Low Latency Technology Fires Forward

The news that came through this week that Layer42 Networks has extended its fiber optic network to the DuPont Fabros Technology (
) data center in Santa Clara, CA, only serves to highlight how fast the low latency connectivity industry is growing. Layer42 Networks is a San Fran-based company that provides fiber-optic-based network solutions. According to an article in the
Sacramento Bee
, “DFT's tenants will benefit from ultra low-latency connectivity to key peering exchanges and carrier hotels through a protected fiber network. DFT's Santa Clara data center is now connected to five of the major carrier hotels and subsea landings on the west coast and twenty of the Bay area's most popular legacy data centers.” "We're thrilled to partner with Layer42 in our new Santa Clara data center. Layer42 has been providing top-quality services to their customers for over a decade providing unique routes and ultra low-latency connectivity. Layer42 Networks will assist us in providing an ideal data center experience for our tenants as we attract new clients looking for an expert partner with high quality network solutions," said Paul Hopkins, DFT's Regional Vice President of Sales & Leasing. This news comes barely a month after Anova Technologies, which specializes in custom fiber and low latency networks, announced that it was to turn up the industry's fastest fiber span between 300 Blvd E and 111 8th. According to a statement on the
PR News Channel
, “This mission critical corridor, with SLAs tightly tied to leading-edge latencies, will be 25% faster than all current and existing routes; a reduction verifiable via Anova's advanced OTDR and RFC 2544 testing.” “We've exclusively secured the shortest physical distance between these two POPs,” stated Michael Persico, CEO and founder of Anova Technologies. “This is just another example of the specialized and intimate knowledge that drives our team to dig deeper and evolve our routes for optimized distance. Our exclusive focus on this area is why we consistently deliver competitive advantages to our clients in their pursuit of zero latency.” By cutting out the delays, low latency connectivity can get information to traders as fast as possible. Obviously, by shaving milliseconds off of the time it takes to receive numbers, pennies can be shaved off of prices. This is how traders are looking to get a jump ahead. Kieran Athy, CTO of Anova Technologies said, “Zero latency is what fuels our engineering mandate to constantly innovate and advance technology… basically score wins with faster and faster trading routes. This is one of the things that made joining a focused firm like Anova so exciting. By the time the large telecomm providers can even initiate our level of engineering implementation, we've improved the technology so much that its original incarnation is nearly obsolete.” On the Anova website, a statement reads, “After all, technology should exist to serve the business, to generate ROI and simplify processes. Too often, it manifests into its own entity with overbearing needs, diluted goals and cumbersome systems. Anova focuses on creative ways to bring this circumstance back to harmony.” Amen to that.
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