Trump's Difficult Childhood No Excuse For What He Does, Says Niece: 'Deserves None Of Our Compassion ... All Of Our Enmity'

Zinger Key Points
  • Mary Trump has been highly critical of her uncle Donald Trump, opining that Democrats should take a unified approach to keep him at bay.
  • The public should ensure that he "never, ever ascends to any office in which he has power over the lives of the American people," she said.

Donald Trump's niece Mary Trump said in a recent podcast that her uncle’s not-so-healthy childhood shouldn’t be an excuse for his highhandedness and clarified that she has no reason whatsoever to feel sorry for him.

Donald Trump was a scared five-year-old who was raised by a sociopathic father and a mother with a deep personality disorder, Mary Trump revealed on Ken Harbaugh’s “Burn The Boats” podcast on Tuesday.

“Bullies, serial killers, all sorts of horrible people had terrible childhoods. And we should have compassion for that,” she said.

See Also: Donald Trump’s Niece Sees An Eerie Similarity Between 2016 And Now: ‘We Are At A Point Of Potentially No Return’

However, Mary Trump, the host of her own “The Mary Trump Show” podcast, said she also knows plenty of people who had much worse childhoods than her uncle but didn’t have the enormous advantages he had. Those people turned out to be decent, kind, empathetic and productive human beings, she said.

“So, there’s no excuse for what he does and who he’s chosen to become,” the podcaster and psychologist said of her uncle.

“Donald Trump, as he currently exists, deserves none of our compassion and all of our enmity, and we should do everything in our power to make sure that he never, ever ascends to any office in which he has power over the lives of the American people,” she said.

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