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Why Buying Gold Is a Political Statement


Bron Suchecki submits:For many people, buying gold is not just an investment, it is a political statement. None makes the case better, I think, than Professor Antal Fekete (see his series of Monetary Economics lectures or Whither Gold). Antal’s work has a strong moral sense, specifically that there is something wrong with the way society works, and a focus on making it better. The best gold advocates (I prefer this term instead of “goldbugs”, which implies emotional irrationality) I feel have this moral element to their work. It takes the form of a belief that fiat currencies, which lack any limits, are detrimental to society.

This concept of limits also appears in two books in my collection that have nothing to do with gold but whose themes support Antal's position: Paul Hawken’s The Ecology of Commerce (1993) and Lewis Mumford’s The Myth of the Machine: The Pentagon of Power (1970).
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