In this episode, Jon discusses the potential rescheduling of cannabis from Schedule I to Schedule III and the implications it would have for the industry. He also highlights the importance of the Farm Bill 2023 and its potential impact on the market. Jon covers federal news, state news from Florida, Virginia, Minnesota, and New York, as well as business news and international news from Germany and Thailand.


-The potential rescheduling of cannabis from Schedule I to Schedule III could have significant implications for the industry, including the elimination of 280E and increased access to banking services.

-The Farm Bill 2023, which was supposed to be passed in 2023 but has been delayed, is a crucial piece of legislation that could shape the future of the industry. -States like Florida, Virginia, Minnesota, and New York are expected to make significant progress in cannabis legalization.

-The cannabis industry is facing challenges in terms of oversupply and market compression, but there are also opportunities for growth and investment.

-Germany is a key player in the European cannabis market, and there are ongoing discussions about comprehensive cannabis reform in the EU.

-Thailand's decision to backtrack on cannabis legalization highlights the need for careful regulation and oversight in the industry.

-The psychedelics industry is experiencing rapid growth, with more states legalizing the use of psychedelics for therapeutic purposes.


00:00 Introduction and Background

03:13 Playing Tokadamus or Smokadamus for 2024

06:25 Highlight Story: Potential Rescheduling of Cannabis

10:24 Golden Nugget Story: Farm Bill 2023

15:39 Federal News: Safe Banking Act

17:40 State News: Florida

19:09 State News: Virginia

20:09 State News: Minnesota

20:39 State News: New York

24:08 Business News

25:08 International News: Germany

26:08 International News: Thailand

28:08 Psychedelics News

29:37 Conclusion


