Benzinga Podcasts

Benzinga Podcasts are a collection of various shows Benzinga staff & friends record about the stock market, crypto, life, inspiration and business related stories.

Trade Like a Pro: Benzinga Pro

Markets and  financial news at the close in five minutes or less.

Duration: 00:02:22 More

Markets and  financial news at the close in five minutes or less.

Duration: 00:03:13 More

Markets and  financial news at the close in five minutes or less.

Duration: 00:03:57 More

Daily financial news in five minutes or less. Published every morning before US Markets open. Legal disclaimer: not financial advice, podcast is for entertainment purposes only.

Duration: 00:03:34 More

Daily financial news in five minutes or less. Published every morning before US Markets open. Legal disclaimer: not financial advice, podcast is for entertainment purposes only.

Duration: 00:04:32 More

2.22.21 Episode of Benzinga’s Ring The Bell!


In this episode hosts Spencer Israel and Aaron Bry break down what happened in Thursday’s GameStop hearing and preview what to expect in markets on Friday. Enjoy!


Financial newsletter for your ears.


Spencer Israel delivers you the news you need to know from Monday’s market dip.

Duration: 00:04:15 More

Spencer Israel and Aaron Bry breakdown the market’s correction on Tuesday, as well as analyze Micron’s earnings after the close.Please leave us a review and subscribe if you have not already!

Duration: 00:06:06 More