Time To Move On From Biden And Trump, Who Are 'Past Their Sell-by Dates,' Says Chris Christie: 'Conduct In Both These Families Is Troubling'

Zinger Key Points
  • Chris Christie called voters to join the "75% of Americans" in moving on from Biden and Trump.
  • Christie, who is also a contender in the GOP primary race, has the support of just 3.1% of the voters.

Republican presidential primary candidate Chris Christie took aim at two of his staunchest rivals on either side of the aisle with a scathing comment posted on social media platform X.

What Happened: “Both the [Donald] Trump and [Joe] Biden families are past their sell-by dates in this country,” said Christie on Friday.

“I’m tired of the what about-ism,” he said, adding “the conduct in both of these families is troubling.”

The former New Jersey governor and federal prosecutor called for people to “join the 75% of Americans in moving on from them.”

See Also: Chris Christie Blames Trump’s ‘Swamp’ For GOP Debate Jeers

Why It’s Important: Christie’s comments came as the families of the president and his predecessor face legal challenges. Trump is facing four criminal indictments in both the federal and state courts in connection with his role in the Jan. 6 Capitol Hill riots, in subverting the presidential election in Georgia and in the mishandling of classified documents.

President Joe Biden is currently facing an impeachment inquiry initiated by House Speaker Kevin McCarthy over accusations that he profited from his son Hunter Biden’s foreign business ventures when he was serving as vice president between 2009 and 2017. Hunter was recently indicted on federal firearms charges.

Legal predicaments aside, there has been a widespread thinking that Joe Biden, who is 80 years old, and Trump, who is three years younger than him, are too old to hold public office.

Despite the legal challenges, Trump is still leading the Republican presidential primary race, commanding a 55.5% support among GOP voters, according to FiveThirtyEight, a polling data analytics firm. Christie, who is also a contender, has the support of just 3.1% of the voters.

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