Montréal – TheNewswire - December 29, 2021 – St-Georges Eco-Mining Corp. SX SX SXOOF (FSE:85G1) is pleased to provide a recap of the exploration work conducted on its Julie Project in 2021.
Conclusions from this year's exploration work - Based on past and recent work programs, the Company believes that there is potential for a larger mineralized source at depth for the narrow near-surface mineralization identified to date. The basis for this theory is suggested by mineralization hosted in several different rock types along a N60°E trend related to a strong conductor as defined by an airborne EM geophysical survey and bodies of intrusive rocks similar to large mineralized systems located around the world. The company intends to pursue additional work including additional prospecting and drilling in the future to confirm this theory.
A total of 4,198 meters over 11 holes was drilled on the Julie Project, the bulk of which consisted of holes positioned to conduct a borehole geophysical review of the project and identify targets for the second phase of exploration drilling that was initiated in October. Additional material was collected through surface grab and channel sampling in the initial surface exploration phase. Results from this effort are summarized below.
2021 EXPLORATION SUMMARY ON THE JULIE PROJECTProspection work program (Phase 1 May-July 2021)
From May to July 2021, a field prospecting work (Phase 1 of the fieldwork program) with a Beepmat instrument1 was undertaken in several parts of the claims comprising the Julie Project (approximately 2,495 hectares or 25 square kilometers) (Figures 1 to 3, Table 1). Several historical nickel and copper mineralized showings, as well as zinc and silver mineral occurrences, were summarily investigated to confirm their location and level of access. The geological team also identified extensions to known mineralization. A total of 140 grab, chip, and/or channel line samples were collected for further evaluation. This included 29 meters of channel cuts. This prospecting work covered the trench known as Julie Ni-Cu2, Trench number 9, a Zn-Ag-Cu showing and the Remous Ni-Cu showing. Work was also expanded to a new block of claims west and north, and contiguous with the main Julie claim position (historically held by St-Georges). This new area is identified as the Lac Boily area.
Only small sections of the Julie Project have been prospected to date. In many cases, areas with dated historical information were difficult to access with heavy equipment or in some cases, even by foot because of the mature vegetation which has regrown on old forest roads.
Fig. 1: Julie Project: location of historical & newly identified mineralized showings
1 Magnetic susceptibility and relative EM conductivity detector From GDD geophysics instruments
2 The Julie Ni-Cu historical showing was investigated later in summer 2021 (July to Sept, Phase 2 of the field exploration program)
Fig. 2: Julie Project: compilation of historical mineralized showings and rock samples from 2021 Phase 1 surface work program
Fig. 3: Julie Project: location of prospected and sampled sites (Julie Ni-Cu and Zn-Ag showing)
Notable results from the surface work campaign are shown in Figure 1, and readers will find detailed descriptions hereinafter.
Site (A): The new Bastien Ni-Cu mineralized showing is located 575m southwest of the Julie Ni-Cu showing. This area could constitute a possible southwest extension of the Julie (T1) historical showing. The showing was discovered immediately adjacent to the cleared access road. After manual stripping, a semi-massive to massive sulfides lens of pyrrhotite, pyrite and chalcopyrite was exposed. The mineralization is narrow, deformed, and discontinuous. The mineralization appears to be strongly fractured within brecciated gabbronorite and pyroxenite. It was observed over approximately 4 square meters. A grab sample returned 0.13% nickel and 0.11% Cu.
Site (B): About 300 meters northeast of the Julie (T1) showing, a grab sample was taken outside the historical trench within what appears to be graphitic and sulfide-rich metasediments which carry 5 to 10% sulfides, mainly pyrite. The sample grade 0.50% zinc. No further work has been done on this target.
Site (C): Close to the historical Trench #9, a Zn-Ag-Cu mineral occurrence was located about 1,275 meters from Julie (T1) showing. A grab sample from the northeast extension of the historical trench returned grades of 0.1% nickel and 0.21% chromium. The mineralization appears to be hosted in biotite-garnet-magnetite bearing paragneiss.
