Trump Berates Chris Christie As Someone With 'Lot of Hatred' — Former Governor Says Ex-President A Crybaby

Donald Trump on Thursday berated his Republican primary opponent Chris Christie for targeting the former president as the race for White House heats up. 

What Happened: Trump, on America First with Sebastian Gorka, labeled Christie as someone with “a lot of hatred” and said he “never trusted” him. 

See Also: Chris Christie Picks Up Support From Republican Donors, One Billionaire Is Still On The Sidelines

“He made some recommendations that weren't exactly great recommendations. I listened to Chris. I got along with him. He endorsed me like crazy,” Trump said.

“But I didn't trust Chris, I never trusted him, I could never really feel like I could trust him, so I didn't use him, so he's got a lot of hatred. I didn't put him in the administration — I didn't want to, so he's got a lot of hatred,” Trump said.

The ex-president also criticized Christie’s performance as the governor of New Jersey, highlighting his low approval rating upon leaving office in 2018. Trump asserted that Christie’s approval rating was 9% in 2018. However, according to a Rutgers-Eagleton poll, Christie had a 19% approval rating at that time. 

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“So I used to listen to Chris. He would give me advice on things, but I found it to be quite unreliable,” Trump said.

Why It Matters: Amid the escalating competition for the Republican nomination, the duo has been launching a barrage of accusations against each other. 

See Also: Former Trump Attorney Dishes Out Advice To Ex-President In Mar-A-Lago Case: ‘Right To Remain Silent. Use It'

Christie, in a tweet, called Trump a crybaby and loser for threatening to skip primary debates. “Trump says he doesn’t ‘think it’s fair’ for him to have to debate,” Christie said in a tweet. 

“Crybabies and losers say life isn’t fair. And Trump is both. Want to be President? Then get in the ring pal…”

Read Next: Trump Berates Chris Christie For ‘Lonely, Self-Consumed, Self-Serving Mirror Hog’ Comment: ‘Have A Psychological Problem’

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