Benzinga Podcasts

Benzinga Podcasts are a collection of various shows Benzinga staff & friends record about the stock market, crypto, life, inspiration and business related stories.

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If You Can Buy Only One Cannabis Stock, Consider This One


$JUSF on the OTC opens their 22nd dispensary. This is their 15th store in Pennsylvania and seventh in that specific area within the state. $NDVAF on the OTC has received a ton of positive sentiment after their strong, strong earnings.


Arkansas medical sales nearing USD 400 million. The amount of marijuana sales in the US over the last 90 days is USD 1.4 billion. USD 1.4 billion is also the taxable cannabis sales in California in Q2.


Your daily guide to cannabis news, industry trends and trade ideas in under 5 mins.  


The DEA seeks to increase federal production limits for both siliciden and marijuana research.More positive news coming out from federal sides and legal sides. NYSE:$YCBD shares closed up 9.3% yesterday, set to launch an e-commerce subscription platform through one of their subsidiaries applied for an agricultural hemp license in Arizona...


Daily Cannabis News and Stock Picks by Benzinga Cannabis


Ohio ballot board votes to approve the statute to regulate marijuana like alcohol as a single issue. The Ohio legislative body has four months to act on this news. Otherwise it will go to Ohio ballots.


Cannabis companies continue to be on the forefront of ESG and treating employees well.


Daily Cannabis News and Stock Picks by Benzinga Cannabis


Daily Cannabis News and Stock Picks by Benzinga Cannabis
