Analyzing Western Asset High Income's Ex-Dividend Date


Western Asset High Income HIX declared a dividend payable on July 1, 2021 to its shareholders as of May 18, 2021. It was also announced that shareholders of Western Asset High Income's stock as of June 23, 2021 are entitled to the dividend. The stock is expected to become ex-dividend 1 business day(s) before the record date. Western Asset High Income, which has a current dividend per share of $0.05, has an ex-dividend date scheduled for June 22, 2021. That equates to a dividend yield of 8.17% at current price levels.

The Significance Of An Ex-Dividend Date

Ex-dividend dates are when company shares stop trading with their current dividend payouts in preparation for those companies to announce new ones. Usually, a company's ex-dividend date falls one business day before its record date. Investors should keep this in mind when purchasing stocks because buying them on or after ex-dividend dates does not qualify them to receive the declared payment. Newly declared dividends go to shareholders who have owned that stock before the ex-dividend date. Most ex-dividend dates operate on a quarterly basis.

Understanding Western Asset High Income's Dividend Payouts And Yields

Over the past year, Western Asset High Income has seen its dividend payouts remain the same and its yields trend downward. Last year on April 22, 2021 the company's payout sat at $0.05, which has returned to its value today. Western Asset High Income's dividend yield last year was 8.45%, which has since decreased by 0.28%.
Companies use dividend yields in different strategic ways. Some companies may opt to not give yields altogether to reinvest in themselves. Other companies may opt to increase or decrease their yield amounts to control how their shares circulate throughout the stock market.

Click here to find details on Western Asset High Income's previous dividends.

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