South Korea Accuses Kim Jong Un's North Korea Of Sending Balloons Filled With Trash And Excrement

South Korea has leveled accusations against North Korea for sending numerous balloons filled with trash and excrement over the heavily fortified border.

What Happened: South Korea has accused North Korea of sending numerous balloons over the fortified border, carrying trash and excrement. Reuters reported that the incident occurred on Wednesday, prompting a military response.

The South Korean military deployed its explosives ordnance unit and chemical and biological warfare response team to inspect and collect the objects. An alert was issued, urging residents to avoid and report any sightings.

By Wednesday, over 150 balloons had been detected, some landing while others remained airborne, local media reported, citing military sources. This action follows a history of South Korean activists sending balloons to the North with critical messages and other items.

Photographs released by the South Korean military showed balloons with plastic bags attached, containing trash and excrement. North Korea’s vice defense minister had previously warned of retaliatory measures, including sending “mounds of waste-paper and filth” to the South.

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The two Koreas maintain large military forces along their border, with North Korea frequently issuing threats. Peter Ward, a research fellow at the Sejong Institute, noted that such tactics carry less risk of uncontrollable military escalation compared to overt actions.

Why It Matters: This incident is the latest in a series of escalating tensions between the two Koreas. In February, Kim Jong Un asserted his nation’s “lawful right” to destroy South Korea, calling it their “primary enemy.” He emphasized that “peace is not something that should be begged.”

Earlier this month, North Korea tested a new rocket launch system, further intensifying its military capabilities. This move was seen as a direct response to perceived threats from the South.

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Photo by Alexander Khitrov on Shutterstock

This story was generated using Benzinga Neuro and edited by Pooja Rajkumari

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Posted In: NewsPoliticsGlobalGeneralBalloonsKim Jong UnNorth KoreaPooja RajkumariSouth Korea
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