Umica A. Anderson
Diversity Equity & Inclusion Manager & Office Manager
Rodney N. Anello
EA, Senior Manager, Tax Accounting Group
Brett D. Arnold
Business Development Director
Ellen C. Auwarter
Marketing & Business Development Manager
Luke J. Bartlinski, CPA, MST
Manager, Tax Accounting Group
Michael R. Bartosik, CPA, CFP
Senior Manager, Tax Accounting Group
Chanel N. Bell
Director of Human Resources
Joann I. Camm,CPA
Senior Manager, Tax Accounting Group
Thomas Davies
Senior Communications Manager
Michelle A. DiMeo
Senior Conflicts and Business Intake Compliance Counsel
Brendan M. Finley
Conflicts and Business Intake Compliance Counsel
John I. Frederick,JD, LLM
Manager, Tax Accounting Group
Hallie S. Garrison
Marketing & Business Development Manager
Nathaniel N. Gates
Conflicts and Business Intake Compliance Counsel
Michael A. Gillen
Director, Tax Accounting Group
Andrea K. Guldalian
Director of Library & Research Services
Vincent M. Hannigan
EA, Senior Manager, Tax Accounting Group
Ashley E. Hellinger
Senior Conflicts and Business Intake Compliance Counsel Philadelphia Admitted, Pennsylvania
Cate Hewett
Conflicts and Business Intake Compliance Counsel
Vivian Jin
Staff Accountant, Tax Accounting Group
Mary Beth Lee, CPA, CFE
Senior Manager,Tax Accounting Group
Michael J. Lee, MBA, CFA
Senior Analyst,Tax Accounting Group
Thomas Maag
Staff Accountant, Tax Accounting Group
Thomas Mancuso
Senior Accountant, Tax Accounting Group
Amee R. McKim
Director of Legal Recruitment and Development
Mark P. Messing
Chief Marketing Officer
Galina Morgovsky
Manager, Tax Accounting Group
Charles J. O'Donnell
Chief Operating Officer
Aaron M. Olk
Senior Accountant, Tax Accounting Group
Steven M. Packer
Senior Manager, Tax Accounting Group
Bryan J. Pennock,CPA, MST
Manager, Tax Accounting Group
Barbara A. Ruth
CPA, JD, Senior Manager, Tax Accounting Group
Ashley Scharadin
Staff Accountant, Tax Accounting Group
Sean R. Schoppy
EA, MBA, Supervisor, Tax Accounting Group
Daniel Sheeran
Chief Financial Officer
Barry S. Silver
Director of Office Services
Peggy Simoncini Pasquay
Senior Manager of Legal Recruitment and Relations
Gregory G. Smith
CPA, MST, Manager, Tax Accounting Group
John J. Sroka
Chief Information Officer
Frederick J. Strittmatter
Director of Real Estate and Facilities
Stanley Todd
CPA, MBA, Senior Manager, Tax Accounting Group
Richard C. Unger
Jr., Special Counsel, Business Development
Theodor J. van Stephoudt
Charles J. O'Donnell
Chief Operating Officer
Chanel N. Bell
Director of Human Resources
Michael A. Gillen
Director, Tax Accounting Group
Andrea K. Guldalian
Director of Library & Research Services
Amee R. McKim
Director of Legal Recruitment and Development
Mark P. Messing
Chief Marketing Officer
Daniel Sheeran
Chief Financial Officer
Barry S. Silver
Director of Office Services
John J. Sroka
Chief Information Officer
Frederick J. Strittmatter
Director of Real Estate and Facilities


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