Republicans Privately Express Concern Over Trump's Legal Troubles: NBC News


As former President Donald Trump faces federal charges for his post-presidency handling of classified documents, Republicans are privately expressing concerns about the seriousness of his legal woes. Despite public support, some within the party are beginning to question the potential impact on the GOP’s future, NBC News reports.

Private Acknowledgements: While the GOP base has traditionally rallied around Trump, some Republicans are privately expressing doubts. An operative in Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis' orbit acknowledged that the federal charges Trump faces are more serious than previous ones.

Presidential Campaigns: Many of Trump's rivals for the GOP presidential nomination are publicly criticizing the Justice Department while avoiding direct criticism of Trump. However, interviews with more than a dozen Republicans associated with the presidential campaigns, allies, donors, and aides revealed no cohesive strategy for handling a GOP presidential front-runner facing a historic federal indictment.

Trump’s Indictment: Trump pleaded not guilty to 37 federal counts in connection to his alleged improper handling of classified documents and his refusal to return them to the federal government. He is the first former president to face federal criminal charges.

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