Tech Stack: What Is It And How To Choose The Right One For Your Web App Project?


By Distant Job

Choosing which tech stack to use is one of the most important decisions you’ll face when building software for application development. A technology stack ensures that the software website or app you are developing will run efficiently. It impacts its speed but also its ability to change and transform in the future. 

In this article, we will take a more in-depth look into what a tech stack is, how it impacts software web apps, and the best models you can choose for your next project. 

The question “what is technology stack” would become essential for your next steps. So, let’s understand the tech stack meaning before diving deep into the modern tech stack models.

When building a web application, you need a back-end server where all the information is processed and passed to the database. Then, you need a front-end server that consists of what your users see and interact with when they visit your web app.

The collection of all languages and tools used on the back end or front-end, along with other tools to create the web application, is known as the technology stack. The competitiveness, viability, and success of your web will depend on choosing the best tech stack for web app as it impacts:

  • Your app functionality

  • Its scalability

  • The application storage

  • Its behaviour 

Modern Tech Stack: Components 

The tech stack for modern web development divides into two parts: front-end and back-end. Each of these categories is also divided into different elements and tools. 

Back-end Tech Stacks

The back end isn't visible to users. It consists of all the behind-the-scenes work of web applications.

The backend stack includes:

  • Programming languages: These create logic for apps and websites. Node.JS, Ruby on Rails, and Java are some of the popular ones.

  • Operating system: The operating system is installed on the server before anything else.

  • Databases: It contains all the information about the user, transactions, products, and other data stored in the database. Some of the most popular ones are MySQL, PostgreSQL, and MongoDB. 

  • Frameworks: Provides support of applications based on a single programming language. It reduces development time by providing templates, structures, and components to build one. Some examples of frameworks are Laravel and Django. 

  • Hosting: A service that allows websites to be published on the internet. 

Front-end Tech Stack

The front-end on the other hand, consists of the client's side of the web application. Everything you see on this website is part of the front-end. 

There are several tools to develop the front-end tech stack. These are some:

  • HTML: Short for Hypertext Markup Language. It’s the code used to structure a web page and its content. This would be in paragraphs, bullet points, images, or data tables.

  • CSS: Short for Cascading Style Sheets, is responsible for the format and layout of the web pages. 

  • JavaScript: Turns HTML components into dynamic objects making the front end more interactive.

  • UI frameworks: React and Angular are some of the most popular -UI frameworks to build existing structures and components.

8 Tech Stack Models

Using the right tech stack for your software product helps you build a stronger foundation to increase the chances of success and profitability. Companies like Facebook, Amazon, and Uber have created their own tech stack based on their needs and goals. And although building your own tech would be ideal, not everyone has the budget or a software development team to focus only on such a task. 

The good news is that modern technology stacks are built and ready to be put into practice by developers. These are the most popular tech stack models today!

  1. LAMP

The LAMP tech stack is known to be the classic of stacks. It has been popular because it offers technologies that allow you to build web apps in a fast and stable manner.

The LAMP acronym stands for:

Linux – Operating system

Apache – HTTP server

MySQL – Relational database management

PHP – Programming language

The LAMP was one of the first open-source software stacks. These are its main features:

  • It can run on any operating system.

  • LAMP can manage dynamic pages updating the content every time it’s loaded.

  • Because LAMP is open-source and non-proprietary, you can choose the components you need depending on your project.

  • It offers a robust platform that is suitable for creating and maintaining large-scale apps.

  1. MERN

The MERN stack consists of a JavaScript Stack that is mainly used for easier and faster deployment of web applications. MERN is made up of 4 technologies: MongoDB, Express.js, React, and Node.js.

One of the biggest benefits developers experience when using MERN is that they can create powerful web applications characterized by having interactive UIs. And the better your UI, the more attractive your website can become. These are MERN’s main features:

  • It’s perfect for full-stack developers because it follows the traditional 3-tier architectural pattern, including the front-end display tier (React.js), application tier (Express.js and Node.js), and database tier (MongoDB).

  • Using MERN allows you to use code on browsers and servers simultaneously.

  • Comes with a pre-built extensive suite of testing tools.

  • You only need to be proficient in JavaScript and JSON to use this tech stack.

  1. MEAN

Mean stack is a free and open-source JavaScript software stack is ideal for building dynamic and interactive web applications/sites.

MEAN’s main features:

  • All of the MEAN components use JavaScript; therefore, applications can be written in one language for both front-end and back-end. In other words, this stack is useful when working as a full-stack developer.

  • The applications of the MEAN stack are suitable for cloud hosting since they are flexible and scalable.

