all, it’s one of the fastest ways to feel the effects of cannabidiol. When CBD is inhaled, it enters the bloodstream through the lungs and bypasses the digestive system, taking effect almost immediately.

Vaping is also an excellent option for people who don’t like the taste of CBD oil. CBD vape liquids come in a variety of flavors, so you can easily find one that suits your taste. Apart from that, vaping is a convenient way to take CBD on the go – all you need is your bottle of CBD vape juice and a vape pen – any device will do, whether it’s a disposable one or a more advanced mod like those available on vapekit.co.uk.

Taking CBD Oil Sublingually

Taking cannabidiol oil sublingually, or in other words, by placing a few drops under your tongue and keeping them there for a minute or two before swallowing, is a more traditional way of consuming CBD. It’s also one of the most effective, as it allows CBD to be absorbed directly into the bloodstream through the mucous membranes in your mouth, skipping the digestive system altogether.

Just like with vaping, the effects of taking CBD oil sublingually are almost immediate. However, they also last longer – up to 6 hours. This method is perfect for people who need long-lasting relief from anxiety or other conditions. CBD sprays are a great option for those who want to take cannabidiol sublingually in a discreet manner. All you need to do is spray a few times under your tongue and wait a minute or two for the relaxing effects to kick in.

Applying CBD Topically

CBD can also be applied topically in the form of creams, lotions or salves. This method is usually used to treat localised pain or inflammation, but it can also be effective for anxiety and other mental conditions. When applied to the skin, CBD interacts with cannabinoid receptors located in the body’s endocannabinoid system, which consists of the brain, nervous system and other organs.

Such lotions come in many different forms and with various other ingredients that can improve the effects of cannabidiol or simply add to the experience. For example, CBD creams or salves often contain menthol or other essential oils that provide a cooling or warming sensation, which can help relieve anxiety or tension. It is worth mentioning that the effects of CBD when applied topically are not as strong or long-lasting as when inhaled or taken sublingually. Instead, the CBD in topical products is more likely to provide localised relief.

Taking CBD Capsules

Finally, taking CBD in capsules is probably the most convenient way of taking cannabidiol, especially if you need to take it regularly or don’t want to mess with oils or other products. Just like CBD edibles, capsules must be ingested orally and pass through the digestive system before they take effect. However, you can know precisely how much cannabidiol you’re taking – capsules usually come in dosages from 10 mg to 100 mg and allow for easy dosing without measuring oil or adding it to food or drinks.

Capsules are also a good choice if you don’t like taking oils, even though they are tasteless. You can take them just like any other pill – with water or your usual beverage. And since they don’t need to be stored at a certain temperature, as is the case with oils and other products that contain CBD, you can take them anywhere. As long as you have your bottle of capsules or container in which you store them handy, it’s easy to use cannabidiol whenever needed.

What is the Optimal Dosage of CBD?

The standard dosage of CBD is usually 20 – 40 mg per day, meaning that a single capsule can be enough for many people. However, it is recommended to take from 300mg to 600mg per day if your anxiety is severe. CBD affects everyone differently – what works for you might not work as well for someone else.

Therefore, it is recommended to start with a smaller dosage and gradually increase it until the desired effects are achieved, just like when taking other medications. Keep in mind that you should contact your GP before taking any cannabidiol products – depending on the severity of your anxiety, it might be necessary to combine CBD with other medications.

To Sum Up

CBD is a popular treatment for anxiety and other conditions thanks to its anti-inflammatory, analgesic and sedative properties. It’s available in many different forms, each providing an individual experience with various effects. The most common ways of taking cannabidiol are sublingually (under the tongue), eating edibles like gummies and chocolate bars or applying topical products such as creams or lotions on your skin. However, you can also use CBD vape liquids or take capsules that contain cannabidiol oil if you don’t like tasting it or simply prefer more convenient methods of taking the product.

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