Devon Energy DVN has outperformed the market over the past 90 days by 51.54%, generating a 52.25% return for its investors over the time period. Now, given this information, it may seem like price appreciation alone is the best way to have made money on this stock, that's not actually the case.
This is because Devon Energy has been paying out a regular cash dividend every year over the past 20 years. Investors who fail to account for dividends are missing a key ingredient in calculating a stock's profitability over time.
Visualizing Devon Energy's Return Over Last 20
By looking at the price chart of DVN's common stock one can see that price appreciation alone misses a fair bit of value if one's considering holding the stock for a long period of time. This is the case for other equities too; check out all Benzinga's dividend data here or in an enhanced view on Benzinga Pro.
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