Trump's Niece Says SCOTUS' Goal Is To Advance GOP's Agenda Of Ensuring Ex-President Is Installed In White House: 'America Cannot Survive This'

Zinger Key Points
  • Mary Trump blames many high-ranking Republicans for working toward rolling back the rights of women and Black Americans back to the 1860s.
  • They not only further their agenda for destroying democracy but also demand to be "richly compensated, she says.

Former President Donald Trump’s niece Mary Trump, on Thursday, slammed the U.S. Supreme Court for what she alleged as “anti-Constitutional rulings and unethical behavior.”

Right-Leaning SCOTUS: Blaming Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) for working on destroying the American democracy, Mary Trump, a clinical psychologist, best-selling author and podcaster, said no elected official has done more to engineer the “white Christian Nationalist super-majority” of the apex court than the senator.

“Their goal, in the short term, is to advance the Republican Party's agenda as long as that means making sure Donald Trump is installed once again in the White House to do their bidding,” she said.

Mary Trump blamed many high-ranking Republicans for working toward rolling back the rights of women and Black Americans back to the 1860s. They not only further their agenda for destroying democracy but also demand to be “richly compensated for their nefarious work,” she said.

To make her case, Mary Trump pointed toward Supreme Court Justices Clarence Thomas, who has been accused of receiving high-value gifts from billionaire donors and Samuel Alito, who she labeled as “Court’s poster boy for putting party before country or constitution.”

The psychologist also weighed in on the New York Times report that said an upside-down flag, traditionally denoting distress, flew in Alito’s Virginia home on Jan. 17, 2021. The report said the flag was similar to the ones brandished by Capitol rioters a week before. She said Donald Trump’s followers “co-opted the upside-down flat to represent ‘Stop the Steal.'”

All this happened at a time, Alito and his colleagues at the Supreme Court were deciding whether or not to take action on the case related to Donald Trump’s efforts to block President Joe Biden’s victory in the 2020 election, she added.

The justice explained it away by saying the flag was put there by his wife in response of a neighbor's use of objectionable and personally insulting language on yard signs, Mary Trump noted.

“Clearly, Alito and his cohort, Clarence Thomas, have no interest in being objective, and they are absolutely and openly and unsurprisingly……on the side of the Insurrectionists,” the blogger said. She also expressed surprise at the Democrats in Congress doing nothing.

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Way Out: Mary Trump said there should be open hearings in the Senate laying out before the people all the “corrupt practices” the super-majority of Chief Justice John Roberts’ court has been engaged in. The corrupt practices include potential lies some of them told to get in the Court, alleged receipt of undeclared gifts by Brett Kavanaugh and the anti-Constitutional decision made by Thomas and Alito, she said.

“The Court as an institution cannot survive these crises. And America cannot survive this Supreme Court,” she added.

She also blamed some Democrats in Congress like Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) for not meeting the urgency of the moment. They are allowing the “authoritarian power of this anti-democratic pro-right-wing to go unchecked,” she said.

“The good news is that the Democratic Party actually does care about defending democracy it's just that many of our leaders haven't caught up with the reality on the ground,” Mary Trump said.

Photo via Wikimedia Commons

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