Site (D): Located approximately 600 meters southeast of the historical Remous showing. A grab sample from the anorthosite with 1 to 3% sulfides at surface returned grades of 0.1% nickel and 0.1% copper.
Site (E): Several channel cuts and rock samples have been collected in the northwest section of the newly acquired claims north of the Lac Boily area. This section of claims has been underexplored by the Company historically and the area was not renewed for many years until recently. A team of geologists from the Company scouted the area earlier this year. The sector contains a rusty stained zone covering approximately 8 km x 3 km (A. Berclaz 2021). The zone consists of extensive rusty patched feldspar-quartz porphyritic felsic intrusion, possibly associated with leuco to melanocratic gabbro (possibly gabbronorite) intruding pillowed metabasaltic host rock formation. The dike or stock identified is strongly cataclastic and brecciated with numerous small to large polylithic enclaves composed of fine to coarse-grained felsic rock with inclusions of rusty stained mafic and ultramafic rocks.
A sample taken in siliceous hornblende-biotite bearing metabasalt containing 1-2% sulfides in relative contact with the felsic dike returned grades of 0.23% nickel, 0.1% chromium and 0.05% copper.
According to Alain Berclaz, St-Georges' contracted geologist, the kilometric felsic porphyry is probably genetically related to a significant mafic-ultramafic intrusive body covering an important area.
Table 1. Significant results from summer 2021 fieldwork (Phase 1)
Phase 2 2021 fieldwork program (July-Oct 2021)
Phase 2 of the field program was mainly conducted in the vicinity of the historical trench of Julie Ni-Cu showing (T1) and along the observed northeast extension. This mineralized zone extends for at least 1,200 meters and is up to several meters in width. Several old trenches (Trench T2 to Trench T8) were observed in the NE extension zone. Trenches T1, T2 and T3 were the only ones targeted in this effort with partial to extensive analysis, mapping and surface sampling. The samples consisted of grab samples, channel cuts, bulk sampling and portable drill core sampling. (Table 2, Figures 4 and 5).
A bulk sampling of 170kg of mineralization hosted in trench T-1 (same as Figure 5) was collected. This bulk sample will be used to conduct metallurgical tests by St-Georges personnel. Elsewhere on the project, historical showings were revisited as well as new targets. Geological mapping and sampling was completed on these areas. Overall, a total of 107 grab samples, 84 meters of channel cut samples and some portable drill core samples were taken during Phase 2 of the fieldwork effort. The significant results of Phase 2 that were received at the time of this press release are shown in Table 2.
The Company expects to receive most of the results of its 2021 drilling campaign on the Julie Project in the first quarter of 2022.
Fig. 4: Julie Project: sketch map of old Trench TR-01 with mineralized zone evaluated (Julie Ni-Cu showing).
Fig. 5: Julie Project: example of the Julie showing (T1) mineralization.
Table 2. Significant mineralization results from Phase 2 of 2021 field exploration
Name |
Noticeable Results |
Comment |
Julie Trench T1 (historical) |
channel samples crosscutting at right angle the main mineralized zone (18m x 2.25m, open to SW and at depth) characterized by of semi-massive sulfides hosted in leuco gabbronorite and pyroxenite |
Bastien Ni- Cu (New) |
channel samples crosscutting at right angle the main mineralized zone (4m x 1.5m, open NE and SW extension and at depth) characterized by massive sulfides pods, clusters, and stringers (< 4cm wide) hosted in fractured leuco gabbronorite and pyroxenite |
Julie Trench T3 (historical) |
channel samples crosscutting at right angle the main mineralized zone (45m x 5m, open all directions) characterized by mineralized graphitic paragneiss, gabbronorite sills and feldspar porphyritic felsic dike (Exploration is not completed) |
Remous (historical) |
Waiting for the assay results |
Disseminated sulfides (Tr-3% PO+CP) clusters (<10mm wide) hosted in gabbroic anorthosite and troctolite (30m x 20m, open all directions) |
Borehole geophysics target generation on the Julie Project
A TDEM (Time Domain Pulse EM) geophysics survey was undertaken in October 2021 on three drill holes, JU21-01 (40-490m along hole), JU21-03 (40-490m) and JU21-04 (40-520m) by TMC Geophysics. They used a Crone Pulse EM system. The TDEM readings were completed with a CDR-4 receiver operated in cable synchronization mode. The transmitter Tx loop dimension is 450m x 1100m inside which the 3 drill holes occur. The best-defined anomalies were identified then modeled using the Maxwell software package for which results are provided in the form of thin plates. The next step would be to review the relative interest of each of the modeled plates, according to the available geological information, to establish the most promising drill targets. Six (6) TDEM conductors were identified characterized by well-defined early to mid-time channel off-hole response (Figures 6 and 7). Only one conductor of the six TDEM conductors was drilled (JU21-10, see next chapter) to try to explain the high-priority conductor BHEM- JU213-C. The results of this drilling are in the lab for analysis and not known at the time of writing this document. The other conductors will be drilled in the next phase.
