Hunter Biden's Legal Fees Skyrocket — Here's How Much Experts Estimate The President's Son Is Spending

Zinger Key Points
  • Hunter Biden faces potential legal bills of around $1 million each month, according to some legal experts.
  • Multiple lawsuits, including one against the IRS, have contributed to his escalating costs.

Recent speculations are emerging regarding the escalating legal expenses of Hunter Biden, the son of President Joe Biden.

What Happened: With a series of lawsuits in play and top-tier legal representation, some experts believe his monthly outlay could be near $1 million.

In an interview with the New York Post, attorney Alan Dershowitz provided a breakdown of the current fees for premier lawyers in cities like New York and Washington.

"Today the top, top lawyers in New York and Washington bill at around $2,000 an hour for the main counsel and between $1,000 and $1,800 for other partners and the high hundreds for young associates," Dershowitz told the publication. 

Given these figures, the famed attorney estimates that Hunter Biden's legal fees might hover around $1 million monthly if billed at standard commercial rates.

In recent weeks, Hunter Biden has been proactive on the legal front, pursuing those associated with the exposure of his contentious laptop.

Also Read: Authorities Looked Into Charging Hunter Biden With Sex Trafficking Crimes, Says Report

He has filed lawsuits against Rudy Giuliani, the former mayor of New York, and Giuliani's former attorney, Robert Costello. Furthermore, Hunter has taken legal action against former White House staff Garrett Ziegler and the Internal Revenue Service. He's also in litigation with John Paul Mac Isaac, the owner of a Delaware computer repair shop who initially came into possession of the laptop.

While Abbe Lowell of Winston and Strawn is Hunter's lead attorney, several other firms are involved in different capacities, according to the New York Post. Regarding the potential legal costs, Giuliani weighed on and told the New York Post the expenses might tally up to several million dollars this year.

There has been growing curiosity regarding how Hunter has financed his extensive legal endeavors. The New York Post pointed out that his notable income is the $1.3 million he received from art sales to Democratic donors. Giuliani told the newspaper that the legal costs could be footed by concealed funds or perhaps by Kevin Morris, a high-profile entertainment attorney with a history of settling significant bills for Hunter.

Now Read: Emails Suggest Joe Biden May Have Benefited From Hunter's Influence-Peddling

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