  • Supports the MVC (Model View Controller) architecture to make the development process more efficient. 

  • MEAN is one of the fastest open source stacks for developing frameworks, and it contains many tools and plugins that help developers reduce time and optimize their workflow.

  1. Python

Python has become very popular for tech stack developers because of its usage for machine learning and data science. Now, it’s one of the fastest-growing languages.

Python features: 

  • It has many modern and powerful features.

  •  It can be used for building web applications by using the popular Django web framework.

  • It’s a dynamically typed language

  • It has a large community that supports it

  1. Flutter  

The Flutter stack is an open-source software development program suitable for Android, iOS, Mac, Windows, Web, and Linux applications from a single codebase. 

Flutter’s main features:

  • Suitable for different operating systems

  • Great documentation and resources. 

  • Efficient performance

  • One of Flutter’s highlights is its ability to create great UI designs for both Android and iOS. 

  • It has a mid-learning curve making it easier than other tech stacks to learn.

  1. MEVN

Yes, MEVN is exactly like MEAN and MERN, only that instead of using Angular or ReactJS, it uses Vue.js.

Over the past years, Vue.js has gained popularity because it incorporates both Angular and React’s best features. To sum it up, the MEVN stack contains software components that are used to design both front-end and back-end development to improve your website or application functionality.

MEVN’s main benefits:

  • It uses a single language (JavaScript) 

  • It’s easy to learn, and it delivers a clear programming style.

  • It’s the best tech stack for full-stack developers using mainly Vue.js

  • It’s used to design efficient front-end and back-end components and improve your web application performance.

  1. Ruby on Rails Tech Stack 

Ruby on Rails is an open-source and object-directed web development stack. It uses Ruby, a dynamic programming language, and it helps developers simplify the entire development process. Any server-side web app written in Ruby requires less knowledge to work on. 

The Ruby on Rails tech stack consists of different libraries, software packages, and utilities that help reduce the overall time in a product’s creation. Additionally, RoR allows default structure for web pages and database management, and it provides developers with a detailed error log that helps them create bug-free applications. 

Ruby on Rails main features: 

  • Has many helpful tools and libraries to build web applications.

  • It has an active community.

  • It works efficiently with JavaScript, HTML, CSS to create UIs and XML or JSON for data transfer. 

  • Automated testing

  • It has a localization feature that helps developers integrate their pre-design code into the RoR framework for a bigger project. 

You know the most popular choices available for you in the technology stack world. Now the question is, why is it important to choose the right tech stack for your web application?

How to Choose the Right Tech Stack for Your Web App Project?

All the tech stacks explained above are useful and contain great features. However, its effectiveness relies on what you use them for. 

Before making a decision, analyze your project, and understand the main purpose. Here are four factors that will help you decide which is the right tech stack for your project:

1. Scalability

First, you must think big. Scalability is one of the factors that may be a rocket launcher for you.

Ask yourself some questions that are relevant to your project. For example, How big will your project grow?

They say it’s better to start small and then go big. However, now it’s the other way around. If you build software that is not scalable when your business grows, it will fail with time because you didn’t prepare for that growth.

2.  Your Web App’s Complexity

Not every web application has the same level of complexity. And before choosing the best tech stack, you need to define what type of web app you want to build. This will help you identify your needs easily and understand what tools and technologies will help you achieve your ideal app. 

There are mainly two types of web projects:

  • Static Web Apps

  • Dynamic Web Apps

3.  Audience and Speed

Keep in mind your project’s audience.

When thinking of the audience, other facts start to appear. For example, it’s equally important to consider the best technology stack that makes your users great UI (user experience). tools that will generate great feedback. 

Speed is also another factor that becomes fundamental. Your web app has to fulfill your audience’s needs, and if these have a trillion things to do daily, they won’t stand it.

4. Security

There is no way you’re going online as a banking app without considering your users’ security and data protection. You can build the security on your own or look for a library or framework that does the job. Search for a security framework that does the job for you.

You have now identified critical points that you must think of. The next step is to look for technologies that suit your needs in scalability, end-user, and security.  When you have already figured out these aspects, and other essential criteria for your project, then you can choose between these top tech stacks to build your project successfully.


Regardless of the tech stack, you choose for your app, you should focus on your software application project and how to choose the best choice for your development. 

Keep the four fundamentals to choose the adequate tech stack for your project, and you’ll do great. Scalability, complexity, audience and speed, and security will become your life saviors when selecting the best technology stack for your web app development. Then, you’ll have it evaluate your performance and enjoy its outcomes! 

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