Fig. 6: Julie Project: Location of 2021 Drill holes JU21-01 to 06 and JU21-09 to 11, TDEM borehole conductors, and geophysics loop boundaries
Fig. 7: Julie Project: surface and at depth projection of TDEM conductor panel JU213-1C intercepted by drill hole JU21-10
2021 drilling campaign
Eleven (11) drill holes were completed totaling 4,198 meters of NQ size core. The drilling tested areas of Julie Ni-Cu mineralization area, Trench T9, Bastien and Remous showings (Table 3 and Figures 6 and 8).
Phase 1 of the drilling campaign (5 drill holes JU21-01 to 05 totalized 2,256 m) were primarily drilled for stratigraphy and geophysical borehole surveys. The drill holes are concordant and discordant to the stratigraphy. The drilling campaign was also planned to test for the presence of discordant Ni-Cu mineralization such as feeder pipes or dikes of Ni-Cu-PGE mineralization underlying the Julie Ni-Cu (Zn, Ag) mineralized zone, including Julie T11. The Julie Zone is delimited by historical trenches T1 to T5 oriented N60°E (Figure 3). This zone (1200m x 0.5-3.0m) is located on the margin of a high magnetic anomaly oriented N60°. It is coincident with a regional EM anomaly (from Outokumpu Mines, 1998, fig 3). Only drill holes JU21-01, 03 and 04 were used for the borehole survey.
Phase 2 (6 holes totalized 1,642m) was undertaken to test for continuity at depth and along strike of Ni-Cu and Zn-Ag mineralization at the Bastien, Remous and T9 showings. Only hole JU21-10 targeted one of the high-priority TDEM conductors, JU213-1C. The other borehole TDEM anomalies will be tested in further drilling campaigns.
2021 Drilling Campaign (phases 1 and 2), Julie Project (updated Dec 2021) |
Hole ID |
Coordinates |
Elev. (m) |
Az |
Dip |
Proposed Length (m) |
Drilled Length (m) |
Comment |
UTM_X* |
JU21-01 |
467 773 |
5533986 |
588 |
300° |
-55° |
500 |
504 |
DDH for geophysics in hole Drilled under Julie Tr01 |
JU21-02 |
467 936 |
5534107 |
589 |
325° |
-55° |
500 |
501 |
DDH for geophysics in hole |
JU21-03 |
468 049 |
5534316 |
591 |
140° |
-55° |
500 |
501 |
Stratigraphic and exploration hole |
JU21-04 |
467 500 |
5533768 |
563 |
300° |
-55° |
500 |
534 |
DDH for geophysics in hole |
JU21-05 |
467522 |
5534346 |
562 |
140° |
-55° |
600 |
516 |
Stratigraphic and exploration hole Abandoned at 516m |
JU21-06 |
467329 |
5533601 |
557 |
317 |
-50 |
200 |
225 |
Bastien Ni-Cu Showing |
JU21-07 |
469870 |
5530663 |
455 |
160 |
-50 |
300 |
369 |
Remous Ni-Cu Showing |
JU21-08 |
469870 |
5530663 |
455 |
160 |
-65 |
0 |
99 |
Remous Ni-Cu Showing, Abandoned hole because wrong dip |
JU21-08A |
469870 |
5530663 |
455 |
160 |
-72 |
200 |
201 |
Remous Ni-Cu Showing |
JU21-09 |
467329 |
5533601 |
557 |
317 |
-75 |
150 |
148 |
Same set-up of JU21-06 but dip at -75° |
JU21-10 |
468 049 |
5534316 |
591 |
120 |
-50 |
350 |
351 |
Same set-up of hole JU21-03 targeted on borehole geophysics target JU213-1C (high-priority, 303m) |
JU21-11 |
468 008 |
5535075 |
531 |
150 |
-50 |
250 |
249 |
Old trench TR-09 |
* UTM NAD83, Zone 19 |
4,050 |
4,198m |
Table 3. List of drill holes (NQ) from the 2021 Drilling campaign
Fig 8. Julie Project: location of drill holes JU21-07, 08, 08A (Remous Ni-Cu showing)
Niobium Showing Discovery
Lab analysis results for chosen surface samples collected by the Company's contracted prospecting team from claims located near the municipality of Notre-Dame de Lorette, on the northern flank of the Lac St-Jean in Québec, have returned noticeable grades of niobium from a previously untested carbonatite showing. Two selected carbonatite grab samples were sent for assay by the Company to ALS in Reno, Nevada.
