The Dark Side Of AI: Deepfake Nude Images Target Students At New Jersey School

Zinger Key Points
  • AI technology was used to create and spread fake nude pictures of female students at a New Jersey high school, sparking controversy.
  • Parents, students, and local authorities debate the legality of such actions and the appropriate punishment.

In an alarming incident, artificial intelligence (AI) was reportedly leveraged to generate and disseminate fake nude pictures of female students at a high school in New Jersey, causing widespread outrage.

What Happened: An unspecified number of students purportedly employed an online AI tool to fabricate the images, which were then shared across group chats, reported The Wall Street Journal.

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The matter came to light on Oct. 20 when a male student alerted some of the girls about the images. This revelation has ignited a heated argument among parents, students, and local law enforcement officials about the legality of such actions and the suitable punishment.

The school acknowledged the incident to the parents via email but did not reveal the number of students implicated or any punitive measures taken, referring to student confidentiality.

Local police are scrutinizing the situation, and a state senator has asked county prosecutors to review the case.

Why It Matters: The New Jersey incident underscores the potential abuse of AI and the necessity for its regulation.

This incident is not isolated, as similar misuse of AI was reported earlier in a Spanish town where deepfake images of minor girls were circulated, causing public fury.

A significant portion of AI-generated fake images are pornographic, and existing laws are finding it difficult to keep up with the rapidly progressing technology.

The fear among parents about their daughters’ futures and their frustration with the unresolved situation is palpable. The debate and its aftermath are projected to persist for months as investigations continue.

Photo by Wright Studio on Shutterstock

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