Trump Favors Advisors' Plan To End Ukraine-Russia War If Reelected: Report


Advisors to Donald Trump have suggested a strategy to conclude the conflict in Ukraine. The plan, which involves a conditional cessation of U.S. military aid, hinges on Trump’s potential triumph in the upcoming presidential elections.

What Happened: Retired Lt. Gen. Keith Kellogg and Fred Fleitz, both former chiefs of Trump’s National Security Council staff, have proposed a plan to Trump, Reuters reported. The strategy involves Ukraine being informed that it will only receive additional U.S. weapons if it engages in peace negotiations. Concurrently, Moscow would be cautioned that a refusal to negotiate would lead to an increase in U.S. support for Ukraine.

Trump reportedly responded positively to the strategy, which includes a ceasefire based on prevailing battle lines during peace talks.

“I’m not claiming he agreed with it or agreed with every word of it, but we were pleased to get the feedback we did,” Fleitz said.

However, Trump spokesperson Steven Cheung stressed that only statements made by Trump or authorized members of his campaign should be considered official.

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This proposal is the most detailed plan from Trump’s associates so far, indicating a significant shift in the U.S. stance on the war. It is expected to face resistance from European allies and within Trump’s own Republican Party. The core elements of the plan were outlined in a research paper published by the “America First Policy Institute”, where Kellogg and Fleitz hold leadership positions.

The proposal suggests that the promise of NATO membership for Ukraine could be delayed to coax Moscow to the negotiating table. However, some Republicans are hesitant to allocate more resources to Ukraine, given that the U.S. has already spent over $70 billion on military aid for Ukraine since Moscow’s invasion. The Biden campaign has criticized Trump for not standing up to Putin.

Why It Matters: In March, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán revealed that Trump plans to halt all financial aid to Ukraine if he wins the next U.S. presidential election. This plan aligns with Orbán’s revelation.

In April, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy showed openness to Trump’s suggestions for ending the ongoing war in Ukraine.

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This story was generated using Benzinga Neuro and edited by Pooja Rajkumari

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Posted In: NewsPoliticsGlobalGeneralDonald TrumpFred FleitzKeith KelloggPooja RajkumariUkraine-Russia WarVladimir PutinVolodymyr Zelenskyy
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