The first sample contained a massive vein of metal, potentially columbium, surrounded by iron oxide-rich carbonatite shell. The second sample showed no metallic veins but contained significant hematite and iron oxides (see picture 2 below).
Picture 2. Chosen Grab Sample from new Niobium Showing
The first sample assayed greater than 0.5% niobium (upper limit of assay technique employed). This sample was collected from the margins of the metallic vein and consisted of mostly wall rock with some obvious disseminated to massive vein material.
The second sample had no metallic minerals present and appeared to be leached of metal. The sample contained low values of niobium (169 ppm) but assayed significant REEs with cesium (2040 ppm), lanthanum (870 ppm), neodymium (1050 ppm), praseodymium (255) and lesser but significant amounts of samarium and yttrium.
The Company believes the values from these samples indicate significant mineral potential depending on the extent of the mineralized area. Work shall be conducted on these claims in the new year to gain a better understanding of their potential.
The information contained in this press release which relates to exploration results from the Julie Project is based on information compiled and collected in the field by Mr. Jean-Paul Barrette Géo/P.Geo, B.Sc. M. Barrette is a project geologist at Magnor Exploration Inc and consultant for St-Georges Eco-Mining Corp.
Mr. Barrette is a member of the Ordre des Géologues du Québec (OGQ) with the membership number OGQ # 619. Mr. Barrette has sufficient experience (37 years) and relevant to the style of mineralization and the type of deposit under study and the activity undertaken to qualify as a competent person as defined by NATIONAL INSTRUMENT 43-101, Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects. Mr. Barrette consents to inclusion in the report of facts based on their information in the form and context in which it appears.
The technical information contained in this report in regard to the Niobium Showing discovery near Notre-Dame-de-Lorette has been reviewed by Roger Ouellet. P. Geo, an independent qualified person as per NI 43-101.
"Frank Dumas"
COO & Director.
About St-Georges Eco-Mining Corp.
St-Georges develops new technologies to solve some of the most common environmental problems in the mining sector, including maximizing metal recovery and full circle EV battery recycling. The Company explores for nickel & PGEs on the Julie Nickel Project and the Manicougan Palladium Project on Quebec's North Shore and has multiple exploration projects in Iceland, including the Thor Gold Project. Headquartered in Montreal, St-Georges' stock is listed on the CSE under the symbol SX and trades on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange under the symbol 85G1 and on the OTCQB Venture Market for early stage and developing U.S. and international companies. Companies are current in their reporting and undergo an annual verification and management certification process. Investors can find Real-Time quotes and market information for the company on
The Canadian Securities Exchange (CSE) has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or the accuracy of the contents of this release.
1 The question currently: Is the Ni-Cu mineralization of Julie T1 concordant or discordant with the orientation of the metasediments, and with the mafic-ultramafic intrusion complex on the surface and at depth?
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