Christie 'Living Rent-Free' In Trump's Head After Former President Pokes Fun Of Him

Zinger Key Points
  • Trump shared a photo of Christie sleeping on a plane: "Resting after a good 25 minutes of work!"
  • Christie jabbed back at Trump via Twitter: "Living rent-free in Donald's head. Make me a permanent resident."

Former President Donald Trump and former New Jersey GOP Gov., Republican presidential candidate Chris Christie seem to be at a fresh loggerhead.

On Friday, Christie joked that he's "living rent-free" in Trump's head after the former president shared a photo on Truth Social of his 2024 presidential primary opponent sleeping on a plane.

"Resting after a good 25 minutes of work!" Trump quipped.

In response to Trump's post, Christie countered by sharing Trump's post on Twitter, while encouraging donations to his campaign.

Ever since announcing his candidacy for the 2024 Republican nomination earlier this month, Christie, who was once an ally of Trump and even ran against him in 2016, has been criticizing the former president.

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Earlier on Friday, in an interview with the Financial Times, Christie said Trump "admires strongmen" and wishes he could be "Putin in America."

"I think we see a pretty consistent pattern of him wishing he was a dictator, wishing he could be Putin in America. That's what's dark to me about it. That's what he really wants. He wants to be a dictator," Christie said.

Last week, amid reports of Trump redirecting donations from his 2024 presidential campaign to a political action committee used to cover his legal expenses, Christie openly criticized the former president. This move has surprised and unsettled donors who had intended to contribute to Trump's campaign.

Christie called the ex-president "the cheapest S.O.B. I've ever met in my life."

"What Donald Trump is good at is spending other people's money," Christie said.

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Images: Shutterstock

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