Struggling New York Cannabis Farmers Excluded From State Budget, Relief Fund Is Dismissed

Efforts to secure financial relief for New York's 289 licensed cannabis farmers have stalled, leaving them disheartened and facing significant financial losses due to the 2024 state budget excluding the proposed Cannabis Farmer’s Relief Fund, despite limited retail outlets exacerbating their situation.

Legislative Efforts Stalled

Despite the advocacy of Assemblywoman Donna Lupardo and Sen. Michelle Hinchey, the 2024 state budget will not include the proposed Cannabis Farmer’s Relief Fund.

This decision leaves many farmers grappling with significant financial losses, a situation exacerbated by the limited number of retail outlets available for selling their products in 2022 and 2023.

Lupardo and Hinchey, who have been at the forefront of pushing for the relief package, expressed their disappointment over the inability to secure the necessary funds.

Their proposed package, which sought to offer $128 million in aid through grants, loans, and tax credits, garnered no support during budget discussions.

Market Misfortunes

The backdrop of this struggle is a market flooded with unsold cannabis, stemming from an oversupply and insufficient retail avenues to distribute the product. New York's legal cannabis sector, expected to be among the nation’s largest, has instead been marked by frustration and financial hardship.

Farmers have cultivated vast quantities of cannabis, enough to supply 1,500 stores, yet face a reality of barely 50 legal dispensaries open for business. This mismatch has left approximately 250,000 pounds of cannabis unsold, representing a critical loss in revenue and potential tax income for the state.

Substantial Revenue And Struggling Farmers

The absence of financial relief in the state budget not only underscores the ongoing challenges faced by New York’s cannabis industry but also raises concerns about the future viability of these farming operations.

As the state anticipates substantial revenues from the cannabis sector, the reality on the ground for farmers paints a grim picture of struggling to manage unsold stock while seeking support.

Photo: AI-Generated Image. 

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Posted In: CannabisNewsRegulationsSmall BusinessMarketsAssemblywoman Donna LupardoNew York CannabisNew York cannabis farmersSen. Michelle Hinchey
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The Benzinga Cannabis Capital Conference is coming to Florida

The Benzinga Cannabis Capital Conference is returning to Florida, in a new venue in Hollywood, on April 16 and 17, 2024. The two-day event at The Diplomat Beach Resort will be a chance for entrepreneurs, both large and small, to network, learn and grow. Renowned for its trendsetting abilities and influence on the future of cannabis, mark your calendars – this conference is the go-to event of the year for the cannabis world.

Get your tickets now on – Prices will increase very soon!
